Just about everything in this election can be summarized as pure and simple boil over from The Fullerton School District’s technology plan that is at COMPLETE ODDS WITH The Fullerton Joint Union High School District. THE CANDIDATES JUST WON’T PUBLICLY TALK ABOUT IT.


You see folks, under the direction Robert Pletka with the support of the board members   Beverly Berryman, Hilda Sugarman, Chris Thompson, Janny Meyer, and Lynne Thornly, now almost every last one of the 15,000 children in Fullerton’s Elementary schools are being forcibly exposed to wireless radiation all day long and are being forced to use a wireless iPad or wireless laptop at school. The district refuses to provide an education without a wireless environment.


In the Fullerton Joint Union High School District which encompasses Fullerton, Buena Park and La Habra, under the direction of George Giokaris with the governing board members, the 14,000 students are using textbooks in a classical setting with no wireless exposure. The board decided to hard wire all of the Common Core computer labs throughout the entire district. Now even that is being reconsidered and wireless looms even as the Troy High School technology director Jesse Knowles himself recovers from a brain tumor.

So what we are left with is this so called infamous technology GAP between the elementary schools and the high schools. Let’s have a closer look at this gap.

K-8 students are constantly staring into screens and being forcibly exposed to microwave emission levels that are trillions of times background levels at school.


This has also bled over into the homes forcing families to install WiFi systems in their homes and apartments so the children can do their homework. This has also bled over into the infant care and after school daycare facilities so the children can do their homework there. It is really so they can play video games now instead of going outside to play.


Bandwidth is always an issue demanding the deployment of more and more wireless access points and even new technologies increasing the classroom exposure.


It is worth noting that EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS FIBER OPTIC CONNECTIVITY TO THE WALLS and yet they have chosen wireless as the end connection ignoring research and warnings of scientists and medical doctors.

There is no opt out provision in any of this. In addition, these radiation levels are not low power as levels that are trillions of times background levels, they are not healthy, and not natural period.

Lets look at the High schools where students are currently carrying textbooks and attending classes that do not have WiFi systems deployed in them. They utilize state of the art hardwired computers when needed. They can then go home and choose what form of computers they use, with the connectivity they desire, wired or not. There is no need for an opt out provision as there is no forced microwave exposure.

I believe there is egg on the faces of the FSD board members, their staunch supporters and mud all over Robert Pletka’s wth the FJUHSD deciding to hardwire all of their campuses and abruptly halt the plans for wireless deployment based on safety concerns.

The tensions between these groups is tremendous. While it may not be evident to the public at large, I firmly believe that it is THE DRIVING FORCE IN THE ELECTION for the three governing board positions.

The players in the FSD are, in my opinion, in large part responsible for riffs that are emerging with the city hall crowd as well. It is all connected in my opinion, and you can trace it all back to them.

It would not surprise me if there were plans to do away with the High School Board and bring everything under FSD control perhaps even doing away with the FJUHSD administration altogether.

It all boils down to the following: THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO IRRADIATE YOUR KIDS.

The following statement has been prepared by Diane Hickey, co founder of NACST.ORG and has been sent to all of the candidates. We will post their responses as they come in.

To: Fullerton Joint Union High School Board Candidates

Marilyn Buchi, Joanne Fawley, Zina Gleason, Bob Hathaway, MJ Noor*, Robert Singer, Ph.D.  (*sent via candidate portal)

All Fullerton Joint Union High School District candidates for trustee should be keenly aware of the following, recently released messages regarding wireless radiation in our children’s classrooms.  They all have the same message:  hardwire the school technology.  

University of California, Berkeley, Center for Community and Family Health, “Some Tips To Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation”

Among these are:

“Turn off wi-fi on devices being used by kids”

“ . . . use hardwired networks in schools to provide Internet access.”

The link is here:

Doctors For Safer Schools

“We ask School Boards, educators and parents to realize existing standards fail to protect students and staff.  We call upon governments to update their safety standards and make them relevant to non-thermal exposures, including WiFi.”

The link is here:

This website is of particular interest to pregnant teachers that are working every day in wireless classrooms.  It features Dr.  Hugh Taylor, Chief of Obstetrics, Yale University Hospital, discussing the scientific studies that demonstrate exposures to wireless radiation results in degradation of memory and learning, most notably ADHD:  The BabySafe Project:  “Protect Your Baby from Wireless Radiation”

The messages coming out could not be plainer or more insistent:  hardwire the school technology.  The Fullerton School District (K-8) trustees were provided the first and third items in July.  For over a year and a half, the FSD has been presented with information on the dangers of wireless classrooms.

