Posts Tagged jack hibbs



The entire foundation of Calvary Chapel is not based on Jesus Christ, but rather Cyrus Ingerson Scofield’s reference Bible. Scofield was no reverend. He was a two bit hack degenerate that walked out on his wife and children, left them for dead as he was recruited by Lotos Club commitee member Samuel Untermyer who was the Wall Street attorney who helped write the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Act was the illegal, unratified financial death sentence handed to our country. It put the nails in the  coffin of  the United States over 100 years ago. The Fed is a private bank that prints money out of thin air and loans it to The US Government charging interest to our government who loans it out and charges interest to the banks who then turn around and loan it out with interest to us. This is how and why they keep making us broke slaves as they buy up all our resources and control us with the fake money that are nothing more than debt notes. Never heard that before at Calvary Chapel eh? Yeah how about Chuck Smith’s buddy Lonnie Frisbee? How about The CIA and Maranatha Music? How about fast talking ball earth NASA operative Chuck Missler?

This whole pre trib rapture crap is of the devil, just like its inventors were, and its agents are today. Hibbs is pure 100 percent sold out to the powers that be pushing wireless, NASA, Apple, Trump, Covid 19, Google, Disney, heck why not all of Hollywood because he works for THEM. Jesus is is just a part of the vernacular and the not the source of truth to these people. Its a con folks. Its a set up.

The new world order is finished with the fake churches because they are done using them to totally subvert the Christians and The United States. The Hollywood media movie and music machine and The New York press have been programming the sheep with the fake pandemics/vaccine agenda spewing lies, vile filth, trash, satanism, perversion, endless bloodshed, wars and evil since their inception and they have been given passes from day one by the fake, worthless churches.

The Churches have pushed and promoted the evil government schools, the necromancy cult, criminal, satanic, occultic, allopathic medical system cabal, sold us out, lied to us, turned their backs on us, and now they are in bed with all of the aforementioned pushing the Covid-19 FRAUD that is destroying the world and humanity. Heck Calvary Chapel schools all use the wireless weapons called infertility pads and teach common core curriculum in THEIR classrooms. They even kicked me out of their church for this presentation.  It was filmed at a Calvary Chapel church that terminated my friends ministry over this video. She hosted me as a guest speaker at their Salt and Light ministry event. You tube deletes this video every chance they can-It is right here for you to watch-this video has been seen by millions of people all over the world and is even embedded in the block chain now.

It is obvious that these churches serve no purpose anymore so the Government just shut them all down and will be used to promote the fake virus and push the vaccines as they remain silent on the wireless agenda. When they reopen they will be pushing the vaccines. We have been sold out by these Trump worshipping new world order agents and these dispensationalist, false teaching, rapture pushing, money changers like Jack Hibbs. Get a load of this handwashing promoting,  fake virus pushing, end of the world nonsense as the evil governments are setting up WWIII and the murder of billions of people all over the world with this fake Covid-19 pysop. That’s right, the Covid-19 New World Order military operation being run by the deniers of Jesus Christ that has closed everything down based on a huge lie and it is going to start WW III while they use the fake virus to shut down the farms and food plants in order to starve billions of people to death all over the world as they pump the death vax into everyone and crank up the cell towers and 5G.

“Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” Jude 1:11

The Bolshevik Revolution II is well underway. History is repeating itself for 2 reasons. Number one, we have  not learned from it and number two, because it has been hijacked and rewritten by those who seek to destroy the human cattle who have been sold out by the very people they trusted to shepard and protect them. 












Jack Hibbs with the wooden carvings in full view on the stage at Calvary Chapel- JUST IN CASE YOU THINK THIS IS PHOTO SHOPPED



May God have mercy on us.



Megachurch pastor Jack Hibbs worshipping the god of Google with Disney props on the Calvary Chapel altar

There is a hidden agenda with Calvary Chapel ladies and gentlemen and there is no doubt in my mind based on what they teach and who they are connected to that it is a nefarious one. The behavior of the staff and the core eschatological doctrine they espouse is downright dangerous. Christianity USED to be the most powerful force in America as it staffed our legislatures, built our hospitals, erected and staffed soup kitchens, orphanages, schools and Universities. Now with the rise of heretical dispensationalism which teaches defeatism, fatalism, that the world is coming to an end, and the self fulfilling prophecy of things having to get worse for Jesus to come back  to suck all his followers to heaven all at once has left things like running the government and business literally in the hands of the devil. Just look at the laws being passed and the behavior of corporate America ladies and gentlemen.


