

DOES  THE EPA’S OWN SCIENTIST AGREE? http://thefullertoninformer.com/the-epa-tells-it-like-it-is-will-the-fsd/

I beleive that FSD’s very own Robert Pletka’s wireless classroom safety assurance: http://fsd.k12.ca.us/parent_resources/files/wireless.pdf  is a house of cards ladies and gentlemen.

Lets not forget what is keeping them up at night, and maybe even you too as studies have shown that invisible microwave electromagnetic radiation from WiFi, laptops, tablets and cell phones inhibit the production of a hormone called melatonin.  Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland  in the brain and one of its primary functions is to regulate our sleep cycle. When inadequate amounts of melatonin are produced our sleep cycle is compromised.
Why is this important? If you don’t get into the deeper phases of the sleep cycle at night the body cannot repair itself. Cells aren’t rejuvenated. Sleep is necessary for growth as well this repair process to occur and we all need it, especially our children.

Here is a letter from a local parent sent to all governing authorities involved in this issue:

I am a Southern California mother of three and have a child in a school that is implementing one to one technology in the classroom. It was not until I stumbled upon information regarding wireless radiation that I became aware of the extremely critical health implications of such an environment in which 30+ wireless devices, operating 6 hours/day, 180 days/year for a child’s school career, are emitting an unprecedented amount of radiation on our children. In the process, I discovered a bottomless pit of studies and information that attest to the harms of wireless radiation.

The parents do not know that they are sending their children into an environment, surrounded by a Class 2b Carcinogen, classified as such by the World Health Organization. That is the same classification as lead, DDT, and engine exhaust. In what context would a classroom filled with engine exhaust ever be okay? The parents do not know that medical doctors, scientists, and researchers are identifying the following wireless radiation health effects: ADHD, autism, infertility, DNA damage to human sperm, childhood leukemia, neurological and cardiovascular problems, cognitive disfunction, pain, fatigue, mood disorders, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and skin problems. The question is: what is this wireless radiation doing to the human eggs in our daughters? Additionally, many of these health problems are not immediately evident and manifest themselves years after exposure, which makes everyone think that there are no harms from these emissions. The parents do not know that research into wireless radiation has been going on for decades and has yielded thousands of studies indicating harm: http://www.justproveit.net/content/prove-it-initiative-main
The parents do not know that something that they cannot see, hear, touch, smell or taste is a danger to their children. The parents do not know the numerous websites that have cropped up addressing just the subject of wireless classrooms:

WiFi In Schools, United States
WiFi In Schools, United Kingdom
WiFi In Schools, Australia
Citizens 4 Safe Technology
Center For Safer Wireless
Safe In School
Safe School
School Radiation Dot Com

The time is past due for the FCC to acknowledge the dangers of wireless radiation. Wireless technology has an implied safety that is dangerous and not justified. People, if they were aware of this information, would feel that there is immediate need for the FCC to step in and re-establish guidelines to ensure the public health.

The general population will begin finding out the following facts about the FCC’s role in allowing the unfettered proliferation of wireless radiation on our children and loved ones:


1) The FCC guidelines were last updated in 1996; that was 17 years ago. Why is that?
2) The FCC guidelines are based on thermal exposure and completely ignore non-thermal biological effects. Why is that? Non- thermal effects are the concern with wireless radiation.
3) No long-term studies have been funded on the non-thermal effects of wireless radiation. Why is that?
4) FCC current exposure guidelines allow for hundreds of trillions of times more exposure than our parents were exposed to as children. Why is that?

Parents are unknowingly sending their children back to school this Fall into classrooms filled with wireless radiation and there is no choice in the matter. These decisions are being made for the parents. School districts, when confronted with the harms of wireless classrooms, ignore or discount it because it conflicts with their one to one technology plans. They stand on the FCC’s guidelines and tech industry funded studies as reason for safety and are dismissive of parents raising concerns. Wired technology is known to be safe and a healthy choice for our children. Why take the risk with our children’s health with wireless?

