Was the Alec Baldwin “Rust” shooting a (hoax) ritual sacrifice to usher in the Communist Overthrow of The United States?

Two finger baphomet hand sign.


They always leave their calling card that this is a complete hoax.
They use the ladder in a tone of their hoaxes.  It’s one of their most important symbols.
It’s their stairway or ladder to heaven.
The only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ…so they mock that by showing them getting to heaven with a ladder.
It also represents the steps to “Enlightenment”.
They have used step ladders in many of their hoaxes.  Especially an ORANGE (33) step ladder.
They have to create these stories to distract the masses. They use one of their Freemason Puppet Hollywood Stars to attract all the attention.  They will milk this out for weeks.
“I can’t think of any reason there would be a live round anywhere on set. They are generally prohibited from movie sets. There is no explanation I can think of why there would be a live round in a gun on set. You certainly wouldn’t have it in the hands of an actor,” Lake told The Post.
“Loaded or unloaded, a weapon never gets pointed at another human being,” said Bryan Carpenter, who heads Dark Thirty Film Services.


  • Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the 24-year-old head armorer in charge of guns on Alec Baldwin film where cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed on Thursday had admitted she ‘wasn’t sure she was ready’ for the job in an interview before filming started


Revelation 13:2
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the 24-year-old head armorer in charge of guns on Alec Baldwin film where cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed on Thursday had admitted she 'wasn't sure she was ready' for the job in an interview before filming started

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the 24-year-old head armorer in charge of guns on Alec Baldwin film where cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed on Thursday had admitted she ‘wasn’t sure she was ready’ for the job in an interview before filming started.

The Woman who was shot was 42 which is your 6 or 9.
You get your 66 for your dual 33’s. 
They love to mirror the numbers.  The chick in charge was 24 and the chic shot dead was 42 . 
Alec Baldwin is 63 for your 36 or 3(6’s) 666
They tell us that the prop gun had misfired on Oct 16 which is your 10/16 for your 116 or 911 when flipped/mirrored.  Zeros do not count. 
In every article they mention that the prop gun had misfired on 10/16
Now why would they tell you that and what are the odds the gun “Misfired” on a date that equals 911. 
October is the 10th month and the 16 day.
10/16 or 116 which is your 911.  
The prop gun had misfired twice on Oct. 16
Remember that 116 is just 911 mirrored.  Satanists read things backwards, mirrored and upside down.
Just flip the 116 and it’s 911.  Look at it upside down.

Ottawa Public Health reports 116 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, weekly incidence rate increases

Here you got your 911 and 18 (666).  The numbers are just backwards and flipped.  Law of reversal in Satanism.

New Brunswick hits 81 per cent fully vaccinated, adds 116 new COVID cases

The girl that was killed was 42 for your 6/9 and the girl that caused her death was 24 for your 6/9.
You have the ladder in the background and the leopard face mask.  Why is she wearing a leopard print face mask?
Because it’s biblical and the occult use it all the time.  You will see all the female stars wear the leopard print.  It’s very Satanic.

If you understand the occult you will understand all the connections between Alec Baldwin and the woman he allegedly shot -Halyna Hutchins.

Was she a Soviet spy working for Russian Intelligence?  All the world’s intelligence agencies work together.
Her father was in the Soviet Navy.
It’s all a big joke.  They mock us.
Her father was in the Russian Navy stationed in Murmansk where she grew up.
Alec Baldwin was in the Movie “The Hunt for Red October”.   The Russian submarine that Ramius Captained with the silent propulsion was stationed in…you guessed it, Murmansk, Russia.
The connection for this is “Red October ”.  Red October is what is known as the Russian Revolution which is what is happening to Americans right now. Red October means Communist overthrow of your country.


It happened in Russia and they called it “Red October ” and it happened in The Philippines and they called it Red October.
Was the entire Alec Baldwin shooting was an occult ritual to the elite?  Are they are telling other members that this is the Communist overthrow of America, another “Russian Revolution”?
Watch this and you will see that the Russian Submarine that Ramius is commanding is stationed in Murmansk, Russia. Hunt for Red October Opening Scene
Now Alec Baldwin was in the movie “The Hunt for RED OCTOBER ”.  The woman he allegedly “shot” (Halyna Hutchins) is Russian.  She grew up on the same Russian arctic Military base in Murmansk that the fictional Silent Propulsion Submarine in the movie is stationed at.  Her father was in the Soviet Navy Station at Murmansk.
Hutchins was born in 1979[2][3] in HorodetsZhytomyr OblastUSSR, but grew up in the Russian city of Murmansk,[1] on a Soviet military base in the Arctic,[1][4] where her father served in the Soviet Navy.[5
She goes on to study and become a teacher at the American Film Institute Conservatory in Hollywood.
So you have the Alec Baldwin’s connection to Hollywood and “The Hunt For Red October” and her connection to Hollywood and the Hunt for Red october.
It appears to be all a ritual and mockery.
Those that understand Freemasony, The Bible and the Occult know how all this works.
The deniers of Jesus Christ run Russia and they run Hollywood.  They are all satanic communists.

