Posts Tagged senator josh newman

Tony Bushala’s Josh Newman just may have a chance to deliver that payday after all

Remember these signs? The group Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform  was responsible for these campaign signs during the June 2016 primary election against State Senate candidate Sukhee Kang.

The signs reading “No Kang – Irvine Carpetbagger”  were paid for by the Fullerton committee called Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform  whose principal officers are none other than Tony Bushala and Jack Dean.

Jack Dean

Tony Bushala

Josh Newman

Was this “No Kang Irvine Carpetbagger”  campaign designed to pave the way for none other than Josh Newman to write his ticket for the November ballot? Well there WERE NO OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES IN THE RACE for the June Primary and I certainly didn’t see Dean and Bushala’s group supporting Ling Ling Chang the Republican challenger.

The intentions of the Fullerton Taxpayers for Reform were to knock Kang out of the primary election, so that Newman, would end up on the November ballot and win. You see the Agran plant, Khang couldn’t be bothered with Bushala because he has already been bought and paid for by a camp at odds with Bushala. So many strings controlling things so hard to keep track. So what could have been the motivations of Tony Bushala and Jack Dean to inject their group and exert its influence into a Senate primary election? Was it to ensure Josh Newman’s place in Sacramento? To have a “friend obligated to return a favor in high places?  Everyone knew that the anti Trump sentiment among the Latinos was going to fair well for the Democrats in this part of Orange County. Any politically savy individual would know that massive Latino voting block coupled with the illegals that have been registered to vote all showed up in droves. That is how we ended up with Jesus Silva on the City Council and Sharon Quirk Silva in the Assembly both edging out Republicans.It just had to be a homegrown dem for Bushala to play ball with.

Does Bushala’s meddling in this Senate race have anything to do with development? Of course it did. Is Jack Dean just along for the ride unaware of the Bushala high rise development agenda? It is doubtful. Jack is a smart man. We do know that an end run around local control over high density housing approvals has been the subject of several unsuceesful bills out of Sacramento just this year. It would certainly bode well for Bushala to bypass his plants on the council which have been hogtied by the relentless pressure of local activists.

Then we have the Shawn Nelson school of political science at work-focus on a narrow item like a tax and make it all about that. That is what Tony’s tool Sebourn did during the recall.

Nelson-Bushala’s buddy

Isn’t it ironic how Bushala’s blog, The Friends for Fullerton’s Future is currently hosting articles that are promoting the recall of Josh Newman and they make it all about a gas tax? What did you expect a Democrat to do, vote down a tax increase? You think Newman will vote down Agenda 21, socialism that involves state mandated affordable housing construction? Heck no.

Well folks, Bushala was behind Newman all along and SB 827 just rolled off the printer in Sacramento a few days ago.

Bushala funded Bruce Whitaker for years and it just so happens that he is challenging Josh Newman who Bushala helped get elected in the recall election if it suceeds. Whitaker is full of crap if he acts like he wont support this bill because if Bruce had it his way, there would be no zoning at all. Whitaker is running a political con job while his most ardent supporter is Bushala is playing both sides of the aisle once more to ensure his influence finds its way to the Capital where SB 827 and other bills like it will find their way to the Senate floor for a full vote so they can make his family alot of money and ruin Fullerton for good with huge ten or twenty story apartment buildings all over the place.

This is a nightmare for Fullerton as this could add hundreds of thousands more people to Fullerton if a bill like this passes. Will this be a Bushala dream come true? Of course. For years he has from behind the scenes, attempted unsuceesfully to maneuver his political pawns to get huge develeopments through at the local level. His family owns a very large amount of properties around the train station. Tony Bushala is the father of transit oriented high density housing in Fullerton.  SB 827 strips all local control away from cities and allows huge transit rich high density housing to be built within 1/2 to 1/4 mile of any transit center with virtually no height limits or parking requirements. This is nothing more than the State version of the DCCSP and the end of our quality of life in Fullerton as we know it.

