THE BIOINITIATIVE REPORT:There are two sides to any debate. Could the school districts be wrong? You be the judge. After all they are YOUR children.

Was this information disseminated at the school’s technology meeting? Was there a discussion about the safety of our children?  I don’t believe it was mentioned. Why is there such a push to go wireless? Are textbooks really that dangerous?

Is this really a safe alternative to the printed word? Is there a safer alternative? Of course there is.  It is called the ethernet cable. There is just one problem however-TABLETS DON’T HAVE A PLUG! 

Find out for yourself here.  Section 18 is of particular interest considering these devices spend most of their time emitting right in our children’s laps.

  1. #1 by dianeh on March 28, 2013 - 1:15 am

    Wow! Started reading this report. The evidence is already here, performed by 29 scientists and MDs worldwide. All I can say is that this information needs to get out.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on March 28, 2013 - 8:09 am

      Thank you for your post Diane. Our goal is precisely that, to get this information out-TO THE PARENTS and SCHOOL DISTRICT EMPLOYEES.

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