Ryan Cantor to the rescue: Chris Meyer how did Fullerton’s roads end up like this?

Chris Meyer

·2d ago

Janny your husband Chris Meyer began as an intern in the city manager’s office in 1976 and over the years has been an assistant to the city manager, director of administrative services, and acting city manager. The council appointed him city manager in March 2002. Janny why don’t you ask your husband, the former Fullerton City manager Chris Meyer what happened to the hundred million dollars that is missing from our city that should have gone into road repair over the last 30 years he worked in the city managers office and as the city manager. He ran the city into the ground Janny. Right now we are in the midst of an invasion of extremely aggressive FPD motorcycle officers shaking down residents in residential neighborhoods and speed traps on malvern where the cops regularly drive in excess of 70 mph instead of places by the college where pedestrians are almost getting killed every day. https://youtu.be/iyAqSDg6uJE

·2d ago

Here he goes again…..

·2d ago

Well, Joe certainly has a very valid point about the roads! They are the worst in the county! What gives?????

·2d ago

Debra Pember is one of the establishment worshippers who at all costs avoids the facts. I hope you never end up with a bad back or bad kidneys like some of the people that I know that cannot drive or even be driven around on these busted up criminal roads that destroy the cars, tires and suspensions which are now infested with a new predatory motorcycle officer goon squad. Yes you heard me. The FPD is going hog wild on writing tickets. What about the roads folks? Where did the money go Janny Meyer? While we are on the subject of Janny Meyer, why are the classrooms overfilled and why was Fullerton running ads on spanish TV networks to bring in students from outside the district? Aren’t 35 kids in a room enough? You want to be re elected when the schools are in deplorable condition jam packed with microwave weaponry and kids who dont even live in Fullerton while we pay taxes up the ying yang and have to brave the traffic you create with the importation of these parents who have to drive into fullerton with the out of district kids plugging up these busted up congested roads? The husband and wife legacy of the Meyers consists of posting their vacations around the world on our taxpayer funded pension dime on social media while the taxpayers and the kids are subjected to this? I remember the library board meeting where her husband tried to orchestrate the back door selling of the hunt library and he was bragging about all the lobsters he ate in mexico= i have it on camera. https://youtu.be/Y_NPneO4rOk

·2d ago

Ha, Joe, the fact is, my issue is with you, not the so-called facts. The fact is that you’re the rudest individual I know. Your lack of civility at City Council only shows the try persin you are. I really don’t need to say anything more, except you haven’t figured out that your tactics dont work. When you open up your mouth, the majority of is fine out. Now Yo Uve managed to find another avenue to spew your ugliness and slander. So now you can add me to your critical talk because I’ve finally addressed what Uve been wanting to say for years. I have always been the mind that I can respect other’s opinions, even when I don’t agree, if they’re respectful. You, Joe, are on the other end of the spectrum. Now there will be some that disagree with me and others that will applaud, as . I don’t have an agenda like you do. I don’t want to run for City Council or any other seat. This is a one time response, as I will not continue to engage or address your blather. You like to goat people in and try to break them down. I won’t take the bait. I’ve said my peace. Have at it.

·2d ago

You don’t care about the facts as anyone can review your comments at council meetings and arrive at the same conclusions. Great response and keep your steadfast and unwaivering support coming for the people that have and continue to attempt to destroy this community by turning Fullerton into an Agenda 21 high rise hell hole like LA. It makes my work easier. The net effect of the object of your derision and all the aforementioned and the efforts of the rudest, meanest, ugliest person you ever knew, yours truly and others, was the undoing of at least 25,000 high density apartments that would have been under construction right now as we speak. Yup the entire city would have looked like cell block H next to Coscto and worse. Instead I get to grocey shopping by my house at a nice grocery store that you and your establishment cronies wanted to bulldoze and jam 4000 units on. You keep doing what you are doing and so will I. The heat is getting turned up and people are going to start going to jail for what they have done to this place. We are going to find out what happened to all the money that should have went to fixing all the roads, and the cops are finally going to face the music they have played for us. The light of day is on Fullerton for good. The word is out on the streets that the developers are not welcome here and they want no part of Fullerton, The FPD is getting a much deserved enema and the residents are awake now. I will never be ok accepting the criminal behavior by the police, and the backdoor deals designed to rezone half the city into towering stack and pack apartments that have been thwarted for now. My job is easier than ever because the DA has the FPD’s number and all these shopping centers are now off the table for the wrecking ball. The investors won’t touch this town now and people will get to drive their cars and park them and walk into the strip mall stores and grocery stores that are being re opened for the first time in years. Just like the one by your house.