You should also be aware that in 2012 an Italian court ruled that wireless radiation emitted from cell phones can cause brain tumors.

Italian Court Ruling is here:

When we examine product liability on cell phones, “The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.”

That link is here:


As an FJUHSD school board member, please consider Sections IV and V in the Orange County Department of Education, Liability Under Section 1983.  This document addresses personal liability exposure for school board trustees.

That link is here:

These messages stand on their own.  They must translate into a wired technology program, one that does not carry the serious health detriments of wireless and is known to be a secure and reliable connection.




Diane Hickey, Co-Founder

National Association For Children and Safe Technology

Attachments area

Preview attachment Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation2.pdf

Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation2.pdf


  1. #1 by Joe Imbriano on November 1, 2014 - 8:54 am

    to me
    Deborah Pauly
    October 30 at 9:30am ·
    If you live in Brea or Fullerton, here are more school board recommendations.
    Brea Olinda Unified School Board: Holli Kittleson
    Fullerton Joint Union High School Board: M J Noor
    LikeLike · · Share
    Zonya Townsend, Susie Shuff Gapinski, Linda Whitaker and 5 others like this.

    Chris Thompson I believe MJ Noor has snowed a number of RepublicansDeborah. Her performance at several forums and events has shown her to be somebody that has nearly no knowledge of District finances (not her opinions, she literally just doesn’t know the basics). She will actually hurt the cause of checking union power, and will damage the reputation of those of us who credibly seek to reform education in Fullerton. She claims the reform mantle and yet cannot speak intelligently to it. She simply offends and puts off everyone around her without deriving any benefit for the effort. Zina Gleason is a far better choice, and as the only legitimately small government, 3 time unanimous OCGOP endorsee in school governance in Fullerton, I would recommend bullet voting for only Zina Gleason in the hope of putting at least one reform candidate on the high school board. One person that understands the damage wrought on children and taxpayers by CTA control.
    October 30 at 9:57am · Like

    Susie Shuff Gapinski Chris, is there a way a person can learn the intricacies of district finances? If you go to a board meeting I feel you only get a small snippit. Sometimes trustees go to public meetings and give updates telling how wonderfully the district has managed the finances, but a board meeting gives a different picture. I would love to learn the basics. I am not a candidate, but I understand the damages wrought on children by many factors, including the CTA. I am aware that this information is “public” but sometimes it is difficult to know where to begin. I am being sincere in my request.
    October 30 at 10:18am · Like

    Deborah Pauly Thank you, Chris Thompson and Susie Shuff Gapinski. I always appreciate an open discussion. I do remember that Zonya Townsend is advocating for MJ Noor, as well, so I wanted to pass the NOCCC recommendation along.
    October 30 at 10:23am · Like · 1

    Chris Thompson Zonya and I have discussed MJ’s candidacy at length. While we often are on the same page, it’s fair to say we’re not on this one.

    Sure Susie. I would at least start by reviewing the District’s latest budget presentation on their website. Always reading with a questioning eye. Let me know once you’ve done that and we can talk about it
    October 30 at 10:35am · Like · 1

    Susie Shuff Gapinski Chris Thompson, who did the OCGOP endorse for the FJUHS board? You were endorsed 3 times for the FSD so it must be a good indicator of a quality candidate.
    October 30 at 12:24pm · Like

