Just about everything in this election can be summarized as pure and simple boil over from The Fullerton School District’s technology plan that is at COMPLETE ODDS WITH The Fullerton Joint Union High School District. THE CANDIDATES JUST WON’T PUBLICLY TALK ABOUT IT.


You see folks, under the direction Robert Pletka with the support of the board members   Beverly Berryman, Hilda Sugarman, Chris Thompson, Janny Meyer, and Lynne Thornly, now almost every last one of the 15,000 children in Fullerton’s Elementary schools are being forcibly exposed to wireless radiation all day long and are being forced to use a wireless iPad or wireless laptop at school. The district refuses to provide an education without a wireless environment.


In the Fullerton Joint Union High School District which encompasses Fullerton, Buena Park and La Habra, under the direction of George Giokaris with the governing board members, the 14,000 students are using textbooks in a classical setting with no wireless exposure. The board decided to hard wire all of the Common Core computer labs throughout the entire district. Now even that is being reconsidered and wireless looms even as the Troy High School technology director Jesse Knowles himself recovers from a brain tumor.

So what we are left with is this so called infamous technology GAP between the elementary schools and the high schools. Let’s have a closer look at this gap.

K-8 students are constantly staring into screens and being forcibly exposed to microwave emission levels that are trillions of times background levels at school.


This has also bled over into the homes forcing families to install WiFi systems in their homes and apartments so the children can do their homework. This has also bled over into the infant care and after school daycare facilities so the children can do their homework there. It is really so they can play video games now instead of going outside to play.


Bandwidth is always an issue demanding the deployment of more and more wireless access points and even new technologies increasing the classroom exposure.


It is worth noting that EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS FIBER OPTIC CONNECTIVITY TO THE WALLS and yet they have chosen wireless as the end connection ignoring research and warnings of scientists and medical doctors.

There is no opt out provision in any of this. In addition, these radiation levels are not low power as levels that are trillions of times background levels, they are not healthy, and not natural period.

Lets look at the High schools where students are currently carrying textbooks and attending classes that do not have WiFi systems deployed in them. They utilize state of the art hardwired computers when needed. They can then go home and choose what form of computers they use, with the connectivity they desire, wired or not. There is no need for an opt out provision as there is no forced microwave exposure.

I believe there is egg on the faces of the FSD board members, their staunch supporters and mud all over Robert Pletka’s wth the FJUHSD deciding to hardwire all of their campuses and abruptly halt the plans for wireless deployment based on safety concerns.

The tensions between these groups is tremendous. While it may not be evident to the public at large, I firmly believe that it is THE DRIVING FORCE IN THE ELECTION for the three governing board positions.

The players in the FSD are, in my opinion, in large part responsible for riffs that are emerging with the city hall crowd as well. It is all connected in my opinion, and you can trace it all back to them.

It would not surprise me if there were plans to do away with the High School Board and bring everything under FSD control perhaps even doing away with the FJUHSD administration altogether.

It all boils down to the following: THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO IRRADIATE YOUR KIDS.

The following statement has been prepared by Diane Hickey, co founder of NACST.ORG and has been sent to all of the candidates. We will post their responses as they come in.

To: Fullerton Joint Union High School Board Candidates

Marilyn Buchi, Joanne Fawley, Zina Gleason, Bob Hathaway, MJ Noor*, Robert Singer, Ph.D.  (*sent via candidate portal)

All Fullerton Joint Union High School District candidates for trustee should be keenly aware of the following, recently released messages regarding wireless radiation in our children’s classrooms.  They all have the same message:  hardwire the school technology.  

University of California, Berkeley, Center for Community and Family Health, “Some Tips To Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation”

Among these are:

“Turn off wi-fi on devices being used by kids”

“ . . . use hardwired networks in schools to provide Internet access.”

The link is here:

Doctors For Safer Schools

“We ask School Boards, educators and parents to realize existing standards fail to protect students and staff.  We call upon governments to update their safety standards and make them relevant to non-thermal exposures, including WiFi.”

