The Fullerton School District Refuses To Correct Their Erroneous Message To All District Families About The Impact Of The Repeal Of Fullerton Ordinance No. 3149 (The Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act).

  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on June 27, 2017 - 9:54 am

    S. Dominguez your comments shows how dangerous having a little knowledge can be in the public arena.

    My point over and over again was that the Fullerton Ordinance 3149 WAS NOT, I REPEAT WAS NOT A BLANKET RESIDENCY RESTRICTION AGAINST ALL SEX OFFENDERS BUT RATHER SPECIFICALLY A RESIDENCY RESTRICTION AGAINST ONLY CONVICTED PEDOPHILES, CHILD SEX OFFENDERS. That was and is the uniqueness of the Fullerton Law. I also stated over and over again before the city council and the city attorney that a residence restriction against only child sex offenders has never been adjudicated in any California court. As far as City Attorney Mr. Touchstone is concerned, when he was informed of his so-called mistake by saying incorrectly that the Fullerton Law impacted all sex offenders at city council and then chooses not to admit that so-called mistake, it then is no longer a mistake but a conscience decision to let a false statement by Mr. Touchstone concerning a Fullerton Ordinance stand without correction.

    I have spoken to experts on child sex offenders and to a convicted child sex offender as well. They both stated that there are two types of offenders.
    Those that acknowledge that what they do to children is wrong and attempt to stop their urge to reoffend and
    those that have no conscience and will reoffend as often as they can. The first group of offenders does everything in their power to keep themselves away from their sick temptation for children. They would never voluntarily live next to a school, park or day care center/pre-school. But the second group wants easy access to our kids. The Fullerton Law was intended to keep those offenders with no remorse for their crimes from living right next to large populations of their potential future victims.

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