I want to focus on Jack Hibbs and his operation in Chino Hills.

This Pastor of 7000 people apparently sees nothing wrong with any of this.



Jack Hibbs is the senior pastor at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills located in California. He is probably the most politically involved Calvary Chapel pastor in the US. Jack is the tip of Calvary Chapel’s proverbial spear and he is highly controlled. He is an establishment Republican and as such, leads his sheep to the field where only specific political footballs are tossed around while TOTALLY IGNORING the real and serious issues facing our people and our nation. It has been like this for years and the entire Calvary Chapel system is run like a huge cult. Work for nothing, donate donate donate and if you step out of line or question things then you are out. We know this from experience.

At any rate, Jack is overseeing a recent construction boom involving tens of millions of dollars being dumped into the property of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. with wireless systems embedded deeply into every aspect of the Hollywood production facility, it is no wonder Jack Hibbs won’t tell his sheeple about what is being done to them and their children by the wireless agenda aimed at the children.   

All of Calvary Chapel’s schools have adopted the evil destructive common core curriculum, they all use wireless devices like iPads (infertility pads) and some even have cell towers on the property. Their finances are all secret as well.

Jack Hibbs claims to “fight for truth” yet once again he only mobilizes his sheep to fight a very narrow band of political football issues as he continues to ignore the wireless agenda that he has been apprised of. As a matter of fact he has refused to address the recent presentation I did at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs that resulted in the termination of my friend’s long time ministry at the church 2 months ago. This one hour twenty minute presentation that you can watch here laid it all out and Jack Hibbs is actively involved in suppressing this information as he takes part in the worship of the beast technology system. Look no further than Jack Hibbs at his church on the altar of Google whose props were erected and hand crafted by Disney employees. You can’t make this stuff up folks. That is right, Disney employees made this altar and look what they made for everyone to see.

Money is no object when it comes to these megachurch tax exempt corporations but because they come in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, they are accountable to God and to the Christian population all over the world. Time and time again we hear it is God’s money and so it should be spent on God’s work.

Jack Hibbs on the altar of Google

So what is the difference between God’s work and the devil’s work? Sometimes it is not so easy to tell. Sometimes it is. Take for example the illuminati corporate symbolism in Disney’s logo. This just so happens to be the company that had its employees handcraft the Google logo on the stage along with the dinosaur and the other props for the week of VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL FOR THE CHILDREN!

So what is the Google logo doing up on the stage ladies and gentlemen and to top it off why are Disney people involved in making it? Disney and Christianity are about as mutually exclusive as you could ever get.

This is the company that Dale Goddard over at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs was so defensive of as they kicked my good friend’s ministry out of the church because of my presentation that never even mentioned Disney but my website does. Disney is a sacred cow of the Calvary Chapel elite and for good reason.

Google is clearly a sacred cow to the elite at Calvary Chapel as well. There is no mistaking that this this is the Google symbol that has been placed there for a week of indocrination sessions for young children during their Genesis Project this week. This is intentional ladies and gentlemen. So what is exactly is Google? Google is a CIA creation and is involved in controlling the flow of and access to information. It is also a very powerful tool of the illuminati much like the mega churches are.


Google is the beast system that seeks to rule the world, which is basically lucifer’s all seing eye comprised of a vast supercomputer complex. It is really nothing more than a satanic company that is lucifer’s thinly veiled attempt to become omniscient. It will never happen because he cannot see into our minds, hearts or souls. He does however have quite an army of followers, massive computing power and officers in some of the least likely of places like a church.


I have been suspect of this dispensationialist front group for years and have always known that the eschatology that is taught there is literally destroying America by placing the church in bondage to financially bankrupting unbiblical tithing and escapism with the phony rapture business. That is what Calvary is, a phony rapture business. Giving people false hope that the world is coming to an end at any minute and Jesus is going to rush in and swoop everyone up to heaven has turned our country into a ship of fools with only the devil on deck and now this!