Political operatives like Bushala can turn on someone on a dime when the wind starts blowing the wrong way. We sure have seen plenty of that in Fullerton.

No matter what the outcome of this recall and the subsequent elections, you have my word that we will continue to objectively work towards draining the swamp at City Hall, exposing and ridding Fullerton of its political operatives and continue fighting this Agenda 21 legislation designed to create the scientific kill grids in the compact cities as they get everyone into these high rise arrangements so they can be force vaccinated, microwaved, have their water dosed, drugged, doped up, medicated, fed the GMO’s, mind controlled with the TV screens everywhere and finally finished off to reduce the population. These creeps that want to turn Fullerton into downtown LA or New York City have another thing coming. On this my friends, you have my word.




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A nation that does not protect its children has no future-An open letter to Josh Newman and Sharon Quirk Silva regarding SB 649

Re:  SB 649 (Hueso):  Wireless Telecommunications Facilities As Amended — OPPOSE

The National Association For Children and Safe Technology (NACST) works to educate the public and support public health policy to protect the safety, health, and well being of children and youth from radio frequency / microwave (RF/MW) radiation exposure originating from wireless technology and infrastructure.   NACST opposes CA SB649 legislation based on health and agricultural science, with human and animal physical injuries and impairments, violation of federal and state laws, and violation of the powers of local government.

This is what will be on the power poles, and street light poles all over Fullerton, including the ones in your front and back yards.


It is essential that you vote NO on CA SB649 Wireless telecommunications facilities.  This bill is an unnecessary taking of public funds and property values, alongside losses of public health and safety, and human and agricultural productivity.  California has strong interest in protecting its economic base and residents’ and visitors’ freedom from physical injury and impairment.  The 4G/5G Distributed Antenna System (DAS) would result in scientifically established hazardous radiation exposure with often immediate and therefore provable adverse effects, particularly immediate neurological and cardiologic effects.

CA SB649 involves telecoms installing powerful microwave radiation antennae, misleadingly called “small cells” to conceal their radiation power and concentration, on light poles and utility poles in the public right of way for 5G.  Poles may be only 15-20 feet from homes and offices.  Thousands of these antennae and large power supplies would be placed on residential blocks and farms, deploying radio frequency / microwave (RF/MW) radiation penetrating homes and bodies 24/7/365 forever.

Pulse-modulated RF/MW radiation, particularly this close to homes, offices and farm animals, is a “hazard”, as acknowledged by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  (IEEE) and FCC in 1991 in the guideline-setting process.

Although proponents claim a financial bonanza from DAS 5G deployment, there is no evidence to support it. In fact, the Russians refused 5G as badly engineered (as also US engineers have admitted) and instead provided fiber optics, which works much better, to all homes and apartments in large cities. Furthermore, cell phones are a mature industry:  everyone who wants a cell phone already has one, including California’s children and youth.


Health and agricultural science, and physical injury/impairments to human, animals, insects:

The Chair of the original FCC guideline Committee himself (John Osepchuk) acknowledges >20,000 scientific studies, with immediate, short-term and/or long-term adverse effects from RF/MW radiation.


5G RF/MW radiation has a 20-inch wave that penetrates the body deeply and is particularly harmful to babies and children. Four wavelengths, each 2-4 inches, are optimally absorbed by the human brain, heart, liver, thyroid, kidneys, and reproductive organs, impairing their functions. Effects include headaches, insomnia, tinnitus, heart arrhythmia, suppressed melatonin production (essential for sleep, productivity and the immune system), DNA damage and much more. The final ten simultaneous wavelengths of 1/10 to 1⁄2 inch target the eyes, ears and skin, and fall within the resonance of pollinating insects’ antennae, producing bee colony collapse.  The U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Toxicology Program’s 16-year, $25 million study concluded in 2016 that cell phone RF/MW radiation causes cancer of the brain (glioma) and the heart (schwannoma).  5G radiation is even worse.


