Here is a letter from the F.S.D. to the Fullerton Informer site administrator:

Copy of Document (49) (2)

The F.S.D. claims that the classroom microwave EMF emissions are legal. They also refuse to grant us access to film and record our own measurements.  We at The Fullerton Informer believe that the microwave EMF emissions present in the classrooms, that the district claims are well below the FCC limits, are not safe.  We, by the way, are not alone with respect to our position:

 mail-attachment… (2) testimony

The current FCC standards that the FSD is hiding behind are based on thermal (heating) effects of these microwave EMF emissions. The widely held view in the scientific community is with the dangers of the NON-THERMAL  interactions and effects on children at the cellular and molecular level that have been clearly demonstrated in the medical literature to be real. Therefore, we believe that the FCC guidelines are woefully inadequate, antiquated and allow students to be subjected to, what we believe to be, dangerous levels of microwave EMF radiation in the classrooms as a result of the use of these WiFi enabled devices and the networks’ industrial strength routers that can potentially result in long term health effects.  We believe that chronic exposure to these emissions is potentially very dangerous. Our position is to hard wire the technology in the classrooms as well as in your homes. By forcing the use of WiFi enabled tablets in the classroom, the Fullerton School District is then forcing the students and their families to operate and maintain a wireless environment in their homes so the students can do their homework on the wireless devices. Now even many of the after school day care facilities that serve the Fullerton students are considering installing wireless networks so that the students can do their homework on their tablets while in their custody before and after school. I believe that the willful ignorance of this information by the F.S.D, its Board of Trustees and its employees is not in the best interests of the students or even the community at large. The ramifications of their decisions have far reaching unintended consequences that we can no longer ignore.

This bears repeating, the wireless setting that the F.S.D.  is forcing the existence of  in the home, in the classrooms, and indirectly in day care facilities, is in our opinion, not safe for children, and especially for pregnant women or anyone else for that matter. The whole basis for this technology being safe is based on current FCC standards that completely IGNORE an entire realm of non-thermal physiological effects and the associated non-thermal mechanisms by which they take place. That is what we call uncharted territory folks. Most Fullerton students are there now and even more will be next year.

So all of the aforementioned begs the question.

We at the Fullerton Informer have been trying to get the Board’s and the administration’s attention on these potential dangers facing our children for months.

Why does it appear that the F.S.D just doesn’t get it?  

  1. #1 by R.D. on June 2, 2013 - 8:50 am

    We should picket in the morning when the parents are dropping off their children, and in the afternoon when they get out. We should also have handouts for every parent. Who else is interested?

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on June 2, 2013 - 10:04 pm

      RD, I am working on putting one together-we have 7 days of school left. However we have all summer to demonstrate in front of the school district offices as board meetings continue throughout the summer. The cameras will come. RD email me your contact info to Thanks

    • #3 by Joe Imbriano on June 2, 2013 - 10:13 pm

      RD, we have 7 days of school left. We have all summer of school board meetings to look forward to. Please contact me and I will get you the details of our schedule. Thanks RD.

      Email me under the contact tab.

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