The Fullerton School District Refuses To Correct Their Erroneous Message To All District Families About The Impact Of The Repeal Of Fullerton Ordinance No. 3149 (The Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act).

  1. #1 by Anonymous on June 30, 2017 - 9:48 pm

    moved to Napa with my wife and did alittle research about the State of our local schools. Its a mess. Same issues as we all know too well. The District just swept $12mm from their operating budget to pay for unfunded pensions – thats a huge number for this District and of course got my attention. Then they laid off dozens of newer teachers – as their revenue is flat or faltering because their performance against Statewide testing is abysmal and they can’t ” fill the seats” – as parents are taking their kids to private or charter schools. Meanwhile, the % of non English speaking kids overwhelm teaching resources and drags down net performance rankings at the expense of US kids’ education. And the cycle repeats itself. That said, we have many farmers here who need workers
    – but a massive % of these kids aren’t farming. Looking further, I found this nugget. Look at the % growth they expect to have taxpayers pay for the expected increased pensions over the next 5 years tp CALPERS and CALSTERS..its in the high teens and goes over 20% ANNUALLY.

    • #2 by Anonymous on August 12, 2017 - 11:25 am

      Layoffs have begun in LAUSD. Computers are taking over. The teaching profession is dead. All that will be left is the shell of a para military organization with a heirearchy similar to the Vatican.

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