Just about everything in this election can be summarized as pure and simple boil over from The Fullerton School District’s technology plan that is at COMPLETE ODDS WITH The Fullerton Joint Union High School District. THE CANDIDATES JUST WON’T PUBLICLY TALK ABOUT IT.


You see folks, under the direction Robert Pletka with the support of the board members   Beverly Berryman, Hilda Sugarman, Chris Thompson, Janny Meyer, and Lynne Thornly, now almost every last one of the 15,000 children in Fullerton’s Elementary schools are being forcibly exposed to wireless radiation all day long and are being forced to use a wireless iPad or wireless laptop at school. The district refuses to provide an education without a wireless environment.


In the Fullerton Joint Union High School District which encompasses Fullerton, Buena Park and La Habra, under the direction of George Giokaris with the governing board members, the 14,000 students are using textbooks in a classical setting with no wireless exposure. The board decided to hard wire all of the Common Core computer labs throughout the entire district. Now even that is being reconsidered and wireless looms even as the Troy High School technology director Jesse Knowles himself recovers from a brain tumor.

So what we are left with is this so called infamous technology GAP between the elementary schools and the high schools. Let’s have a closer look at this gap.

K-8 students are constantly staring into screens and being forcibly exposed to microwave emission levels that are trillions of times background levels at school.


This has also bled over into the homes forcing families to install WiFi systems in their homes and apartments so the children can do their homework. This has also bled over into the infant care and after school daycare facilities so the children can do their homework there. It is really so they can play video games now instead of going outside to play.


Bandwidth is always an issue demanding the deployment of more and more wireless access points and even new technologies increasing the classroom exposure.


It is worth noting that EVERY CLASSROOM IN THE FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS FIBER OPTIC CONNECTIVITY TO THE WALLS and yet they have chosen wireless as the end connection ignoring research and warnings of scientists and medical doctors.

There is no opt out provision in any of this. In addition, these radiation levels are not low power as levels that are trillions of times background levels, they are not healthy, and not natural period.

Lets look at the High schools where students are currently carrying textbooks and attending classes that do not have WiFi systems deployed in them. They utilize state of the art hardwired computers when needed. They can then go home and choose what form of computers they use, with the connectivity they desire, wired or not. There is no need for an opt out provision as there is no forced microwave exposure.

I believe there is egg on the faces of the FSD board members, their staunch supporters and mud all over Robert Pletka’s wth the FJUHSD deciding to hardwire all of their campuses and abruptly halt the plans for wireless deployment based on safety concerns.

The tensions between these groups is tremendous. While it may not be evident to the public at large, I firmly believe that it is THE DRIVING FORCE IN THE ELECTION for the three governing board positions.

The players in the FSD are, in my opinion, in large part responsible for riffs that are emerging with the city hall crowd as well. It is all connected in my opinion, and you can trace it all back to them.

It would not surprise me if there were plans to do away with the High School Board and bring everything under FSD control perhaps even doing away with the FJUHSD administration altogether.

It all boils down to the following: THE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO IRRADIATE YOUR KIDS.

The following statement has been prepared by Diane Hickey, co founder of NACST.ORG and has been sent to all of the candidates. We will post their responses as they come in.

To: Fullerton Joint Union High School Board Candidates

Marilyn Buchi, Joanne Fawley, Zina Gleason, Bob Hathaway, MJ Noor*, Robert Singer, Ph.D.  (*sent via candidate portal)

All Fullerton Joint Union High School District candidates for trustee should be keenly aware of the following, recently released messages regarding wireless radiation in our children’s classrooms.  They all have the same message:  hardwire the school technology.  

University of California, Berkeley, Center for Community and Family Health, “Some Tips To Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation”

Among these are:

“Turn off wi-fi on devices being used by kids”

“ . . . use hardwired networks in schools to provide Internet access.”

The link is here:

Doctors For Safer Schools

“We ask School Boards, educators and parents to realize existing standards fail to protect students and staff.  We call upon governments to update their safety standards and make them relevant to non-thermal exposures, including WiFi.”

The link is here:

This website is of particular interest to pregnant teachers that are working every day in wireless classrooms.  It features Dr.  Hugh Taylor, Chief of Obstetrics, Yale University Hospital, discussing the scientific studies that demonstrate exposures to wireless radiation results in degradation of memory and learning, most notably ADHD:  The BabySafe Project:  “Protect Your Baby from Wireless Radiation”

The messages coming out could not be plainer or more insistent:  hardwire the school technology.  The Fullerton School District (K-8) trustees were provided the first and third items in July.  For over a year and a half, the FSD has been presented with information on the dangers of wireless classrooms.

You should also be aware that in 2012 an Italian court ruled that wireless radiation emitted from cell phones can cause brain tumors.

