Posts Tagged Hunt Library

Fullerton City Hall bows to public pressure on the Grace Ministries Hunt Library ripoff

The Fullerton City Council being led by none other than the notorious Young Kim sycophant, Jennifer Fitzgerald, has been trying for years to rip off the taxpayers and let a church steal our library from us. She even had help from people on the library board like Ryan Cantor.  Well fast forward a few years and we find ouselves facing an even more sinister attempt to steal our library. Fitzgerald, who is in the hip pocket of this greedy evil Korean mega church called Grace Ministries, wanted to dismantle the library board and replace it with city council members like herself. What a corrupt politician.

I spoke at length at the last meetings and did this expose to get the word out. Did this video influence the 5 members of the Fullerton City Council into setting up an ad hoc committee to investigate the future of our library instead of selling it at a fire sale price in secret to a greedy evil church called Grace Ministries?

Well last night, something may have finally sunk in to the 5 empty suits up on the dais. One thing is certain, it took more than a pretty please and one thing is for sure, the most evil politician in Fullerton history is not happy right now, but then again is this person ever?






Shawn Nelson is a political fraud and is the gift that keeps on giving and all in a bad way folks. 


During the latter part of late night meeting of the May 1, 2018 Fullerton City Council , Shawn Nelson’s Darling the most notorious council member in history, 2 term RINO, Agenda 21, public employee union hack, stack and pack high density housing creep, forced irradiator, cell tower deployer, Shawn Nelson golden girl Jennifer Fitzgerald, in a move designed to allow for the theft of public property from the citizens and hand it over to a crooked evil church that she is cozy with,

RINO big government Agenda 21, SCAG operative Jennifer Fitzgerald

Fitzpringle Fitzgerald motioned for the city council to eliminate Fullerton’s Library Board of Trustees and handing over total power and control over the vast assets of the library to the City council itself. This would eliminate all public oversight and guarantee malfaesance to continue as it relates to this issue.

“I do want to bring the library board code sections up to date. I want to add to that we institute a new organizational structure for the library board that calls for the appointment of the city council members to serve as the trustees to the library board and to form a library advisory commission.” Fitzpringle

The Bushala puppets Seaborn and Whitaker were totally silent on this proposal because they are in on this fraud as well.

This proposal with the help of Fullerton’s corrupt city attorney, Dick Jones,

Fullerton city attorney Dick Jones up on the dais during a council meeting’ He never misses a meal but does plenty of sleeping on the job because the work he does is only when no one is looking

was designed to provide a covert mechanism and an end run around state law that protect such public treasures from such proposed outright theivery. 

State law makes it illegal to dismantle the library board of Trustees so their crooked solution is to appoint themselves as Trustees so they can sell off our assets to grease the palms of the dirtbag political powerhouses in town such as the greedy corrupt Grace Ministries cabal and the rest of their cronies.






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The Church in bed with the State crossing the line: The Hunt Library and Grace Ministries

Well tonight the Library Board  voted to set the stage to begin the end of the blessing of the 1962 endowment that Norton Simon and the Hunt Food & Industries Foundation donated to Fullerton. It was to be a building and park located in Southwest Fullerton, to the City on the condition that it is “used solely for a public library and public library park.” The donation became known as the Hunt Branch and is located at 201 S. Basque Avenue. Of course it has been City property since then and that means it is public property-our property. Looks like it is church property now,


Fullerton’s for sale ladies and gentlemen and it looks like Joe Felz, with our own property, is trying to buy off one of the political powerhouses in town with a sweetheart real estate deal right after Valentines day with Grace Ministries. An ambiguously worded agenda item, little to no details, a possible sole source bid down the line if coucil approves to not fund it and to sell it off, no appraisal-Has a backdoor deal already been penned waiting to go down?

Read the rest of this entry »

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