    Susie Shuff Gapinski Never mind…I found it.
    October 30 at 12:28pm · Like

    Joe Imbriano Chris Thompson, you fail to mention MJ Noor’s stand on a transparent audit of Common Core not blindly implementing it, Fiscal accountabilty in being against the bond and calling into question the districts spending practices, being a parent’s voice on the board, putting safety as a top priority, her being a Harvard Law grad, having worked for The United Nations as a fact finder, a successful business owner, the proud parent of two child prodigies, the founder of the Honors Parent associations in Fullerton Schools and just an all around really nice woman with the following endorsements Ed Royce, US Representative 39th District
    Dr. Ben Carson, Retired as the director of pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital. Washington times columnist and Fox News contributor, former member of the President’s Council of Bioethics & recipient of the Presidential Medal Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the country
    OCGOP- Republican Party of Orange County
    Lincoln Club of Orange County
    Robert Hammond, OC Board of Education, Trustee Area 1
    Chief Eric Nunez, Chief of Police La Palma
    Atty. Dan Wagner, Senior Homicide Prosecutor OC
    Greg Sebourn, Mayor Pro Tem City of Fullerton
    Claud Parrish, Former member of State Board of Equalization
    Chris Meyer, Fullerton City Manager, Retired
    Dr. Fred M. Johnson, Professor of Physics Emeritus
    Atty. Anthony T. Caso, Constitutional Lawyer
    Marilyn Harris, Former President, GATE parent advisory board Comment: “MJ Noor is a great candidate for Trustee. She has worked many years advocating for students and will work hard for our community.”
    Dr. Jo Ann Mc Kenna, BA (Harvard) Ed.D (UCLA)
    Dr. Michael Sugarman, Rheumatology & internal Medicine, St Jude Fullerton
    Barbara Moor, Retired Teacher, Fullerton School District
    Dr. Won Moon, Orthodontist, Harvard Dental, UCLA Faculty Member
    John Briscoe, Professor CSULB, Re-elected Trustee Ocean View School District
    Dr. David Reid, Emergency Medicine Chief of Staff, Former WAMC
    Honors Parent Association, Dedicated to the Parents Honor Students and those who Aspire to be
    Robyn Nordell,
    Michael Debuque, Dept of Physics Cal State Fullerton
    Christopher R. Meyer, Ph.D. Chair, Professor of Biochemistry
    Fr. Daniel Crahen OMI North Orange County Conservative Coalition and Sean Paden ATTENTION-BULLET VOTE FOR MJ NOOR
    October 30 at 12:48pm · Edited · Like

    Linda Whitaker I agree with Noor, she is the only newcomer in that race that knows the issues.
    October 30 at 12:39pm · Like

    Susie Shuff Gapinski Joe, where did you find all of this? I’m not saying it is not accurate, but I had no idea she had some of these endorsements. That’s what I get for sitting out an election season!
    October 30 at 12:44pm · Like

    Joe Imbriano DON’T SIT THIS ONE OUT

    MJ Noor- Full. School Board ’14
    October 30 at 12:44pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Susie Shuff Gapinski I’m voting for sure, but I haven’t been as active as in the past. I have heard from all of the candidates, I even had the pleasure of sitting with Marilyn Buchi at the OCBOE common core fourm. We had a nice chat.
    October 30 at 12:50pm · Like

    Chris Thompson Joe, it would take all of 10 minutes in a one or one to expose MJ for the complete and utter absence of knowledge about public education issues that you support. But I do appreciate that she chose the right issues to claim to support. If one claims to believe that the budget was poorly executed, one should minimally be able to approximate the top line total budget. If one claims to hate common core, one should be able to give you a competent sentence on its issues. I believe she chose her issues based upon capturing conservative support. She chose well. The problem comes upon the 6th or 8th word coming out of her mouth as she attempts to explain her views. However, reasonable people can disagree. I believe that she will even damage the causes which are most near and dear to you.
    October 30 at 1:39pm · Like

    Chris Thompson BTW Joe, you mention that MJ has called for a transparent audit. Great idea. The problem is that she was not aware that there is one every year and it’s available to the public. You’re supporting a shell Joe.
    October 30 at 1:45pm · Like

    Susie Shuff Gapinski Okay Chris, I’m listening, why is Zina deserving of a bullet vote. I respect your opinion, so you can post here or privately to me.
    October 30 at 2:01pm · Like

    Joe Imbriano Chris Thompson-If MJ is a shell, she sure has some really prominent support-
    Ed Royce, US Representative 39th District
    Dr. Ben Carson, Retired as the director of pediatric Neurosurgery at John Hopkins Hospital. Washington times columnist and Fox News contributor, former member of the President’s Council of Bioethics & recipient of the Presidential Medal Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the country
    OCGOP- Republican Party of Orange County
    Lincoln Club of Orange County
    Robert Hammond, OC Board of Education, Trustee Area 1
    Chief Eric Nunez, Chief of Police La Palma
    Atty. Dan Wagner, Senior Homicide Prosecutor OC
    Greg Sebourn, Mayor Pro Tem City of Fullerton
    Claud Parrish, Former member of State Board of Equalization
    Chris Meyer, Fullerton City Manager, Retired
    Dr. Fred M. Johnson, Professor of Physics Emeritus
    Atty. Anthony T. Caso, Constitutional Lawyer
    Marilyn Harris, Former President, GATE parent advisory board Comment: “MJ Noor is a great candidate for Trustee. She has worked many years advocating for students and will work hard for our community.”
    Dr. Jo Ann Mc Kenna, BA (Harvard) Ed.D (UCLA)
    Dr. Michael Sugarman, Rheumatology & internal Medicine, St Jude Fullerton
    Barbara Moor, Retired Teacher, Fullerton School District
    Dr. Won Moon, Orthodontist, Harvard Dental, UCLA Faculty Member
    John Briscoe, Professor CSULB, Re-elected Trustee Ocean View School District
    Dr. David Reid, Emergency Medicine Chief of Staff, Former WAMC
    Honors Parent Association, Dedicated to the Parents Honor Students and those who Aspire to be
    Robyn Nordell,
    Michael Debuque, Dept of Physics Cal State Fullerton
    Christopher R. Meyer, Ph.D. Chair, Professor of Biochemistry
    Fr. Daniel Crahen OMI Sean Paden
    October 30 at 2:10pm · Like