The link is here:

This website is of particular interest to pregnant teachers that are working every day in wireless classrooms.  It features Dr.  Hugh Taylor, Chief of Obstetrics, Yale University Hospital, discussing the scientific studies that demonstrate exposures to wireless radiation results in degradation of memory and learning, most notably ADHD:  The BabySafe Project:  “Protect Your Baby from Wireless Radiation”

The messages coming out could not be plainer or more insistent:  hardwire the school technology.  The Fullerton School District (K-8) trustees were provided the first and third items in July.  For over a year and a half, the FSD has been presented with information on the dangers of wireless classrooms.

You should also be aware that in 2012 an Italian court ruled that wireless radiation emitted from cell phones can cause brain tumors.

Italian Court Ruling is here:

When we examine product liability on cell phones, “The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.”

That link is here:


As an FJUHSD school board member, please consider Sections IV and V in the Orange County Department of Education, Liability Under Section 1983.  This document addresses personal liability exposure for school board trustees.

That link is here:

These messages stand on their own.  They must translate into a wired technology program, one that does not carry the serious health detriments of wireless and is known to be a secure and reliable connection.




Diane Hickey, Co-Founder

National Association For Children and Safe Technology

Attachments area

Preview attachment Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation2.pdf

Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation2.pdf


  1. #1 by 5G Rollout on January 26, 2017 - 9:55 am

    The plan is to have a DAS antenna every 12 houses, mounted on the light poles on our streets. These will be mm waves and, unless your house is shielded, you will not be able to escape exposure.
    Cities in CA have already started installing these antennas.
    Conventional RF meters cannot detect these microwaves.

    In the Matter of
    FCC 16-421 Before the Federal Communications Commission

    FCC Docket 16-421
    Washington, D.C. 20554

    To: Office of the Secretary
    Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554
    Date: 6 February 2017

    Comment filed by: Cindy Sage, MA, Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD and David O. Carpenter on behalf of the BioInitative Working Group.

    The BioInitiative Working Group Comment on

    The FCC is proposing to streamline the process for small wireless facility permitting, without completing its investigation of RF health effects of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation (Docket No. 13-39, Docket No 13-84 – In the Matter of Reassessment of Federal Communications Commission Radiofrequency Exposure Limits and Policies and Docket No. 03- 137 Regarding Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields). This fact alone argues against the FCC speeding and easing the approval of millions of new ‘small cell’ wireless antenna sites under Docket 16-421. It also argues against permitting thousands of new satellite RF sources (Boeing Docket No. 16-1244, SAT-LOA-20160622-00058).

    Health consequences have not been identified nor been factored into public safety limits. This is particularly true for the new 5G wireless technologies using millimeter wave frequencies (~28 GHz to ~71 GHz) that will be transmitted by small cells in the future. Adey (1993) warns:
    “Biomolecular and cell research in this spectral region has been meager. There may be special significance to biomolecular interactions with millimeter wave EM fields. At frequencies within the range 10-1,000 GHz, resonant vibrational or rotational interactions, not seen at lower frequencies, may occur with molecules or portions of molecules. ”
    ” Grundler and Kaiser (1992) have shown that growth appears finely “tuned” to applied field frequencies around 42 GHz, with successive peaks and troughs at intervals of about 10 MHz. In recent studies, they noted that the sharpness of the tuning increases as the intensity of the imposed field decreases; but the tuning peak occurs at the same frequency when the field intensity is progressively reduced. Moreover, clear responses occur with incident fields as weak as 5 picowatts/cm2.” (emphasis added)

    New public safety limits taking into account non-thermal, low-intensity effects of chronic exposure to 900 MHz to the low GHz frequencies are vitally needed but the FCC has failed to complete this step. There is no basis for the FCC to make a positive assertion of safety of existing RF levels to which the public is perpetually exposed. Certainly unaddressed health concerns should stop the FCC from expediting new wireless technologies facilitating new small cell siting and satellite RF sources. The existing FCC public safety limits are grossly inadequate to protect public health from the body burden of the existing proliferation of RF-emitting devices and the wireless infrastructure supporting them, let alone from new RF sources that will make the situation worse for public health. There is a broad consensus that new, biologically-based public safety limits for chronic exposure are warranted, given the scientific and public health evidence for health risks from low-intensity radiofrequency radiation exposures from wireless technology applications (BioInitiative 2007 and 2012 Reports, accessed at