You know what is even worse is how Calvary Chapel is brainwashing the children with the infusion of heliocentrism into their upcoming Vacation Bible School next month. The Disney connections at Calvary Chapels are immensly disturbing to say the least. The following Calvary Chapel website picture depicts the blending of the lies of the Jesuit, Masonic, luciferian NASA ball earth lie, with the movie that Disney just spent 4 BILLION DOLLARS on. Disney is in the business of CORRUPTING AND CONTROLLING children’s minds and they don’t spend 4 billion dollars on gift wrap ladies and gentlemen. This is all part of keeping the deception of the ball earth and the agenda to mock God and His word going on down to the next generation.

You see folks if you want to really want to have a Genesis week for the children then how about teaching the children the truth about what we live on? How about starting in Genesis 1:7  and teach the children that the Bible teaches that we live under a dome called the firmament.

Why bring in the Disney crew? Well it is all about deception and lies. The church is in on it big time. YOU WILL NEVER HEAR ANY SERMON EVER ON THIS ISSUE FROM THE CULT OF CALVARY CHAPEL.

We all know what they are all about over at Disney. They base all their productions on perversion and wickedness. They base their motion picture empire on productions with themes of diametric opposition to The Word of God such as sorcery, spellcasting, witchcraft, necromancy, fortune telling, beastiality, pantheism, gaya worship and of course the 4 billion dollar version of heliocentrism.The Bible is a flat earth book from cover to cover and the least likely cast of charcters just doubled down and got into the NASA fraud business by resurrecting the Star Wars fantasy. Jack Hibbs is an agent of the system folks. He knows better. There is no way he can be that blind. These players are all in on it.

The ball earth model is the second greatest lie ever told ladies and gentlemen and Jack Hibbs is in bed up to his eyeballs with the wrong crowd folks. Jack Hibbs is part of the deception along with the monied interests like Disney,

like NASA, and …..

 Google and its mind control ball earth psyop Google earth,



The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork

The Bible is either wrong or NASA is wrong. Either The Bible is a lie or NASA is a lie. The Bible clearly states the earth is flat covered by a dome. NASA claims the earth is round and revolves around the sun.  From ancient civilizations to modern times we are told that the earth is flat with a dome Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian, Babylonians, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, Poets, Philosophers, Historians and modern evidences tell us that the earth is flat. So why does everyone believe what NASA tells us? Which one is it? You decide whether or not The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..


The government has had a monopoly over the media,

press and academia for decades. Couple that with the 13 years of compulsory education mandated to indoctrinate every man woman and child in the US and you have little room for debate or do we? The Universities and the academic intellencia take it up on a logarithmic scale and yet the only photos of the earth from so called space or satellites are ALL ARTIST RENDERINGS OR COMPUTER GENERATED IMAGES. Your eyes and your basic instincts tell us the sun and the moon are the same size, located very close to us as the naked eye cannot see a moon  crater 40 miles across 238,000 miles away, that the oceans cannot stay on a 1000 mile per hour spinning ball and that the 75,000 miles of circulatory system did not get into our bodies by accident. Yet we submit our bodies and minds to those who deny that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork. 

It is the school district personnel who teach just that. These are the ones who cement the lies after, through endless rote repetition, they ram the fables deep into the impressionable minds of the children. Do they know what they are part of? How can it be that reasonable, logical people that supposedly are the critical thinkers take part in such a vile endeavor, that is the teaching of the lie of evolution? What are these people thinking? They are not. They are walking lockstep with the machine that turns out children who do not know or believe in God and who can no longer think and interpret what is right in front of their eyes even though The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

The school district personnel are all in on it, every last one of them. Where are all the so called  moral giants, or the so called christian teachers and staff? Why are they silent? Where is their fiece vocal opposition to these flat out lies? Yes they are all part of a regressive, massive dehumanization and sterilization agenda, drugging the children with vision destroying technology,


Yes they are all part of a regressive, massive, reproductive organ destroying wireless classroom technology forced irradiation program that is turning them into satanic video game addicts, teaching them the lies of evolution, the lie that there is no God, that wireless is harmless and that vaccines are safe and not part of a eugenics agenda. Does it logically follow that the school district personnel are not the most dangerous and evil people alive right now because of what they are doing to all the children? Yes you heard me the same ones doing this are the ones who hide that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork..