The AFI Conservatory is a private not-for-profit graduate film school in the Hollywood Hills district of Los Angeles. Students (called “Fellows”) learn from the masters in a collaborative, hands-on production environment with an emphasis on storytelling. The Conservatory is a program of the American Film Institute founded in 1969.

Red October is another name for the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. …
Red October (Philippines), also known as “Red October plot”,  was an alleged rumor of ousting President Rodrigo Duterte from the office.

The Russian Revolution took place in 1917, during the final phase of World War I. It removed Russia from the war and brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), replacing Russia’s traditional monarchy with the world’s first Communist state.


Born on a military base to a Naval Officer, gets a degree in “International Journalism” and then enters Hollywood. This reads like the biography of a Russian Spy.  She marries an American and goes to the USA.
Her real last name is Androsovych.
No different than Chrystia Freeland in reverse.  She grew up in Canada and got a degree in Russian History and Literature at Harvard, was an exchange student to Russia.  She also was a journalist for Reuters, Financial Times of London, The Washington Post, The Economist etc. 
Again….she works for the elite and intelligence agencies. FREELAND WROTE THIS BOOK IN 2000
Freeland started her journalism career as a stringer for the Financial TimesThe Washington Post and The Economist while working in Ukraine.[25] Freeland later worked for the Financial Times in London as a deputy editor, and then as an editor for its weekend edition,, and UK news.[25] Freeland also served as Moscow bureau chief and Eastern Europe correspondent for the Financial Times.[25]


From 1999 to 2001 Freeland served as the deputy editor of The Globe and Mail.[25] Next she worked as the managing director and editor of consumer news at Thomson Reuters.[26] She was also a weekly columnist for The Globe and Mail.[27] Previously she was editor of Thomson Reuters Digital, a position she held since April 2011.[28] Prior to that she was the global editor-at-large of Reuters news since March 1, 2010,[29] having formerly been the United States managing editor at the Financial Times, based in New York City.


Halyna Hutchins

Early life

Hutchins was born in 1979[2][3] in HorodetsZhytomyr OblastUSSR, but grew up in the Russian city of Murmansk,[1] on a Soviet military base in the Arctic,[1][4] where her father served in the Soviet Navy.[5] She called herself an “army brat“.[4] According to film historian Jim Hemphill, she first became interested in film while living at the military base.[6] She attended National Agricultural University[1] and then Kyiv National University, first studying economics before changing her study to journalism.[7] Hutchins graduated there with a degree in international journalism and worked on documentary films as an investigative journalist in Eastern Europe.[8][9][10] She met her husband Matthew,[11] who is American, while in Kyiv.[12] They have a son.[11] She had Ukrainian citizenship.[13]


She moved to Los Angeles, to focus on filmmaking, taking on roles in production and fashion photography.[14][15][4] In Los Angeles, she met Bob Primes [de], a cinematographer. He encouraged Hutchins to apply to the American Film Institute Conservatory, where he was a teacher.[15] She was accepted and began studying there in 2013 for a two-year master’s program, which she graduated from in 2015.[16][14] Stephen Lighthill [csde] mentored her there.[14] Her thesis project, Hidden, made with director Rayan Farzad, was screened at the Camerimage International Film Festival, AFI Fest and the Austin Film Festival.[14][17]

In 2018, she was one of the first eight female cinematographers participating in the Fox DP Lab program, which was established to provide greater opportunities for women cinematographers.[17][18] In 2019, she was named one of the “10 up-and-coming directors of photography who are making their mark” by American Cinematographer.[14] She was director of photography on Adam Egypt Mortimer‘s 2020 film Archenemy.[19] She is also credited for work on the films Darlin’ (2019),[20] Blindfire (2020) and The Mad Hatter (2021).[21][22][23]

What was ‘Red October’?