Incredibly, no monitoring of actual radiation emissions from 5G antennae in homes or public places is intended.  The relevant FCC guideline was based in fraud from the start and has not been updated since 1996 to reflect current scientific knowledge.  It does not protect against biological harm, and is based on a false absorption model of a doll head filled with water!  It utterly fails to protect children whose brains are still developing and whose skulls are thinner than an adult skull. Studies show RF/MW radiation even less potent than 5G is harmful to every human, animal, insect and plant.


Proponents misrepresent the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) as preempting all state and local regulation of wireless facilities.  State and local governances are preempted only from regulating the “placement, construction, and modification” of wireless facilities based on their “environmental effects”. Preemption includes neither health effects nor health science.  Nor is regulation of operations preempted on any basis. State and local governments remain authorized and obligated to regulate every activity not preempted by TCA, and on every basis not preempted.


Violation of federal laws:

Allowance of any 5G wireless facilities would not only violate TCA, it would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Federal Fair Housing Act. These laws guarantee equal access for all, but 5G would make public places and federal housing, not to mention all housing, uninhabitable for already injured, impaired and/or electromagnetically sensitive (EMS) persons.  California says it requires compliance with ADA, but given 5G’s multiple simultaneous wavelengths, its intensities, and its 15-degree, near-maser (direct-energy weapon) arc of radiation concentration, compliance is impossible.


Massive industry liability shift to the State of California:

In the July 19, 2017 letter from attorney Harry Lehmann to Jennifer Galehouse, Deputy Chief Consultant, Assembly Appropriations Committee,  Lehmann makes the point that SB 649 is an Appropriations matter.  Furthermore, the letter documents incorrect data given by the Telecom industry in testimony and analysis of the shifting of the massive Industry liability to the State of California.  Please see Mr.  Lehmann’s letter here:


The State of California must protect health, safety, agriculture and its own economy.  CA SB649 would sacrifice it all, with resulting chronic health problems and loss of productivity by some degree to all Californians, right where they live and work, and the permanent loss of agricultural pollinators.

 Time is running out for all Californians and demands that you, as our elected officials, oppose SB 649.




Diane Hickey, California resident, Co-founder

National Association For Children and Safe Technology


[i] Sept. 2013 letter to FCC requesting reassessment of radio frequency exposure limits and policies


Martin Blank, Ph.D, Spokesperson, EMF Scientist Appeal

Mary Beth Brangan, Co-director, Ecological Options

Susan Clarke, Founder, Environmental Health Advocacy League (ENHALE)

Carolyn Coleman, Executive Director, League of California Cities

Devra Davis, Ph.D., Founder and President, Environmental Health Trust

Josh Del Sol, Director, Take Back Your Power

Victoria Dunkley, MD

Lennart Hardell, MD, Ph.D.

Zen Honeycutt, Founder, Moms Across America

Toril Jelter, MD

Olle Johansson, Ph.D.

Harry Lehmann

Ellen Marks, Director, California Brain Tumor Association

Joel Moscowitz, Ph.D., Center For Family and Community Health, UC Berkeley

Kevin Mottus

Martin Pall, Ph.D.

Ron Powell, Ph.D.

Cindy Russell, MD

Zonya Townsend, President, California Nurses For Ethical Standards

Scientists For Wired Technology

Center For Electrosmog Prevention

Southern Californians Against Smart Meters (SCASM)

Wireless Radiation Alert Network

Consumers For Safer Cellphones
Empower Family California

Electromagnetic Safety Alliance

Center for Safer Wireless

California Department of Public Health

Karen Smith, MD, MPH, Director and State Public Health Officer

Mark Starr, Deputy Director, Center for Environmental Health

Ali Bay, Deputy Director, Office of Public Affairs

Steve Woods, Division Chief, Division of Food, Drug & Radiation Safety

California Department of Food and Agriculture

Karen Ross, Secretary

Jim Houston, Undersecretary

Annette Jones, Director, Division of Animal Health and Food Safety Services

California Environmental Protection Agency

Linda Adams, Acting Secretary

Deborah Raphael, Director, Department of Toxic Substances Control

George Alexeeff, PhD, Acting Director, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment

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