They sit back and remain silent on the brain damaging sterilization by the forced microwave exposure in the classrooms, refusing to warn parents, accept information and warn the students. They are silent on the perversion being foisted on our children, they are silent on the forced vaccinations that are now part of school entry requirements. They are silent on the lies of evolution, silent on the dehumanization of children they are taking part in and silent on everything that matters except when it comes to their paltry paychecks. Go look out in front of the high schools in Fullerton right now and you will see these overpaid lackeys pissed off about the fact the $125,000 a year is not enough for 6 1/2 hour workdays for less than half the year as they lock the children out of class for tutoring and college letter of recommendation writing.

Yes of course That is when they speak up while they all ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

Firmament does not refer to empty air, a blue sky or a level of the atmosphere, it refers to a physical structure. It refers to the dome that covers the earth, and stated as such in some Bible translations. Yes it is the dome that no rocket ship or 33rd degree mason phony astronaut con job clown has ever passed through with a fake spaceship that really just crashed down in the ocean right after it launched.

The firmament sheweth His handy work. Why hide the dome from us? Why discredit the first chapter of The Bible? Because the total bull crap of evolution folds like a bad hand when people that have been so dumbed down to believe it in the first place realize that a dome over us means that someone put it there and put us under it. Thank the school district personell for all this moral relativism, political correctness, joke science and of course the 65 shots in your children’s bloodstreams and the wireless device in their laps. How long are all you parents and school district sycophants and lackeys going to go along with all of this or are you too going to ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

And yes, there are the doctors, with their academic arrogance, who think the man in the sky is some sort of a joke. In Fullerton look no further than the most outspoken enemies of God in town who mock God, and whose wife publicly calls for ending prayer at public meetings while they both push for the forced irradiation of school children all over California. Just look how and where all that education got those two who publicly ignore and protest that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

I guess the the toxic drugs, toxic treatments and eugenicist shots, are right there behind all of them to help guide the way. Look what these closed minded automaton school district and medical establishment thugs have done to you, your friends, your parents and are now doing to an entire generation of children as these get their body, soul, health and spirit sucked to hell by the well coordinated orchestration of all of the aforementioned on their watch with their blessing.

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. -The words of Jesus Christ.

Actually It applies to all of them, especially to the nurses and social workers that are putting all these children on medication when what they really need is the knowledge that God made them and God loves them. No such luck at school where they are taught starting in kindergarten that they can have two dads, two moms, that they came from animals, rocks, monkeys and muck and became what they are as a result of some cosmic accident with their faces glued to screens all day and night while they ignore, forget or simply cannot fathom that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

I challenge all of you to consider what has been the norm in our brainwashed society and open your eyes to the ancient wisdom so timelessly established in God’s word that to this very day, remains under attack from some of the most evil people in all of human history who subvert the fact that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

How can a student of the Bible, or even a seminary graduate, believe and even instruct the flock that science has proven The Bible to be in error? How do you ignore chapter 1 when your entire business model is built around the contents of this book? Yes even the dumbed down phony pastors and the pickpocket preachers in the phony churches that go along with all of this for a few measly bucks just so they can sleep in everyday and ignore that The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork.

You will never hear a sermon on Genesis 1 that tells the truth about what we actually live on or one that exposes:

If they can con everyone into believing that there is no God, that we all came from rocks, that we are all animals, that there is no purpose to any of this, then I can assure you ladies and gentlemen, they will treat us like rocks and animals. Sadly with the forced vaccinations, the satanic media, the disgusting fake toxic food, the booze, pills, dope, porn, the wireless emissions beaming through our walls, forced into the laps of children at school, the dosed water, the sprayed skies and the outright lies of the educational and medical system that ARE IN DIAMETRIC OPPOSITION to the Word of God, we are already in dire straights in need of a massive and abrupt about face. The second biggest lie ever told is right here before your eyes. Please open them before you end up spending eternity in darkness. The Bible is true, the earth is flat and anyone who tells you otherwise is simply a victim of an educational system that is designed to promulgate regression disguised as intellectual prowess flanked by foolishness that remains bound up in the child that they can never admit they still are. Take 25 minutes and judge for yourself. The lies have it ladies and gentlemen, and they also have your children all by the throat. It is time to break the grip. The day has finally arrived. The choice is yours.






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