The Fullerton School District Refuses To Correct Their Erroneous Message To All District Families About The Impact Of The Repeal Of Fullerton Ordinance No. 3149 (The Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act).

  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on June 22, 2017 - 10:47 pm

    It is now two full days after I have appeared for the third time requesting that the FSD do the right thing by correcting their erroneous false assurances about the repeal of Ordinance No. 3149 (The Child Sex Offender Residency Restriction Act). Obviously after three appearances and several emails to Dr. Pletka providing all the necessary proof of the district’s erroneous message, I get total and complete silence from the FPD.

    Nor did anyone from the district address the egregious gutter mouth behavior by one of their own, Fullerton School Board Member Chris Thompson. Why have we as a nation gone from the first President’s fabled story that he could not tell a lie and admitting as a boy that he chopped down a cherry tree, to people in government, such as Superintendent Dr. Robert Pletka refusing to correct his erroneous message to the parents on the issue of child safety from convicted child sex offenders? Why would he refuse to correct the district message after it was proven to him beyond any doubt that his message was indeed grossly inaccurate and gave parents the false assurance that the ordinance being repealed had no impact on child safety in our community of Fullerton. I say shame on you Dr. Pletka and all the members of the Fullerton School Board. Your failure to address these two issues is a stain on the Fullerton School District.

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