·2d ago


·2d ago

Our styles are definitely different. You try the fear and intimidation approach. Not what I want or look for in a leader. Yes, I couldn’t resist one more comment…your’e right.

·2d ago

The deal is we shouldn’t need a stupid grant to get our roads repaired properly and maintained. So we succumb to stupid roundabouts so the city could get one street paved. Where are the millions of dollars we pay in taxes to this city for infrastructure maintenance? We need to start asking this council serious questions on where all the money is going??

·2d ago

So much for the one time response.:)

·2d ago

Yeah, I know.

·2d ago

Upon review, there is one more resp9nse needed, since Imbriano professes that he speaks the truth. I never supported “4,000 units where our grocery store is going in”. This is a perfect example of how so much if what you say cannot be believed. You’re they’re with your camera all if the time, and meetings are available for viewing…where Joe did so ever support high density for that sight. I couldn’t let that go. Yiu made an “assumption” and it’s false. This is why I’ve finally had the courage to openly refute you.

·2d ago

Well, we’ve come full circle now, we’ve got the children, the cats that might not have been run over if their owner cared enough to keep them inside, and Joe tying it all up with a nice little bow of city corruption and mismanagement of funds! For the record, I do in fact have kids, my son walks to and from school as well as rides his bike on Wilshire to and from friends houses all the time, and roundabouts or otherwise there are zero parents letting their kids play in the street on Wilshire. I don’t like the roundabouts because I’ve personally witnessed 5 accidents at the one 75 feet from my front door as well as seeing multiple near misses, my wife had someone run straight through the stop at Berkeley yesterday and almost t bone her even though she had the right of way, and it’s completely illogical to screw up the entire street so a hundred bikes a day can ride through without stopping at stop signs, things should be done that suit the majority of people using the street on a regular basis, not a tiny entitled minority going 10-15 miles per hour slower than the speed limit.

·2d ago

I’m curious to see what they look like when they’re all done. they would create a little charm to the neighborhood, I really like them in many ways , and of course the lack of courtesy in the way people drive ,I can see this could be an accident waiting to happen on a regular basis ,I guess we’ll see.

·22h ago

“The deal is we shouldn’t need a stupid grant to get our roads repaired properly and maintained.” Jack of course we do because some people in the city stole at least 100 million dollars from the coffers that should have gone into road repairs. All the other cities have the same budgetary responisbilities to deliver services, constraints, police, fire, health care, pension obligations and wish they had our share of the property tax money. Half the town is Beverly Hills assessed value. The money is gone. “she’s so fine there’s no telling where the money went” https://youtu.be/UrGw_cOgwa8

·21h ago

Joe, are you alleging that money was stolen (embezzled?) or do you just not like how the money was spent? Doesn’t the city have auditors who would notice millions of missing dollars? Are you are saying money was stolen or are you saying it was embezzled or mismanaged, or both? I don’t get what you are referring to.

·21h ago

·21h ago

The council continues to ignore this after repeated public requests at council meetings.

·21h ago

·19h ago

There’s always a paper trail. Get a group of citizens together to sue for disclosure. If you’re not willing to take such actions, making the accusation is unfair to those accused and those who must hear the accusations

·13h ago

Ryan Cantor you obviously do not live on Wilshire….. we do, near the Wilshire Market. Getting out of our driveway is a challenge in the best of circumstances. When people were required to stop at the intersection we at least had a small window of opportunity to back out safely…now no one stops (not that cyclist ever did) Try sitting in Ford Park on a Saturday when soccer games are going on and kids are running to the WM and cars and bicycles are plowing through the intersection! Idiotic decision to place one there…..