Parents and the general public are trusting in the FCC to be taking care of this and, clearly, with 1996 guidelines, that is not the case. In the schools, knowledgeable parents are caught between administrators who falsely proclaim wireless radiation as “totally safe”, that there is no “absolute proof” of the harms of wireless radiation, resting on outdated FCC guidelines, and, what is now, decades of research that says it is not.

Please consider the application of the Precautionary Principle, as stated by Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director, Center for Family and Community Health, University of California, Berkeley, in a letter dated February 8, 2013, to the Los Angeles Unified School District writes: “The precautionary principle should be applied to this critical policy decision. This principle, developed at a U.N. environmental conference in 1992 states that in the absence of scientific consensus if an action has a suspected risk of causing harm, the burden of proof it is not harmful falls on those taking the action, and all reasonable measures to reduce the risk must be taken.” Our school children should not be in classrooms with wireless radiation until it can be proved that it is safe.

The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. The health issues of wireless radiation are not going away. Many of these issues, such as dramatic growth rates of autism diagnosis and ADHD, are unaccounted for. The causes have not been identified. Our rate in Orange County CA is now 1 in 63. The FCC has a tremendous responsibility and a great opportunity to step forward and do the right thing. Please, incorporate the Precautionary Principle in the FCC guidelines, now, and call a halt to wireless radiation in our classrooms until it can be proven safe.

Finally, what does it say about us if we, as human beings, do not ensure the safety of our most vulnerable, our children?

Thank you,

Fullerton Mom

  1. #1 by R. Schulze on September 5, 2013 - 8:38 pm

    Just read this again and it bears repeating:

    French national academy of medicine (2009)

    The academy stated that the precautionary principle may not be ‘misused’ to impose unscientific opinions. Scientific data are needed, not a subjective interpretation of the precautionary principle. According to the Academy “ No mechanism is known through which electromagnetic fields in the range of energies and frequencies used for mobile communication could have a negative effect on health.”

    I think they may be referring to you?

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on September 6, 2013 - 9:08 am

      R. I really appreciate the research that you have put forth. While I am familiar with many of these studies there are some with which I am not.

      R. My concern is with Autism and more importantly with human fertility if you haven’t already noticed. These studies do not address the classroom settings, classroom setting exposures, and the microwave RF emissions’ effects on the unborn and young children. To use these studies to extrapolate a safety determination is insane.

      This study really stood out to me: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22465825

      You appear to be sold lock stock and barrell on this idea. Given the eugenics agenda, the trillion dollar industry in the drivers seat in bed with the directed research machine, regulatory agencies, lawmakers, and even the school district officials, this debate is far from over.

      R. keep the studies coming. The traffic will continue to pick up on this site. We have more plans to distribute literature to drive even more traffic here. The debate on this issue needs to be as open as possible. Can I look forward to personally meeting you at the school board meeting on the 10th?

    • #3 by Anonymous on September 6, 2013 - 6:01 pm

      I have to step in and be serious for a change, sarcasm back in the bottle. It has been a while. I have watched this saga from the sidelines for sometime now. You need to go back into your little corner for just a moment doc.

      Mr. Imbriano provided a hypothesis outlining a plausible mechanism for non-thermal biological effects in his Autism article: https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/

      He also went on to explain why people in the establishment like yourself won’t believe it: https://thefullertoninformer.com/a-picture-of-the-universe-as-we-know-it/

      Ironically, I believe that you instead make a living off of pill pushing and real fear mongering by being part of the establishment that tells us that unless we do and think what the government and their scientists want us to, that we are: https://thefullertoninformer.com/endangering-the-herd/

      All Mr. Imbriano is trying to point out is that what is going on here is: https://thefullertoninformer.com/the-end-of-the-birds-and-the-bees/

      If this was not such a serious matter, I would say that Joe has one heck of a sense of humor. I personally know that many people feel the same way. I also know that there are a lot of people who are afraid of his ideas as they threaten very large industries.

