Posts Tagged illegal immigration
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Illegal Immigration on April 28, 2018
Vince Buck and the Cal State Fullerton cabal that continues to ruin Fullerton California
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Pam Keller, Sharon Kennedy, Vince Buck, Who's who in Fullerton politics on April 26, 2018
It’s not just their undying support for the public safety unions, they are also in the metaphorical hip pocket of the Teachers and Professors that use groups with civic minded sounding names like “Neighbors United For Fullerton” to advance their thinly veiled agenda to support local candidates that will be supportive of ever expaninding government involvement in our lives. Not to be outdone, the latest pet project of the left in town is the homeless problem in search of government funding to solve. Forget the Open borders radicals at Cal State Fullerton that want to charge you 8 bucks for parking so they, the very ones who exacerbate the homeless problem with the policies they advocate for want to give you a solution this weekend.
Vince Buck, the Observer, Cal Sate Fullerton, La Raza, La Mecha, La Recoquista or any other Marxist Soros windup toy will NEVER tell you the following fact.
Illegal aliens put downward pressure on wages, upward pressure on rents, take jobs, educations, benefits and housing away from Americans as well as contribute to the sex trafficking rings right here in Orange County. This is a major contributing factor to homelessness. Deal with reality if you wish to attend their event this weekend.
Vince Buck is a real gem of the left and his cronies undying support of Fullerton’s sanctuary city policy virtually ensure overfilled classrooms full of illegal aliens invading our neighborhoods, schools and our community that will eventually result in higher pay and earlier retirement packages for local school teachers. Its just what they want, and they do what they can to get it. Its all about the daily attendance revenue and the free luch students bring in more dough for the districts and colleges. Guess who pays for the free lunch? We do not Vince or his socialist lackeys.
Consider that Vince Buck and his little cofee clutch, “Neighbors United For Fullerton” or NUFF, labels themselves as a local political group who professes to be non-partisan. Webster’s dictionary defines non-partisan as:
free from party affiliation, bias, or designation.
I have done a little of my own research into just who and what NUFF is, and have come to far different conclusions about who and what NUFF REALLY is, as opposed to whom they say they are.
Firstly, there is the connection with the Fullerton Observer, who also professes to be non-partisan. That of course is long time political commentator that pontificates instead of really analyzes local politicians, “Vince” Buck.
Vince Buck is a NUFF member. Who else are NUFF members? You would think with a name like “Neighbors United For Fullerton” that this would be a group of neighbors who hoped that their collective voices would be better heard, yet in reality, I noticed that most, if not all, off the names that I’ve found ran through the state of California’s “Transparent California” website, have come back showing NUFF members as Teachers and Professors that advocate for candidates in local elections that will give them generous raises and retirement packages, for sub-par Teachers and Professors…
CSUF Professor Vince Buck’s “Rate My Professor” ratings…
CSUF Professor Vince Buck’s over $1,500 a week ($76K per year) retirement from CSUF:
OC Register news article referencing Vince Buck as a Fullerton Library Trustee and NUFF member from 1/8/2008…
I guess the real problem I have is that NUFF, who claims to be non-partisan, is consistently supportive of Fullerton City Council candidates which are also supported simultaneousy by the Democrats of North Orange County such as Doug Chaffee:
( key and full list of donors such as SQS,Pam Keller,Vice Buck, Fullerton Observer, and NUFF)
Karen Haluza
Also note how Pam Keller’s campaign contributions from the 2006 Fullerton City Council election, clearly showing a $2,500 contribution from supposedly non-partisan group, NUFF, or Neighbors United For Fullerton…which I believe in reality it is the covert arm of the educators in this community, subversively funneling money to Democratic candidates such as Keller,Flory, and SQS, Chaffee, etc…
Pam Keller’s payment back to NUFF…
Pam’s contribution to fellow Democrat, Doug Chaffee…
Pam’s 2006 contributors, including the Democratic Party of Orange…
I think that it’s also noteworthy to see how the Fullerton Observer’s editor, Sharon Kennedy, perjures herself under oath in this Superior Court declaration , by stating that the Fullerton Observer is non-partisan, and non-sectarian.
I’ll grant them the last one, but the first is a blatant lie as the Fullerton Observer’s definitely supportive with their coverage of Democratic candidates, such as Chaffee, Sharon Quirk Silva and Pam Keller, and obviously slanted in their coverage of Republicans such as Norby, Nelson, Whitaker, and even Chris Thompson.
30 year FJUSD Trustee, Bob Singer’s list of endorsements listing includes NUFF, Vince Buck, Fullerton Observer, Jan Flory, Jennifer Fitzgerald, SQS, and the Democratic party…
Ladies and gentlemen, Nuff already of the Keller, Buck, Kennedy, La Raza clan that is fine with the roads full of potholes and drivers with fake id’s. Time to reclaim Foolerton back to its rightful owners, US!
Jane Rands, Where are the keys to your house?
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Illegal Immigration, Jane Rands, Jesus Silva, the lamestream media on March 22, 2018