    The 2008 NAS Report on Research Needs for Wireless Device summarizes deficiencies for wireless effects on children, adolescents and pregnant women; wireless personal computers and base station antennas; multiple element base station antennas under highest radiated power conditions; hand-held cell phone compliance testing; and better dosimetric absorbed power calculations using realistic anatomic models for both men, women and children of different height and ages. Realistic assessments of cumulative RF exposures need to be addressed, taking into account the high variability in environmental situations; and safety buffers below ‘effects levels’ need to be built into new FCC public safety limits. The FCC has failed to do so. Instead the agency has sold off new spectrum, fails to complete its open reviews on RF health effects, and now proposes to fast-track application procedures for new RF sources.

    The FCC ignores studies establishing human health harm at currently permissible exposure levels. The National Toxicology Program under the National Institutes of Health has completed the largest-ever animal study on cell phone radiation and cancer. The relationship between radiofrequency radiation and cancer is clearly established. Dr. John Bucher, Associate Director of the NTP and the lead researcher on this study confirmes that the exposure of 1.5 W/Kg is lower than currently allowed for the public, including children, under FCC public safety limits. Testing on rats is standard in predicting human cancers.

    The NTP results confirm that cell phone radiation exposure levels within the currently allowable safety limits are the “likely cause” of brain and heart cancers in these animals. Tumors called schwannomas were induced in the heart. Hyperplastic lesions and glial cell neoplasms of the heart and brain observed in male rats are considered likely the result of whole-body exposures to GSM- or CDMA-modulated RFR. One in twelve (12) male rats developed either malignant cancer (glioma) and rare heart tumors. Pre-cancerous lesions were observed that can lead to cancer. The NTP says it is important to release these completed findings now given the implications to global health. No cancers occurred in the control group. The animal study confirms prior findings in epidemiological studies of an increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma among people that use wireless phones, both cell phones and cordless phones (DECT). Acoustic neuroma is a type of Schwannoma, so interestingly this study confirms findings in humans of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma. This supports upgrading the risk in humans to Group 1, the agent is carcinogenic to humans. The NTP evidence has filled the gap on animal toxicity of RF, and has greatly strengthening the evidence of risk for humans. It is sufficient to reclassify cell phone radiation as a known cancer-causing agent, and confirms the inadequacy of existing public safety limits.

    The FCC needs to consider mounting evidence that even Wi-Fi level exposures are reported to cause DNA damage, brain damage and heat-shock protein (Dushmukh et al, 2017). The authors report statistically significant effects of subchronic low level microwave radiation (MWR) on cognitive function, heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) level and DNA damage in brain of Fischer rats. Experiments performed on male Fischer rats exposed to microwave radiation for 90 days at three different frequencies: 900, 1800, and 2450 MHz. Animals were exposed to microwave radiation at 900 MHz and specific absorption rate (SAR) 0.0005953 W/kg; animals exposed to 1800 MHz at SAR 0.0005835 W/kg and animals exposed to 2450 MHz at SAR 0.0006672 W/kg. These exposures are roughly equivalent to 1.5 to 2 uW/cm2. All the animals were tested for cognitive function using elevated plus maze and Morris water maze at the end of the exposure period and subsequently sacrificed to collect brain tissues. HSP70 levels were estimated by ELISA and DNA damage was assessed using alkaline comet assay. Results showed microwave exposure at 900-2450 MHz with SAR values as mentioned above lead to decline in cognitive function, increase in HSP70 level and DNA damage in brain. They conclude that low level microwave exposure at frequencies 900, 1800, and 2450 MHz may lead to hazardous effects on brain.

    Evidence from microRNA studies at Wi-Fi intensities report damage, i.e., modulation of microRNA is presented by Dasdag et al. (2015a, 2015b) in new studies on 900 MHz cell phone radiation and 2450 MHz Wi-Fi levels of exposure. Dasdag et al. (2015b) report that very low intensity Wi-Fi exposures over a year-long period (24 hrs per day) at 141.4 uW/Kg (whole body SAR) and a maximum SAR of 7127 uW/Kg lowered activity of microRNAs in the brain of adult rats. Van den Hove et al. (2014) previously reported miR-107 as epigenetically-regulated miRNA linked to Alzheimer’s disease and correlated with changes in neuronal development and neuronal activity.