      The fact is that Mr. Imbriano is a rather extraordinary individual who courageously makes such claims at a time in history where this kind of behavior could cost him everything including his life. What he is alleging is extremely serious. What you are doing by circling the wagons with the establishment is despicable to say the least. The wireless industry, the government and even the school districts have tremendous power and influence. Why you have chosen to side with those that have turned their backs on the children will continue to be a mystery to many as this continues to unfold in the days ahead. You choose the popular and cowardly position of safety that is actually the most dangerous to the most vulnerable among us: the children. The wireless industry does not need your help.

      Without a doubt, there are those in high places that are deeply concerned about the traction that these ideas are gaining and the attention that this issue is garnering.

      If you have not been able to ascertain what is possibly underway as we speak, which is the groundwork for the largest class action lawsuit in world history against the wireless industry, then your head needs to be checked at the door.

      This information could collapse the economy. From what I have been able to gather thus far, he has the noblest of intentions, has been an open book and is unwavering in his commitments to this cause and the reproductive rights of everyone’s children, including the children of those who wish him harm.

      I say the least we can do is pray for this cause, for him, for his family, and give this side of the story the merit that it truly deserves.

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on September 9, 2013 - 3:55 pm

      Thank you.

    • #5 by Veritas on September 19, 2013 - 10:32 am

      Wonderful post. Thank you.

    • #6 by Gvt Agent on September 19, 2013 - 10:19 pm

      I probably shouldn’t let the cat out of the bag but here it is: The establishment wants you to distrust authority and “pill pushers”. It wants you to refuse medical care and scientific advances. It wants to keep you in fear of WiFi, vaccines, area 51, chem trails, etc.. They want you, out of fear, to remove yourself and your family from the system (as long as you pay your taxes). You think its by chance that 9/11 looks like an inside job? And then there’s people like Shulze, who’s job it is to get you to entrench yourself deeper. Because, let’s face it, if someone who is part of the system is arguing against you it must mean your concerns are valid, right?

      It works every time, almost too simple.

    • #7 by Joe Imbriano on September 19, 2013 - 10:55 pm

      Roman I have already gone into the details on the medical system. For the most part the prophylactic dosing with the the petrochemical poisons that the allopaths push are just another brick in the wall. The chemtrails are actually metallic nano particles of aluminum and barium salts being applied to the upper atmosphere to supposedly cool the planet as Snowden leaks the red herring describing it as if it were to combat global warming which is what those involved think they are doing. The reality is that it is a multifaceted operation involving weather modification designed to disrupt agricultural operations, induce droughts and flooding as well as the proliferation of these nano compounds into the food and water supply to interact with the microwave emissions once in our bloodstreams. Ordo Ab Chao-order out of chaos-its the oldest trick in the book. The porn is flowing everywhere with the booze, dope and pills, so no one notices and no one cares, and connecting the dots is far too arduous anymore for most.

      You are correct about one thing-fear. Fear mongering with the talking heads and mindless diversions on the idiot box and paranormal paranoia Hollywood hell hole smut vampire productions that everyone glues their eyeballs to nightly is how they keep the eyes of the unsuspecting off of the ball and on the endless red herrings with a constant IV drip of rat poison. All controlled media is 2 percent truth, 96.4 percent fillers that appeal to the one of several palates and 1.6 percent anti-coagulant that silently destroys from the inside out. That 2 percent is hard to fractionally distill but it is available if the reflux apparatus is functional.

      They actually make it so we have to stay in the system, and in the matrix. They have most right where they want them, fat dumb and happy with their toys in their cages Pavlovian style. It is up to people like you and I to break their conditioning and set them free Roman. You know things are not what they appear to be. My concerns are not concerns but rather inconvenient truths that the social engineers and spin masters conveniently label or refer to as “conspiracy theories”.

    • #8 by Joe Imbriano on September 14, 2013 - 9:42 am

      And the Austrian medical association disagrees with you 100,000,000 percent.

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