·4h ago

Ryan Cantor is on the planning commission and is very close with the Meyer family. Perhaps he could get some answers as to where all the money went that should have gone into fixing our roads when his good friend Chris Meyer was in the city manager’s office for decades. Ryan never once has publicly raised this issue and for good reason. So how about it Ryan. Perhaps he could lead the charge into an outside firm conducting a forensic audit of the city’s finances and find out where at least 100 million dollars that should have gone into our city’s road repair went. I have been asking for this publicly of the council at the council meetings for a year now. Not one of our elected representatives and in this case an appointee to a comission will look into this.

·4h ago

Joe, telling lies is bad!

·4h ago

What part of my statement is a lie Ryan?

·4h ago

Your first sentence contains a pretty big one. Good luck with the audit.

·4h ago

Really Ryan! Is that your explanation as to why Fullerton has the worst roads in Orange County? All the other cities have maintained their roads. So what happened to the money we were given. That is a rational question that I’m sure everyone one in Fullerton would like to know!

·4h ago

Fullerton’s roads are the product of lack of investment, Angie. They are indeed the worst on OC. I didn’t offer an explanation for how we got here, sorry. You must have me confused with someone else.

·4h ago

No kidding! A lack of investment! That’s putting it mildly. So, if you’re on the planning commission is the above answer the best you’ve got?

·3h ago

The Planning Commission deals with zoning, not budgets or roads. It would be wildly inappropriate for me to use my title to pontificate on roads, sorry.

·2h ago

About 12 years ago the OC Register published an article about the roads in Fullerton. I was disgusted after reading that, 20 years earlier, our city leaders had made the decision to defer all street and sidewalk maintenance for 20 YEARS. This is why we will never get caught up. Could it be the 100 million was simply deferred?

·1h ago

Of course that was a long time ago, and still the beat goes on. Fullerton’s current method of road maintenance is to tear the surface down to dirt. That is to completely replace. This is the most expensive method of repair. Much cheaper and less time consuming is to simply grind the surface patch holes and cracks resurface and restripe. This must be done on a regular neighborhood rotating schedule and, before you know it, everyone is happy. Yet, the beat goes on.

·4h ago

Ryan Cantor is on the planning commission and is very close with the Meyer family. Perhaps he could get some answers as to where all the money went that should have gone into fixing our roads when his good friend Chris Meyer was in the city manager’s office for decades. Ryan never once has publicly raised this issue and for good reason. So how about it Ryan. Perhaps he could lead the charge into an outside firm conducting a forensic audit of the city’s finances and find out where at least 100 million dollars that should have gone into our city’s road repair went. I have been asking for this publicly of the council at the council meetings for a year now. Not one of our elected representatives and in this case an appointee to a comission will look into this.

·4h ago

Joe, telling lies is bad!

·4h ago

What part of my statement is a lie Ryan?

·4h ago

Your first sentence contains a pretty big one. Good luck with the audit.

·4h ago

Really Ryan! Is that your explanation as to why Fullerton has the worst roads in Orange County? All the other cities have maintained their roads. So what happened to the money we were given. That is a rational question that I’m sure everyone one in Fullerton would like to know!

·4h agoRyan Cantor

Fullerton’s roads are the product of lack of investment, Angie. They are indeed the worst on OC. I didn’t offer an explanation for how we got here, sorry. You must have me confused with someone else.

·4h ago

No kidding! A lack of investment! That’s putting it mildly. So, if you’re on the planning commission is the above answer the best you’ve got?

·3h ago

The Planning Commission deals with zoning, not budgets or roads. It would be wildly inappropriate for me to use my title to pontificate on roads, sorry.

God must love the City of Fullerton.

Image may contain: one or more people, sky, cloud, ocean, outdoor and water
Ed Carrasco I’m sorry if I wasn’t supposed to laugh
Susie Shuff Gapinski Took me a minute…lol
Jane Rands …like Jesus loves a sinner.


Jane Rands Doh! Did I say that?
Well, somebody made some kinda mistake to get us into this heap of rubble…I mean trouble.
Eileen Mele Why do you say that?


James R Crum As if the roads are the only thing broken here…


Cheryl F Richardson Good one!!! 

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  1. #1 by Anonymous on September 13, 2018 - 11:11 am

    Copying pointless discussion threads from your trolling on Nextdoor. Quality content, great original reporting.

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