Italian Court Ruling is here:

When we examine product liability on cell phones, “The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.”

That link is here:


As an FJUHSD school board member, please consider Sections IV and V in the Orange County Department of Education, Liability Under Section 1983.  This document addresses personal liability exposure for school board trustees.

That link is here:

These messages stand on their own.  They must translate into a wired technology program, one that does not carry the serious health detriments of wireless and is known to be a secure and reliable connection.




Diane Hickey, Co-Founder

National Association For Children and Safe Technology

Attachments area

Preview attachment Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation2.pdf

Some Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to Wireless Radiation2.pdf


  1. #1 by Protect Your Daughters on October 31, 2014 - 3:01 pm

    Protect your daughters
    “I want to talk at length about one particular problem which I believe is very, very important,” said Trower, asking the audience to imagine themselves as young girls sitting at their school desks being irradiated by wi-fi, laptops and electronic tablet textbooks. “The problem with children and I think it is the most important question or topic now to deal with
    9 See example of humans acting as antennae: Cohn G, Morris D, Patel S, Tan D, Your Noise is My Command: Sensing Gestures Using the Body as an Antennae, redmon d/groups/cue/publications/chi20 ll_rfgestures _cohn. pdf:
    microwaves,” he explained “With all of the research papers, the first thing that springs to mind (and I’ve already read them) is birth defects and we’re looking, not just in humans, but right across the mammalian species, right across the planet. To explain this I need to keep it simple for myself. I would like you to imagine, please, that you are all five years old and you are all girls and you’re sitting in a classroom and a wi-fi is plonked in front of you …
    “The wi-fi is transmitting as is the router on the wall. Now the wi-fi is transmitting generally through your ovaries and you have around 400,000 ovarian follicles – not fully developed – sitting there. They are being irradiated. Let’s move the clock forward to the point where you are now 18. You have been through many years of having your ovaries irradiated. And let’s say now you are 18 and you are pregnant and I have taught many pregnant students. In the first 100 days of your embryo the embryo is developing its own ovarian follicles. By 100 days, as you will probably know, they are virtually formed. ” said Trower.
    The ovarian follicles of the 18-year-old have been damaged and this damage is passed down to her daughter and her daughter. In short, the stage is being set for a catastrophe unseen before in human history.
    “They have no defense mechanism at all against microwaves,” said Trower. “There is no Protein 53 which are four protein structures. There is no nuclear core complex. Those are defense structures we have developed through evolution to protect us against electric storms when we were living in caves. They have nothing. So the ovarian follicles of the embryo and the mother may not even know she’s pregnant at this stage – the ovarian follicles have no defense mechanism – and what we are looking at is when your child is born, which may or may not have genetic damage, it is that child’s birth where the real problem is going to come out. And we are already seeing this with other mammalian species and if you’re wondering how many people are going to be involved – there is only one paper I know of in the world written by a professor, oddly enough, by an advisor with the W.H.O. and he found when women were being deliberately microwaved the rate of stillbirth, miscarriage, genetically damaged children was 57.7 percent and this was at a level of radiation lower than a child would get in a classroom with 20 wi-fis (desktop units). We know a minimum of 57 percent. Now that’s the good news.”
    The mitochondrial cells are where the cell takes in nutrients, breaks it down to create energy at the cellular level. Thus, if the mitochondrial cells are damaged, the cell can not function properly. Logically, when this occurs in the cells of ovarian follicles, eggs will not be healthy or even produced. At a personal level, infertility is unfortunate. At a social level, where a country needs healthy workers to prosper, damaged embryos can lead to widespread social problems. On a global scale, the consequences can be catastrophic. Trower is an academic who shies away from politics. He deals in theory.
    Trower’s assertions are, however, supported by sound science from researchers such as Prof. Olle Johansson at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm who posits that after five generations, laboratory animals became infertile. As for DNA damage, Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos at the University of Athens proved DNA damage to annoying creatures such as fruit flies. In a recent paper, Panagopoulos reported:
    … external EMFs of varying/alternating nature, modulated and pulsed fields such as those associated with modern wireless telecommunications or produced by power lines, would not be expected to have beneficial action. Rather as demonstrated in the present chapter, these can be expected to be detrimental even at intensities thousands
    or even millions of times smaller than those of the current exposure limits. Ways of direct and indirect electromagnetic interaction between environmental fields and living systems are described in the present chapter.
    “The bad news, as most of you will know,” said Trower, “is that the mitochondrial DNA is irreparable. So what we’re saying to your children is if we damage your mitochondrial DNA it is their children and their children and their children. As long as there is a female line you will have this genetic damage. So, by putting wi-fi in school classrooms, what you’re actually doing is sentencing 57 percent of your children to some form of birth defect forever. This is where the joke stops. It isn’t a decision we have the right to make.”

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