In 2014, a conspiracy theory is nothing more than imbecilic vernacular for an inconvenient truth. This is the reader’s digest version of what I believe this is all about. Yup, these control freaks in academia and media tell us that we humans are trashing the planet while the air has never been cleaner, that geo-engineering/chemtrail induced drought and extreme weather , ehhm, I mean climate change is upon us, there is not enough land in the hands of the BLM (the 640 million acres off limits to development in the US alone) ehhm, I mean there is not enough land left in the compact cities, and that the sky is falling because the plant food levels, ehhm I mean the Co2 levels are way too high. Almost every tree for a 100 miles in any direction in the So Cal garden of Eden climate that are planted by virtually every municipality and homeowner is not fruit bearing along with their roundup sprayed inedible landscapes and we wonder how or why we could run out of food? Yes the fluoridated water must be beneficial, sunlight exposure is dangerous, mercury vapor compact fluorescent lighting is the source of vitality and circadian rhythm renewal, carbonated toxic sweetener bone and tooth dissolving colas out of a silver colored can are a silver bullet, and wires are evil and wireless devices are a godsend. And you take this con job hook line and sinker. Yes it begs the question: do they cull out in the open or clandestinely? You actually think they are gonna let you collect on that pension as they fish out the king crab stocks just so and yours can go Norwegian cruising the globe and stuff your faces at the buffet?
Look gang, when the TV is full of cesspool sitcoms, blithering idiot talk show hosts peddling the latest and greatest insult to your intelligence, lying baboon politicians, replete with vampire soft porn kinky movies, bloodlust, bloodletting, hit pieces that call booze fine spirits, pill commercials, satanic children’s cartoons, and mindless endless bullshit sports diversions, with the pickpocket preachers on Sunday mornings watering it down like they do with the well drinks at happy hour bringing up the rear, you know the hour is late. Here it is right here folks. Step right up and read all about it. Actually just point, click, and listen. Amazingly, as you will see, that is how they intend to return this planet back to the wolves, as you paint with all the colors of the wind. Yes, literally with the click of a mouse, literally.
Once you are done with the 7 plus minutes, join me here:
for an in depth expose on the nefarious hidden in plain view exploits of some of the most popular personalities on the planet. You will not be disappointed. I personally guarantee it.
#1 by web of lies on May 8, 2014 - 8:29 am
“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”
– Dresdin James
#2 by Susan on May 8, 2014 - 9:42 am
Mr. Imbriano, you are an amazing individual. Tuesday night was equally compelling. I wish you success. You are truly on the right side.
#3 by loser on May 8, 2014 - 1:40 pm
Come on Joe. What do you have to gain by all of this discord you are sowing and all of the time energy and effort that goes into it? The technology has been deemed safe by Federal regulators as well as State and local officials. What is your beef?
I mean really, you have abruptly removed your children from school and placed yourself at odds with everyone who is somebody in your community. What do you attempt to accomplish by all of this? I feel sorry for you, especially your wife and children.
#4 by Jamie on May 8, 2014 - 4:28 pm
Even if Joe were not part of this picture, the rest of us would work to bring this issue to light. Once you read the literature and understand what is at stake here, the health and well being of thousands of children. As a human being you cannot let this go. I know of at least 3 other parent groups in this state, alone, that will not let this go. Perhaps you should ask them “what is your beef?”
“The technology has been deemed safe by Federal regulators as well as State and local officials. What is your beef?” To restate what has already been elucidated many times on this blog, the so-called federal regulators are the FCC. The FCC has not updated their “guidelines,” in 18 years. Furthermore, they completely ignore non-thermal biological effects. So, when the state and local officials points to the FCC guidelines, that means nothing except they are wanting to use these useless FCC to put an iPad in every hand.
I can’t answer for Joe, but I know that it was painful for he and his family to uproot the children and put them in a safe environment. When FSD makes public school conditional on exposure to a Class 2b (now 2a probable and also 1 known) carcinogen, you have no choice but to remove your children. Oh, and there was nothing abrupt about it. For almost a year’s time, Joe had been trying to work with them to shut off the wireless radiation.
Who are the “somebodies” that he has placed himself at odds with? Knowing Joe and his wife, they are not going to put association with “somebodies” ahead of the health of their children. I guess you would. You would choose “somebodies” affiliation over your kids.
Obviously, those of us involved in this effort want safe, wired technology for all of the children and we will keep working towards that end.
Save your sorrow for the FSD children, now 6 + months in classrooms with wireless radiation emissions that rival the microwave weaponry used by the Russians against US embassy employees during the Cold War. look it up
You, as many others, seem too preoccupied with the messenger, instead of looking at the information and erring on the side of caution. Loser, do you want the children irradiated? What’s your problem? Don’t you like children?
#5 by amateur night on May 8, 2014 - 4:39 pm
Like Joe says, the joke’s on your kids, not his.