    The scientific evidence is more than sufficient in 2007, and certainly in 2012 ( that the Commission has not struck the right balance between uncontrolled wireless rollout and health impacts resulting for Americans, particularly for children. The increased risk for cancers, neurological diseases, memory and learning impairment in children, and other serious medical problems associated with wireless technologies and chronic exposure to low-intensity RF are now clearly available to the Commission.

    The FCC should not approve streamlining the process for small wireless cell rollout, nor expedite any other approval process for siting of wireless facilities, nor grant exemptions for any RF source or low-power device or enabling network. The incremental increase in daily RF exposure already exceeds human health tolerance. Cumulative effects of RF exposures from multiple wireless devices and environmental exposures are not addressed at all; nor measured or tested under current or proposed FCC rules.
    Respectfully submitted:

    Cindy Sage, MA, Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD and David O. Carpenter, MD

    1. Adey, WR. 1993 Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:410-416.
    2. BioInitiative Working Group, Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, Editors. BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) at, August 31, 2007.
    3. BioInitiative Working Group, Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, Editors. BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for Biologically-based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Radiation at, December 31, 2012.
    4. Dasdag, S., Akdag, M.Z., Erdal, M.E., Erdal, N., Ay, O.I., Ay, M.E., Yilmaz S.G., … Yegin, K. (2015a). Long- term and excessive use of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation alter microRNA expression in brain. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 91(4), 306–11. doi:10.3109/09553002.2015.997896
    5. Dasdag, S., Akdag, M.Z., Erdal, M.E., Erdal, N., Ay, O.I., Ay, M.E., Yilmaz, S.G., … Yegin, K. (2015b). Effects of 2.4 GHz radiofrequency radiation emitted from Wi-Fi equipment on microRNA expression in brain tissue. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 91(7), 555-561. doi:10.3109/09553002.2015.1028599
    6. Deshmukh, P.V., Megha, K., Nasare, N., Banerjee, B.D., Ahmed, R.S. , Abegaonkar MP, Tripathi, A.K., Mediratta, P.K., et al, 2017. Effect of Low Level Subchronic Microwave Radiation on Rat Brain. Biomed Environ Sci, 2016; 29(12): 858-867
    7. Grundler, W., Kaiser, F. (1992) Experimental evidence for coherent excitations correlated with cell growth. Nanobiology 1:163-176
    8. Van den Hove, D.L., Kompotis, K., Lardenoije, R., Kenis, G., Mill, J., Steinbusch, H.W, Rutten, B.P.F. (2014) Epigenetically regulated microRNAs in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiological Aging, 35(4), 731– 745. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.10.082

    Cindy Sage, MA
    David O. Carpenter, MD BioInitiative 2007 and 2012 Reports
    Contributing Authors of the the 2007 and 2012 BioInitiative Working Groups
    Jitendra Behari, PhD, India
    Carlo V. Bellieni, MD, Italy
    Igor Belyaev, Dr.Sc., Slovak Republic
    Carl F. Blackman, PhD, USA
    Martin Blank, PhD, USA
    Michael Carlberg, MSc, Sweden
    David O Carpenter, MD, USA
    Zoreh Davanipour, DVM, PhD USA
    Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, PhD, Greece
    David Gee, Denmark
    Yuri Grigoriev, MD, Russia
    Kjell Hansson Mild, PhD, Sweden
    Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Sweden
    Martha Herbert, PhD, MD, USA
    Paul Héroux, PhD, Canada
    Olle Johansson, PhD, Sweden
    Michael Kundi, PhD,
    Austria Henry Lai, PhD, USA
    Ying Li, PhD, Canada
    Abraham R. Liboff, PhD, USA
    Lukas H. Margaritis, PhD, Greece
    Henrietta Nittby, MD, PhD, Sweden
    Gerd Oberfeld, MD, Austria
    Bertil R. Persson, PhD, MD, Sweden
    Iole Pinto, PhD, Italy
    Paulraj Rajamani, PhD, India
    Cindy Sage, MA, USA
    Leif Salford, MD, PhD,
    Sweden Eugene Sobel, PhD, USA
    Amy Thomsen, MPH, MSPAS, USA

(will not be published)

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