Reassessment of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Limits and Policies (Docket No. FCC-2013-0204)

According to Apple’s product information guide, iPads can emit even more radiation than cell phones. Also, the scientific literature clearly shows that children absorb more radiation than adults.

According to the scientific evidence itself, in our opinion, it would be reasonable to state that children who use iPads for long periods of time are likely to have a significantly increased risk of developing cancer. Equally worrying is that in my opinion, children may actually suffer severe reproductive harm. So what kind of risk are we talking about? Isn’t that really the question? According to high quality independently funded research by Dr. Lennart Hardell of Sweden:

For every 100 hours of cellphone use, the risk of brain cancer increases by 5%.

So how many hours would children in Fullerton schools be exposed?

175 days x 6 hours = 875 hours per year.

That means after each year of exposure to these wireless devices there would be a 44% increased risk of brain cancer.

After 13 years, this comes to a 572% increased risk of cancer, for adults that is. For children, the increased risk would be much more, as research shows that they have at least double the risk of adults.

So according to these calculations, children would have an 1100% increased risk of brain cancer as a result of using an iPad at school. This does not include time spent doing homework or other extraneous activities. WiFi enabled devices such as tablets and laptops  in the classroom possibly emit as much or more high frequency pulse modulated microwave radiation as a cell phone and they are in direct proximity to the children’s sensitive developing reproductive areas.


 13-84 09-03-2013 American Association For Justice 7520942173


  1. #1 by Mozart, 432 hz on April 8, 2014 - 8:27 am

    “Okay, LONG story:

    Mozart wrote his music with the basetone on 432hz. This was considered normal. Nazis did a lot of research in the paranormal and changed it to 440hz. Because it would pull people out of sync. It would make them restless, greedy and needy. Instead of satisfied, peacefull and harmonious.

    The rockefeller foundation standardized the basetone of 440hz in 1950, the end of the 2nd ww.. We know (project paperclip) that a load of nazi scientist went to the US after the ww2. They probably showed sufficient evidence of the effect of the 440hz. 440hz is mathematically illogical. It doesnt make sense. 432hz does, so the questions arises, why did they settle on 440hz?

    Rockefeller wants 1 thing… make money. You cant make money from satisfied people. So they decided to pull us out of natures sync intentionly, Rockefellers are still the most powerfull family in the US.

    We evolved in a certain frq, see the docu, and we need that frequency for our health, because it was the basis of our creation. You always need a reference point and the 7.85 hz, is our biological reference point. By pulling us from this freq, we start to feel restless and our bodies will struggle to stay healthy (hence the booming cancer rates in our society). It’s like a radiostation that isnt tuned in precisly enough. You can hear the radioprogram, but with a lot of noise. Thats the state we are in right now. We get sick.

    Research has shown that one body riddled with cancer, can cure itself by retreating into the rainforrest, surrounded by the natural freq, and removed from the noise. There are several documentaries to be found on this subject. Where in cancer patients retreat and get cured. It seems like a miracle, but when you know this info, its quite logical.

    You know those hindu’s that hum “Aum”? The word is meaningless, it’s the vibration, the freq, they produce with their voice that created a meditative and healing state. EVERY ancient civ used this kind of vibration. It’s true, research it!

    Also look at coral castle from ed leedskalnin. He build an entire castle by himself. He never gave away his secret, other then it would have something to do with sound vibrations. He could make incredibly heavy stones weightless. After his death, the FBI raided his workshop and nothing was ever heared from it again. His techniques are kept silence from us. Because they simply doesnt want us to know what sound vibrations are and what they can do.

    Also: type this into youtube searchbar: “non-newtonian fluid on a speaker cone” You will see how vibration can create things, you will see that vibration, aka frequencies, are the bases of our universe, it IS the creator of our universe. Therefore, controlling a certain frequency, can make you lord of the planet. Esspecially when the poppulus doesnt know they are beings of vibration. You just mess with their frequency and they wont even know youre doing it.

    We are being kept weak, like hitler did to the jews in the camps, to keep us from escaping and to be controlled. This is done by a cabal, a group of men, a secret society. Please dont relegate this to the realm of ‘conspiracy’, because the evidence is overwhelming. We probably cant do anything about it, but you should know it. Research, and research some more… You are on the right path of discovering a truth you dont want to find, but i encourage you to continue. It would be an eyeopener. And remember: The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
    You cant save the planet, but you might be able to save yourself one day.”
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