Shawn Nelson’s Congressional Campaign Pledge Is To Help Drain The Swamp. His Answer To My Question To Him In Front Of The California Republican Assembly (CRA) At Our Orange County Endorsing Committee Meeting Convinced Me That His Pledge Is Just A Political Slogan And Nothing More. By Barry Levinson

Barry Levinson

Shawn Nelson’s campaign pledge to drain the swamp collided with reality at the CRA Orange County endorsing meeting last Saturday.

I asked candidate Nelson about his close ties and support of one Fullerton Council member, Jennifer Fitzgerald in both her 2012 race and 2016 re-election race.  I specifically pointed out that she has voted for just about every raise for all the public employees and has been an Agenda 21 devotee as well, which in my opinion makes her a Democrat/RINO Chamber of Commerce Republican.

(Her anti-conservative votes are too numerous to mention here). Her firm Curt Pringle and Associates where she is VP,  was involved in giving us the neon elephant known as a Anaheim Regional Transportation Center for instance, which cost the taxpayers multi-millions of dollars while being grossly underused even as of today.   In other words a gross misuse and abuse of our tax dollars but all special interests involved with getting it built did very well.  Yet they have not even thanked the taxpayers for the financial gifts they continue to get courtesy of our flawed politicians.

Shawn Nelson’s darling Jennifer Fitzgerald. Nelson supported for two consecutive terms on the council in spite of her disastrous anti conservative Agenda 21 democratic voting record.

Nelson’s response to my question above was in my opinion as phony as a three dollar bill and simply failed to address it honestly.  He would not withdraw his support from her going forward as I asked him to do before the CRA delegates.  Instead, he said he disagreed with a few of her votes but of course did not elaborate leaving the audience wondering which union pay raises or stack um and pack um high rise developments such as the attempted but defeated notorious undemocratic DCCSP Plan did he not agree with if any.  He then continued to infer that she was better than the Democrats and refused to agree with my assessment of her as a disgrace to conservatives in Fullerton.

Nelson with his wife Sharon who tirelessly support phony RINO’s like Fitzgerald

Shawn Nelson in my opinion is a dangerous phony politician.  Only months ago he was supposedly gearing up to run for a judgeship.   Now he wants to be our Congressman.   It seems to me, like so many phony politicians, that his only real objective is more power and money and just about any overpriced government elected position apparently will do just fine.  For being a judge is very, very different than being a legislator.  But politicians if anything are surely opportunists.  He is cagey, smooth and I simply will never put my trust in a man who can’t give a simple direct answer to a very simple direct question.   His answer was the epitome of a man proudly embracing the political swamp not fighting it. 

I guess Nelson is ok with Fitzgerald secretly not keeping her promise of not taking salary for elected government service. Nelson is sinking fast in his own mire as this is being written. He is slick talker who plays fast and lose with the explanations just like he did with campaign funds collecting money for running for supervisor when he was termed out. What does this say about Shawn Nelson?

Jennifer Fitzgerald has been for all true Fullerton conservatives a complete disaster and the center of the political swamp in Fullerton.   I reiterate that Nelson will have a hard time convincing the populace that he will help drain the swamp when he has been leading the charge to get phony, laden with potential conflict of interest politicians like Fitzgerald into and remaining in office.  You know when you are talking about swampy waters, many alligators share the swamp proudly.

Former Chief Dan Huges and Fitzgerald swimming together in the swamp

Another point that provides background about this candidate for Congress.  Shawn Nelson even though he was supporting Jennifer Fitzgerald was the moderator of a Republican candidates forum (possible/and or real conflict of interest) held by the Republican Women’s Federated Group prior to the 2016 Fullerton City Council elections.   There were a list of written questions provided by the audience.   One of them was about SCAG, the Southern California Association of Governments, an Agenda 21 pushing non-elected body that gets approximately 500 million dollars of our tax dollars.  Nelson threw out that question arrogantly stating that it was an “esoteric” topic and would take too long in his view to explain to the audience.

Maybe Nelson believed that the audience was too ill-informed or too stupid or both to discuss in a limited time format.   However, I believe that he knew very well that the topic was an Achilles’  heal for Jennifer Fitzgerald and successfully threw out that extremely important and relevant topic into the trash bin.   Just another example how Shawn Nelson protects the Swamp and is never going to fight it in my humble opinion.

It is a shame that as conservatives we have such lousy choices for our next Congressman.    I had some hope that when Ed Royce (who did more to help get RINO Republicans elected in Fullerton than any other elected politician) decided to call it quits that we could get a better conservative candidate to replace him.   Now that we know the field that hope has been dashed for another two years.

Nelson gearing up for deception at the CRA nominating convention


Nelson obviously is ready to continue the long tradition of Ed Royce of supporting and helping other RINO Republicans get elected down the road, which is really bad news for the citizens of Fullerton California.  For Fullerton’s must know that it has been Republican’s that have dominated our Fullerton City Council going back 40 years and even before then.   Don Bankhead and Dick Jones both RINO Republicans voted for the 90% pension after 30 years of service at the middle age of 50 years old for both our fireman and police officers.   It also made it retroactive to any active safety employee’s first day on the job at the time of its passage.  Total insanity!  That is what we get when we vote for RINO Republican’s.   If you the Fullerton Republican public as well as many, many independents have not learned your lessons by now, you never will.  Please do not make the same mistake this June 5th and this November.


  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on March 20, 2018 - 2:21 pm

    One question I did not have the opportunity to ask Shawn Nelson at the OC CRA Endorsing Delegate Meeting is Jennifer Fitzgerald’s failure to keep her repeated pledge to the citizens of Fullerton that she would not take any salary or benefits of any kind for her government service.

    For starting in her second term as council member, she now is taking every dime afforded her as one of our five council members.

    Please tell me Mr. Nelson why is a phony RINO Republican poliician who does not keep a very simple campaign promise that she has complete control over and votes like a Democrat better than any Democrat and still worthy of your support as you claim to be a conservative Republican who will drain the swamp in Washington D.C. I say to you that when you support political swamp dwellers like Jennifer Fitzgerald locally it is hard to imagine you will do any better in Washington D.C. sir. It is a given that for anything to get accomplished by any elected official there has to be a will to have a way and your will is extremely suspect based on the facts.

    P.S. What Nelson conveniently leaves out in his response to me in the above video was that there were indeed other Republican candidates running at the time he supported Jennifer Fitzgerald. So the statement that he supported her because he did not want a Democrat to be elected ignores the fact that he had other Republican choices in front of him. Therefore his answer was the answer of a slick political swamp dweller not a swamp fighter.

    Why am I not surprised?

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