Posts Tagged greg seaborn
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Fullerton politics, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Hidden in plain view, Highway Robbery, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL on August 22, 2018
Watch where you walk
“Today at Costco. In the parking lot behind the old Toys R Us. I didn’t notice when I exited the car, but it was literally at the back of my car while I was loading up”. Marci Padgett on nextdoor neighbor 8-24-18
MILLIONS IN GRANT MONEY which is our tax money WILL COME POURING IN TO THE NON PROFIT to expand homelessness all over Fullerton!
Fullerton’s Fox Theater-A 26 million dollar black hole.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Agenda 21, Fullerton Community events, FULLERTON PRAVDA, Fullerton's downtown core and corridor, Jesus Silva, JOE IMBRIANO 4 FULLERTON CITY COUNCIL, The Fox Theater on June 29, 2018
It is official, Jaws is coming to the Fox theater and for 30 years and 14 million dollars, that is what Fullerton has been waiting for.
I have been trying to wake people up to the grand plan of the smoky back room dealmakers with the city that the 26 million dollar black hole, white elephant is actually slated for high density housing. The Fox Block Project being proposed to surround the theater will permanently damage the theater and result in its eventual demolition and I believe this will be intentional. It is the making of the perfect tragic crime. Is this the plan? Foundations, their power, their influence and their tax exempt status. Foolerton residents: their folly, their apathy and their wallets. Watch and weep as your wallet is about to get hit.
The Fox Theater hasn’t screened a movie for 30 years, yet it has taken in $14 million dollars spent on warehousing the resident rat population as the homeless sleep in the streets right outside. All this while the gatekeepers like Leiland Wilson want people to think that this movie screening is some sort of an accomplishment as this property is kept in a holding pattern out of the reach and access of the good people of Fullerton. Let me tell you a fact ladies and gentlemen, that theater seats 800 people and it will cost upwards of 30 million dollars to finish restoring it. This piece of public property has been held hostage for the better part of three decades to make way for Agenda 21 stack and pack housing. It will never reopen. The full remodel will never happen. Like all the shopping centers that have been run into the ground intentionally, The Fox will instead it will become this unless we wake up.
Yes folks this is what the Fox Block will look like. And this will be what the 57 freeway will look like because there are plans to do this at the Kimberly Clark site as well.
Enjoy your 20 million dollar popcorn as you watch a movie whose net effect on our culture was to result in the demise of the shark populations in our waters forever. Yes you can dream a little folks, you can dream that our crooked city officials are actually planning to do something nice for us for a change while the rats will be back in the morning to eat the popcorn you dropped on the floor. So will the rats at city hall, working feverishly to screw every last one of us as they have for decades.
The condition of our infrastructure tells it all and I did ask the question that very same evening I made the statements about the plans for the Fox.
Fullerton is run by ship of fools on a sea full of sirens. Watch out for the rocks because that is where we are headed folks. Stay vigilant.
Fullerton Council Member Bruce Whitaker And Fullerton Council Member Greg Sebourn Both Incredibly Caused Their Own Political Obituaries On April 3, 2018 At The Fullerton City Council. By Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Bruce Whitaker, Bruce, Greg Sebourn, Illegal Immigration on April 7, 2018
Here are the pertinent quotes of Fullerton City Council member Bruce Whitaker during the discussion on Agenda Item No. 3 entitled “Consideration Of Support For The Department Of Justice Lawsuit Against The State Of California Regarding Sanctuary City Laws”.
“Since immigration is predominately and really entirely a federal jurisdiction, it leads me to lean in that direction, to lean in the direction of at least to preserving the federal government’s right to enforce immigration law.”
Whitaker continues: “But as far as being pressed into having to make a call on this, my lean is too support the federal attempts to make California as a border state comply with at least the minimum requirements of immigration law.”
Whitaker goes on to state: “There is more than a little bit of partisanship at play here and there is more than a little bit of political one-upmanship and the tactics of labeling and to shout down people from the other side of the situation. I will not be cowered by those tactics.”
With three council members just prior to the vote indicating support in varying degrees for the Agenda Item (Whitaker, Sebourn and Fitzgerald), the vote to approve the Agenda Item incredibly never happened. Instead Council member Jesus Silva made an alternative motion seconded by Mayor Doug Chaffee to Receive and File, which means to file the agenda item away without taking any action on it.
The Final Vote to Receive and File was as follows:
Doug Chaffee, Jesus Silva and Greg Sebourn: YES
Jennifer Fitzgerald: NO
Bruce Whitaker: ABSTAINING
The vote to Receive and File had indeed Bruce Whitaker cowering with an Abstention Vote.
Here are the pertinent statements from Fullerton Council member Greg Sebourn during the discussion on Agenda Item No. 3.
He started by providing the very recent results of a UC Berkley poll that indicated that 74% of all respondents agreed that local authorities should not be able to ignore any request to detain any person who is in this country illegally. The poll found that 82% of Republicans, 73% of Democrats and 71% of Independents opposed California’s Sanctuary State Laws.
He then went on to state that he was in favor of the City of Fullerton writing a letter in support of the repeal of SB54, AB 450 and AB103. These are all laws that foster Sanctuary State policies.
But two minutes after he expressed this support he caved like a demolished building by casting the deciding vote for an alternative motion to Receive and File the Agenda item. This effectively approved doing absolutely nothing to support his just disclosed opposition to SB54, AB450 and AB103. With a backbone like that, I do not know how Sebourn can walk on his own.
Both Bruce Whitaker and Greg Sebourn were total sellouts and proved beyond any shadow of a doubt not to be men of their word. They proved that whatever comes out of their mouths should never be taken seriously. They in fact proved themselves to be worthless, spineless, and totally self-serving politicians who betrayed their own positions in the blink of an eye.
Please remember this historic betrayal by Republican Bruce Whitaker, a self-proclaimed Constitutional Conservative and Republican Greg Sebourn.
How could anyone ever trust them with their votes again? I for one will never support them again.

Bruce Whitaker is the untimate betrayer of the taxpayers
When a politicians’ word literally means absolutely nothing, trust has been forever broken between the people they serve and themselves.
Does anyone in his or her right mind, still believe that Bruce Whitaker is the right person to serve us in Sacramento from the 29thSenate District?

Bushala puppet and plant, phony empty suit career politician Bruce Whitaker is now officially a coward
Does anyone in his or her right mind still believe that Greg Sebourn is the right person to continue to be on the Fullerton City Council?
For this and many more reasons, Bruce Whitaker’s political career and Greg Sebourn’s political career both deserve to be ended as soon as possible. That means that you do not vote for Bruce Whitaker for California State Senate for the 29th Senate District and you do not vote to reelect Greg Sebourn to the Fullerton City Council.
In conclusion, they have both proved that whatever comes out of their mouths can never be counted on by the Fullerton public. They deserve are scorn and our pity but not our precious votes.
How Did The City Of Fullerton Get This Bad? Hint: It Took A Concerted Effort To Put Fullertonians Last By Our Failed, Phony And Gutless Politicians! The Current Culprits : Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bruce Whitaker (I’ve accomplished nothing in almost eight years….time to get a big promotion.), Doug Chaffee (Rumor has it that he wants his wife to succeed him. I guess he thinks their royalty.), Jesus Silva and Greg Sebourn.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Who's who in Fullerton politics on February 9, 2018
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