Jane Rands pictured here (left) and Sex Ed Sharon Quirk Silva (right). Silva is a radical Agenda 21 open borders activist in the State Legislature
Does Jane Rands, Sharon Kennedy’s long term close associate, want to open the doors to all of those who wish to unlawfully enter and hand over everything we own to anyone who asks?
Jane Rands is a reporter for The Fullerton Observer who wants Fullerton to be a sanctuary city. Listen to her statements above after the presentation of hard hitting truth at the March 19 Fullerton City Council Meeting by Gary Gileno below.
Jesse Letour, also a reporter for the Fullerton Observer, another Sanctuary city supporter, won’t cover any of our statements or print our names in the paper even though we attend and speak at nearly every meeting.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Public Records Requests <>
Date: Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 4:05 PM
Dear Mr. Joe Imbriano,
You have made the following request for documents pursuant to the California Public Records Act.
1-Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in CSF.
2- Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in CSF
3-Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in CSF.
4-Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at CSF.
5-Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at CSF.
6-Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students at CSF.
Information about students is retained electronically in various University databases, the extrapolation of which would require several steps in order to attempt to extract the information you have requested and to provide you with supporting documents. The extraction and redaction of names and personal information in order to print and provide you with documents would be time consuming. In an effort to provide you with the information you are seeking that is public, and in order not to violate any right to privacy of any individual student, as protected by state and federal law (Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution, the Information Practices Act, Cal. Civil Code Section 1798 et seq. and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232g), the University has researched the questions you have posed and without further charge to you shares the following information:
- 1-Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in CSF.
It is not entirely clear what is meant by the term “undocumented” but the University confirms that 914 students as of census for Spring 2017 both (1) requested in-state tuition pursuant to Education Code Section 68130.5 and (2) informed the campus that their legal immigration status is “none of the above” when asked to confirm their legal immigration status.
- Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in CSF
The 914 students referenced in request (1) were assessed the standard in-state tuition due to their meeting the requirements of Education Code Section 68130.5.
- Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in CSF.
The total amount of financial aid received by the students as of the census date for the spring 2017 semester who were (1) eligible for in-state tuition under Education Code Section 68130.5 and who self-identified as “none of the above” of legal immigration status, and (2) who applied for financial aid was: $4,562,136. The entire amount of financial aid distributed for that semester to all CSUF students was: $301,506,483.
- Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at CSF.
The approximate total funds allocated to the Dream Center in the 2016-17 fiscal year was $76,509 from state-side funds and $38,000 from Student Success Initiative Fees. The total operating budget for the campus for 2016-2017 fiscal year was $425,600,000.
- Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at CSF.
The funds allocated to the Dream Center in the 2016-17 fiscal year were generated either from the University’s state general fund allocation or the University’s Student Success Initiative, which is a student fee.
- Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students at CSF.
Generally all students are eligible to apply for all programs and the University does not determine availability for benefits offered to students such as fee waivers, cost reductions or program eligibility on the basis of legal status except where having such status is required by law for eligibility; for example, student financial aid programs designated for AB540 students.
Please confirm whether this information is sufficient for your purposes and if not what information you are still seeking. Thank you.”
Olivia Uphoff
Public Records Request Coordinator
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kai Stearns Moore <>
Date: Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:52 AM
Subject: Fullerton College Public Records Request
Cc: Gregory Schulz <>, Rodrigo Garcia <>, Lisa McPheron <>
Dear Mr. Imbriano,
This letter is in response to your Public Records Act request, dated April 13, 2017. With regard to whether your request seeks disclosable public records, the District responds as follows:
- Total number of undocumented students currently enrolled in Fullerton College.
The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.
- Total amount of tuition and fees paid by undocumented students enrolled in Fullerton College.
The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.
- Total amount of financial aid paid for the undocumented students enrolled in Fullerton college.
The District does not track undocumented status, therefore the District has no responsive records.
- Total annual budget for Dream Center operations at Fullerton College
There is no Dream Center at Fullerton College.
- Sources of funding for Dream Center operations at Fullerton College
There is no Dream Center at Fullerton College.
- Complete description of all available fee waivers, financial aid, cost reductions, and any and all benefits available to undocumented students.
Undocumented students is not a recognized category for community college financial aid. A complete description of financial aid awards available to recognized categories of students is located on the Fullerton College website at:
Have a good day,
Kai Stearns Moore
District Director, Public and Government Affairs
North Orange County Community College District
Take the time to research. I did. This is not a race/religion thing but a stand for the sovereignty we are guaranteed and the truth of what transpires when it is given up via sanctuary cities. For every illegal alien enrolled at Cal State Fullerton, an American Citizen gets a rejection letter.
Examine the obvious, dig up the evidence, and the crimes that are taking place in US, and acknowledge that.
Mass Sexual Assaults in Germany and the Liberal Dilemma
The murder that shocked Germany – and why its leaders are still in denial over migrant crisis: Medical student, 19, was raped and throttled to death by Afghan in German town with signs proudly saying ‘refugees welcome’
London acid attack map reveals the areas of the capital too dangerous for delivery drivers because of the epidemic
Early May Day action-Jonathan Paik’s planned illegal immigration invasion of the Fullerton School District and the deliberate stand down of the Fullerton Republican Women Federated
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA on April 26, 2017
When an email warning came out from the Fullerton Republican Women Federated group early last week warning of “Fullerton School Board Meeting on Sanctuary School Protection Resolution”, it urged its members to attend and speak.
In attendance at the FSD board meeting were the FWF members including its president, along with Pat Shuff and Susie Gapinksi. What did these women have to say as the contentious meeting dragged on with recurrent outbursts from the radical left wing pro-illegal immigrant Sanctuary District operatives? Nothing. At one point the leftist hecklers got so out of hand that a pro nation of laws speaker had his time cut short by Hilda. What did the so called conservative republican women in attendance do? Nothing.