Use of the term “Red October” can be traced to the Bolsheviks’ uprising against the Romanov Dynasty that ruled Russsia in October 1917.

While the revolution was officially completed in early November that year, the “October Revolution” as it came to be known is seen as the most crucial stage of the uprising with the capture of the Romanov’s Winter Palace by the Bolsheviks and their supporters.

“Red October” is also the name of the fictional submarine in the 1990 action thriller ‘”The Hunt for Red October,” an adaptation of a novel by Tom Clancy with the same name.

The story, set in the final days of the Soviet Union, focuses on a Soviet submarine captain who seeks the help of American intelligence operatives in defecting from the communist nation in the last days of the Cold War.

Some historians and scholars on the Soviet Union, however, have argued that “The Hunt for Red October” was based on the real-life story of Valery Sablin, a Soviet Navy officer who attempted to start a mutiny against the bureaucratic Soviet government in 1975 but was captured and later executed.

Some believed that the Soviet leadership prevented the story of Sablin’s mutiny from reaching the West so as to mask the presence of dissenters within their ranks.

The historical and cultural origins of ‘Red October’

Communist flag in the PhilippinesA protester is silhouetted behind a Communist sickle and hammer banner as members and supporters of an underground Communist movement march along a street in Manila, Philippines on March 31, 2017. (Reuters/Erik De Castro)

Opposition members continue to deny the administration’s allegations of the ‘Red October’ ouster plot to unseat President Rodrigo Duterte, deriding the use of the phrase ‘Red October’ itself.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines on Tuesday announced that they had received further details on the “Red October” ouster plot, the latest among many ouster plots the Duterte administration has floated in recent years.

Brig. Gen. Antonio Parlade of the AFP said that military intelligence received information about five sub-operation plans that will target military, police and civilian personnel involved in the Oplan Tokhang anti-drug operation.

He said the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing the New People’s Army, who have been accused of masterminding the alleged plot, originally intended to heighten their attacks around the second week of October 2018.

The AFP however has cleared some leading opposition figures including Sen. Kiko Pangilinan, Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and members of the centrist and liberal democratic Liberal Party following allegations of an alliance between the leading opposition party and the leftist CPP to overthrow the administration.

Some activist groups, however, continue to denounce the administration for its insistence on the ouster conspiracy’s existence.

Bagong Alyansang Makabayan in a statement on Tuesday called the military’s report on the supposed plot an attempt at “red-tagging legitimate dissent.

Other administration critics and activist groups have used the term to counter the administration’s allegations and point to other pressing concerns in the country.

What was ‘Red October’?

Use of the term “Red October” can be traced to the Bolsheviks’ uprising against the Romanov Dynasty that ruled Russsia in October 1917.

While the revolution was officially completed in early November that year, the “October Revolution” as it came to be known is seen as the most crucial stage of the uprising with the capture of the Romanov’s Winter Palace by the Bolsheviks and their supporters.

“Red October” is also the name of the fictional submarine in the 1990 action thriller ‘”The Hunt for Red October,” an adaptation of a novel by Tom Clancy with the same name.

The story, set in the final days of the Soviet Union, focuses on a Soviet submarine captain who seeks the help of American intelligence operatives in defecting from the communist nation in the last days of the Cold War.


Some historians and scholars on the Soviet Union, however, have argued that “The Hunt for Red October” was based on the real-life story of Valery Sablin, a Soviet Navy officer who attempted to start a mutiny against the bureaucratic Soviet government in 1975 but was captured and later executed.

Some believed that the Soviet leadership prevented the story of Sablin’s mutiny from reaching the West so as to mask the presence of dissenters within their ranks.

The Beast/Antichrist in the bible is described resembling a leopard…feet of a bear and mouth of a lion.
That is why all the royal logos, the Rothschilds all have these symbols with the Lion head, Leopard body and feet of a bear.
The unicorn represents the “Little Horn” in the bible
Revelation 13:2
The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
Daniel 7-8
8 I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking [c]pompous words.

What is the little horn in the book of Daniel?

The unicorn represents the “little Horn” in the bible….book of Daniel.



La Bête de la Mer (from the Tapisserie de l’Apocalypse in Angers, France). A medieval tapestry, this detail of which shows John, the Dragon, and the Beast of the Sea


Halyna Hutchins/Age at death
42 years
Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the 24-year-old head armorer in charge of guns on Alec Baldwin film where cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was tragically shot and killed on Thursday had admitted she 'wasn't sure she was ready' for the job in an interview before filming started

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