The Green Party Platform-By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Below you have the 2012 Green Party Platform

Please go to Item I. Democracy Section D. Foreign Policy, A Real Road to Peace in the Middle East. Incredibly the only foreign country on the face of the map that the Green Party criticizes at all is Israel.

No negative comments about Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria or Cuba. No comments about how much support is given by Iran to terrorists throughout the world.

As we, the sane world suffers another Islamist terrorist attack on a humor magazine in Paris executing 12 innocents and injuring many others, the Green Party remains silent on this deadly threat to freedom loving peoples throughout the world.

Reading the Green Party Platform, one might conclude that they believe if only Israel would no longer be a Jewish State, the world would be a much better place. Isn’t it ironic that under the broad heading of Democracy the Green Party chooses to criticize the only Democracy in the Middle East?

In my humble opinion, it is their irrational foreign policy position that makes the Green Party irrelevant to the vast majority of Americans and makes them unelectable on the national stage.

2012 Green Party Platform
adopted July 2012, Baltimore, Maryland
A. Political Reform
B. Community
• Families and Children
• Alternative Community Service
C. Free Speech and Media Reform
D. Foreign Policy
• Peace and Disarmament
• A Real Road to Peace in the Middle East
• Foreign Policy – Trade
• Human Rights
• Women’s Rights
• Puerto Rican Independence
E. Domestic Security
F. Demilitarization and Exploration of Space
A. Civil Rights and Equal Rights
• Women’s Rights
• Racial Discrimination
• Indigenous Peoples
• Justice for Native Hawaiians: Kanaka Maoli
• Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
• Rights of the Disabled
• Religious Freedom and Secular Equality
• Youth Rights
• GI and Veterans’ Rights
• Consumer Protection
B. Environmental Justice
C. Economic Justice / Social Safety Net
D. Welfare: A Commitment to Ending Poverty
E. Education and the Arts
• Education
• The Arts
F. Health Care
• Single-Payer Health Care
G. Labor
H. Criminal Justice
• Alternatives to Incarceration
• Prison Conditions, Prisoner Treatment and Parolees
• Criminal Justice Reform
I. Population
J. Immigration / Emigration
K. Housing and Homelessness
• Renters/Tenants’ Rights
• Rent Control
• Preserve and Increase Affordable Housing Supply
• Fair Housing
• Measures to Address Homelessness
A. Climate Change
• Strong International Climate Treaty
• Economic Policy for a Safer Climate
• Repay Our Climate Debt
• More Efficiency and Conservation
• Clean, Green Energy and Jobs
• Clean, Green Agriculture
B. Energy
• Encourage Conservation
• Move to Renewable Sources
• Eliminate dirty and dangerous energy sources
• Decentralize the Grid
• Re-localize the Food System
• Electrify the Transportation Sysrtem
• Requirements for Energy Transition
C. Nuclear Issues
D. Transportation
• Pedestrians and Bicyclists
• Mass Transit
• Motor Vehicles
• Air Travel
• Freight
E. Zero Waste, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
F. Clean Air and Ozone Depletion
G. Land Use
• Land Ownership and Property Rights
• Urban Land Use
• Rural Land Use
• Public Lands
H. Water
I. Agriculture
J. Biological Diversity
K. Ethical Treatment of Animals
L. Forestry Practices
M. Ocean Protection
A. Ecological Economics
B. Measuring Economic Health
C. Curbing Corporate Power
D. Livable Income
E. Fair Taxation
• Cut Taxes for Wage Workers
• Fair Taxes for Corporations and the Wealthy
• Eco-Taxes to Help Save the Planet
• Other tax reforms
F. Local Economic Development
G. Small Business and the Self-Employed
H. Work and Job Creation
I. Banking and Insurance Reform
• Banking Reform
• Monetary Reform (Greening the Dollar)
• Insurance Reform
• Broader Financial Industry Reforms
J. Pension Reform
K. Anti-trust Enforcement
L. Advanced Technology and Defense Conversion
• Telecommunications
• Open Source Software
• Nanotechnology
M. National Debt

  1. #1 by Green party on January 7, 2015 - 2:32 pm

    Total frauds. No chance at anything. Total phonies.

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