Shawn Nelson is a political fraud and is the gift that keeps on giving and all in a bad way folks.
During the latter part of late night meeting of the May 1, 2018 Fullerton City Council , Shawn Nelson’s Darling the most notorious council member in history, 2 term RINO, Agenda 21, public employee union hack, stack and pack high density housing creep, forced irradiator, cell tower deployer, Shawn Nelson golden girl Jennifer Fitzgerald, in a move designed to allow for the theft of public property from the citizens and hand it over to a crooked evil church that she is cozy with,
Fitzpringle Fitzgerald motioned for the city council to eliminate Fullerton’s Library Board of Trustees and handing over total power and control over the vast assets of the library to the City council itself. This would eliminate all public oversight and guarantee malfaesance to continue as it relates to this issue.
“I do want to bring the library board code sections up to date. I want to add to that we institute a new organizational structure for the library board that calls for the appointment of the city council members to serve as the trustees to the library board and to form a library advisory commission.” Fitzpringle
The Bushala puppets Seaborn and Whitaker were totally silent on this proposal because they are in on this fraud as well.
This proposal with the help of Fullerton’s corrupt city attorney, Dick Jones,

Fullerton city attorney Dick Jones up on the dais during a council meeting’ He never misses a meal but does plenty of sleeping on the job because the work he does is only when no one is looking
was designed to provide a covert mechanism and an end run around state law that protect such public treasures from such proposed outright theivery.
State law makes it illegal to dismantle the library board of Trustees so their crooked solution is to appoint themselves as Trustees so they can sell off our assets to grease the palms of the dirtbag political powerhouses in town such as the greedy corrupt Grace Ministries cabal and the rest of their cronies.
#1 by Anonymous on May 6, 2018 - 2:56 pm
Women are completely the problem. They have been totally manipulated by the media and everything else and they are leaving their children to raise themselves so they are left with absolutely no nurturing or guidance. Not to mention discipline because not only have they left their children to raise themselves but they also ran the father out of the picture because women don’t need men anymore. Just one more thing to add to the mountain of problems women are adding to their children that they are sending out in the world they have absolutely no discipline because mom didn’t need dad. And their too blind to see how much they are being manipulated and doing exactly what the elite agenda is trying to make women do. Women were the easy target they are gullible and naive and a easy way to destroy a functional family home that raised functional children and sent functional adults out into the world. They don’t want anyone to be functional because it threatens their power if anyone actually thought for themselves and had a drop of inner strength. so they went after women to manipulate them to destroy the family structure and it worked. They exploited women’s strength and made them think it was a weakness and they were far too easy to manipulate. Now women just need to wake up but it’s prob too late or their pride won’t let them realize they were wrong.