    Chris Thompson Totally concur Joe. Amazing the lack of vetting.
    October 30 at 2:35pm · Like

    Susie Shuff Gapinski So, every single one of these people has been hoodwinked by someone who can’t speak intelligently? I see some prominent local names on that list and you have basically accused them of not being savvy enough to properly endorse for a local election. I have not made my decision, but you need to produce something more than accusing all of Noor’s endorsers of being fooled by her. You wear the OCGOP endorsement as a badge of honor, but not for Noor? Why go for any prominent endorsements if they mean nothing? If all of these people are too uninformed to make an intelligent endorsement then God help us, and I may have to find a new rheumatologist.
    October 30 at 4:34pm · Edited · Like · 1

    Linda Gilman Do you have any for PYLUSD?
    October 30 at 3:10pm · Like

    Zonya Townsend Chris, I’m really disappointed you have stooped down to continually tearing MJ down. Your time, energy and effort is better spent focusing on your candidate and putting fresh voices on the board. The 3 incumbents together have been there over a century. MJ supporters don’t say anything negative about Zina. We accept and respect her for who she is. Remember that as Republicans we aspire to higher standards, attack the issue not the person. MJ is the right candidate for this position- remember there is more than one seat open.
    Zonya Townsend’s photo.
    October 30 at 5:54pm · Like

    Greg Westfall 100 years is too long, time to go.
    October 30 at 6:09pm · Like · 1

    Chris Thompson I’m not attacking the person Zonya. I don’t have a personal relationship with MJ one way or the other. I have made no disparaging remark about her character or personal history. Deborah Pauley is a very savvy political person, who, I am quite confident would not support MJ if she spent any time actually investigating her knowledge of the issues. I can assure you, my interest is in seeing a board which will actually stand up to the prodigious union power which exists within the FJUHSD. I do not believe that MJ will contribute to that end. It’s my opinion and a friend of mine in Deborah Pauley put up a supportive comment based solely on MJ’s endorsments, which I believe to be misguided. As a 3 time unanimous endorsee of the OCGOP, 2 times of the CRA and 3 times by Ed Royce, I think that I am well within my rights to make that statement. I wanted to let Deborah know what my opinion was. My history with Deborah and other voters will stand or it will not. Truth be told Zonya, I am little disappointed that you are characterizing what I did here as stooping to anything.
    October 30 at 6:46pm · Like

    Chris Thompson Deborah Pauley
    October 30 at 6:46pm · Like

    Mark Wallace You people are all arguing over who can best rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. The public schools were broken beyond repair long before Common Core reared its ugly head. They cannot be “reformed,” or “fixed,” or “fine-tuned.”

    We must abolish t…See More

    Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
    With over 70,000 copies of the first edition in print, this…
    October 30 at 7:55pm · Like · 1

    Joe Imbriano Chris Thompson, it is not just about union power-It is not just about fiscal issues Chris.…/

    October 30 at 8:41pm · Like · Remove Preview

    Richard Rios I have known holli kittleson for a long time. And scouts she was always there for the kids and worked really hard to develop them as young men. She is not a political driven person she focuses on the kids. So based on what I have seen her dedicate herself to in the past I will be voting for her.
    October 30 at 9:38pm · Like

    Chris Thompson Mark Wallace’s point is excellent! I do not disagree. I would at least agree that we start with a 100% voucher system which would likely result in 100% private schools.
    October 30 at 9:41pm · Like · 1
    Joe Imbriano


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