Nothing but a coffee clutch folks and flowers are in order.
Barry Levinson and I were in attendance to decry the outrageous actions of the Board as they relate to the repeal of the Fullerton Sex offender ordinance and the deliberate misinformation that was put out by the district.

This pro-illegal alien supporter got very upset when I called out the pedophile protectors.
So Barry and I had to remind the FSD board of Trustees that their error needs to be corrected.
One hour into the meeting Mr. Sanctuary City salesmen Jonathan Paik was given upwards of what seemed like 10 or 15 minutes by the meeting timer, FSD’s notorious force irradiator Susan Cross Hume

Hume counts the seconds to shut me up and gives the Sanctuary City operative as much time as he wanted.
Hilda Sugarman sat back and let him pitch his bullshit and talk out of both sides of his mouth. Paik oozed with pride over the fact that so many illegal aliens are already here in Fullerton. So much so that he WANTS MORE.
This Korean national operative who is in love with Korean illegal aliens wants The Fullerton School district to adopt a SANCTUARY DISTRICT POLICY that will encourage more illegal aliens to fill the already overcrowded classrooms. He wants the district to adopt a radical resolution that will put the word out that Fullerton is THE PLACE FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THEIR CHILDREN.

Hilda Sugarman’s dystopic vision of wireless iPads: Every single child will have one 24/7
Radical, bleeding heart liberal, FSD board establishment member Hilda Sugarman, forced irradiator, mother of a recently fired Banc of California Ceo, project inkwell signator, forced vaccinator, and wife of the president of the St Jude Heritage Medical group on multiple occasions, violated board meeting protocal and gave the illegal alien activist over 11 minutes of speaking time at the FSD board meeting to push his radical Korean illegal alien agenda while attempting to refuse to allow Joe Imbriano to speak at all on the issue. She talked to the audience like we were five years old. What a creep.
Yes folks, the Korean resource center has sent its operatives to Fullerton to overrun our schools with illegal aliens while the local establishment phony conservative group puts out a call and not one of them bothers to defend the school district from the creeps that want to put the word out on the street that it is time for Fullerton to be invaded and to raid the local treasury. This clown wants the magnet turned on full blast so Fullerton gets on the world wide map for a pro illegal alien city and school district.
The Korean resource center wants to take your tax money to pay to push your children out of your schools that your tax money pays to run, and fill them with illegal aliens and to provide them free medical care, provide them free dental care, provide them free housing, provide them free food , free clothing, free school supplies, and free legal services all to illegal aliens and all with your tax money.
There were others from the Hispanic community as well pushing for super citizen status for the illegals and the suspension of the rule of law in Fullerton but I want to focus on this guy because he is the agitator for the race baiting KRC.
This Korean national political operative, Jonathan Paik is a representative of The Korean resource center. The KRC is a radical pro illegal alien anti American group whose stated goal is to give turn lawbreakers into super citizens and make you pay for all of it. They help register illegal aliens to vote and push a very radical leftist, extreme liberal agenda. The Korean illegal alien population is growing by leaps and bounds and Jonathan loves it. He wants to make sure the word gets out on the streets that Fullerton is the place for illegal aliens to set up shop and that The Fullerton School District is on the map as a SANCTUARY DISTRICT. Can you imagine the flood of illegal aliens moving to Fullerton as a result of such a proclamation? Imagine it.
So what do we make of the conservative group, The Fullerton Republican Women Federated, that remained silent as public comments went on and on while the radical leftist hecklers mocked, jeered and interrupted the speakers who believe in a nation of laws? Well this is the same group that supports all the phonies in town and the fact that they sat this one out is no surprise. They are either corrupt or cowards. They repeatedly court the corrupt police department including one of their favorites, Dan Hughes and the corrupt phony Republican leaders that make sure these agendas move right along. Just look at Dan Hughes pal above telling all the illegals they absolutely have nothing to worry about. Nice going.
When I caught up with the FPD information officer in the parking lot later in the evening, he contradicted himself once more and left me even more concerned for my safety as it relates to the rule of law and illegals in Fullerton. In the meantime, I want you all to meet your new neighbor, Jonathan Paik. I want you all to enjoy the 40 children in the classrooms with the doors closed as your children are immersed in foreign languages, and our Nationalism gets destroyed by race baiting liberals on the school board, in the teachers union all while the self-important cowards and phonies look on.
This school board member wants to fill Fullerton’s classrooms to the brim with illegals, have school taught in Spanish and have all district correspondence and publications produced in Spanish and make us pay for the free breakfast, lunch, dinner, day care and all the rest of the handouts ready to be handed out to the new super citizens.

This woman wants to make sure people with fake ID’s are walking around school campuses all the time as they drop off their children with fake ID’s. birth certificates and any other form of fake identification. That is the agenda.

What is so concerning is how we can just sit back and let a handful of extreme liberals organize while the phony conservatives stand down and most people just sit back and dump their kids off at schools that are already full of students with fake identities and adults with fake identities dropping them off and walking around the campus. There is no way anyone is safe while this goes on. This folks, is insane. We will allow no such enterprise to expand its operations in our hometown. You have my word on that.
There is no way anyone is safe whild this goes on. This folks, is insane. We will allow no such enterprise to expand its operations in our hometown. You have my word on that.
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