In 2014, a conspiracy theory is nothing more than imbecilic vernacular for an inconvenient truth. This is the reader’s digest version of what I believe this is all about. Yup, these control freaks in academia and media tell us that we humans are trashing the planet while the air has never been cleaner, that geo-engineering/chemtrail induced drought and extreme weather , ehhm, I mean climate change is upon us, there is not enough land in the hands of the BLM (the 640 million acres off limits to development in the US alone) ehhm, I mean there is not enough land left in the compact cities, and that the sky is falling because the plant food levels, ehhm I mean the Co2 levels are way too high. Almost every tree for a 100 miles in any direction in the So Cal garden of Eden climate that are planted by virtually every  municipality and homeowner is not fruit bearing along with their roundup sprayed inedible landscapes and we wonder how or why we could run out of food?  Yes the fluoridated water must be beneficial, sunlight exposure is dangerous, mercury vapor compact fluorescent lighting is the source of vitality and circadian rhythm renewal, carbonated toxic sweetener bone and tooth dissolving colas out of a silver colored can are a silver bullet, and wires are evil and wireless devices are a godsend. And you take this con job hook line and sinker. Yes it begs the question: do they cull out in the open or clandestinely? You actually think they are gonna let you collect on that pension as they fish out the king crab stocks just so and yours can go Norwegian cruising the globe and stuff your faces at the buffet?

Look gang, when the TV is full of cesspool sitcoms, blithering idiot talk show hosts peddling the latest and greatest insult to your intelligence, lying baboon politicians, replete with vampire soft porn kinky movies, bloodlust, bloodletting, hit pieces that call booze fine spirits, pill commercials, satanic children’s cartoons, and mindless endless bullshit sports diversions, with the pickpocket preachers on Sunday mornings watering it down like they do with the well drinks at happy hour bringing up the rear, you know the hour is late. Here it is right here folks. Step right up and read all about it. Actually just point, click, and listen. Amazingly, as you will see, that is how they intend to return this planet back to the wolves, as you paint with all the colors of the wind. Yes, literally with the click of a mouse, literally.


Once you are done with the 7 plus minutes, join me here:

for an in depth expose on the nefarious hidden in plain view exploits of some of the most popular personalities on the planet. You will not be disappointed. I personally guarantee it.

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  1. #1 by Anonymous on October 29, 2014 - 10:22 pm

    Most depressing. There was a ruling which was adopted by FCC on Oct. 17th, 2014. Anyone who questions what Tom Wheeler is capable of at that agency needs to just look at the rah-rah language of this document and the rationales. DAS is as bad as smart meters re: a new layer of ubiquitous RF. Creates significant harmonics on lines, too. This ruling essentially guts any local/state control over DAS systems. Note in the Executive Summary, p. 15, #31 how they include in the DAS definition transceivers located at hub sites (cell towers). Although this ruling may reduce the number of new macrocells, it is also a backdoor to further preempt local tower siting control if DAS is part of the system. Very clever. This ruling also now excludes colocation of new systems on towers and buildings from further local review. That means wherever a tower or roof-mounted antennas already exist, anything can pile on without additional state or local control. Add to this the fact that no one monitors for compliance with FCC standards, and the problem is obvious. With this ruling, DAS is now categorically excluded by FCC from RF, NEPA, and Historical Preservation review, and Environmental Impact Statements. In hilly terrain where people were finding some RF-free zones, DAS will fill that in, quite cheaply for the telecoms. Note in the beginning how AT&T and Verizon are shifting to DAS. It was because of this pending ruling that AT&T put many cell tower proposals in abeyance. Their macrocells will be more carefully chosen now but the tools to challenge a bad site have just been neutered at the federal level. This industry has been salivating for these waivers for a long time. They needed Wheeler, more public pressure for coverage, and the tech embrace of DAS by the big players (prior they only liked towers which no longer can handle the traffic) to get it. And with the FCC reviewing its RF standards with a likelihood of making them more lenient, they will have what they want. Macro and mico-cells will be able to put out more RF, less substantive review and/or ability to challenge in court, and no one can stop it without direct legal challenges to the FCC — not easy to do.. And the industry got it with no liability to themselves. This is what happens when RF is waived off the table.

    DAS stands for Distributed Antenna System — cell service provided via lots of small antennas mounted on utility poles or attached to buildings. They work off of macro cells (towers or roof-mounted arrays) and boost signals along corridors or deep city canyons where signals can’t reach. This was a big win for them. DAS antennas are placed every 3-5 utility pole apart and each puts out 1W. Add them up along any roadway and that’s a lot of RF. But then FCC takes no cumulative exposures into consideration. No DAS antenna should be mounted within 1000′ of a dwelling or business. One thing I forgot to point out is that municipalities and planners will think this is victory for them too and not understand the further erosion of local control. If seen strictly from an aesthetic perspective, this ruling reduces “ugly” towers but it brings RF that much closer to the population and is now categorically excluded from BOTH local review AND FCC licensing, even though it is heavy-duty infrastructure. Think of DAS as a cell tower without the lattice work or tall pole of a supporting tower, which in fact gets RF high and farther away from people. The safest cell infrastructure is tall towers (@150′) placed at least 1500′ from dwellings/businesses with regular RF monitoring, and far fewer providers in the name of “market competition.” This is one sector that begs for government-owned monopoly of infrastructure with service providers competing for access to customers on one network, preferably CADMA. Instead, they all have their own spectrum, infrastructure, network designs, political apparatus, and separate business plans — it’s nuts.

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