Real Activists come to town

They say you can’t fight city hall? The hell you can’t. LAST NIGHT REAL ACTIVISTS CAME TO TOWN AND BOY DID THEY RIP FLORY AND FITZGERALD TO SHREDS with their lap dog Chaffee.

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It can be said that best laid plans of mice and men, combined with some good old fashioned corruption yields a terrible mess. Well folks, here we are.

Of course the establishment sycophants couldn’t miss out on this one. I mean this was a real lynching.



The problem is we play fair and they fight dirty. The city hall cabal lies, misrepresents, uses our tax money against us, embellishes, selectively enforces and passes illegal laws and even has resorted to attempting to frame and incarcerate people including my colleagues.  I wont even go into what happened to Kelly Thomas. That is a another story altogether.

The opener was Dan Hughes. This was the first one he ever did as far as I can remember. He delivered the invocation to a meeting that will not soon be forgotten due to the dastardly nature of the ordinances that were passed and the overt public derision that preceded the attempts to dismantle the first amendment and bury alive what was left of government transparency.

Special thanks to our like minded fellow brothers and sisters.


This ordinance deserved nothing more than outrage, not appreciation and gratitude by some in attendance and as far as the wording, well I could drive my 65 Chrysler New Yorker right through all the holes in this thing.


This is just another example of how the phony conservatives like Fitzgerald working with her evil twin Flory and her lap dog Chaffee with the other two so called conservatives up on the dais and their sycophants are morphing the once sleepy bedroom community of Fullerton into an Orwellian Agenda 21 police state replete with stackem’ and packem’ high rise housing nightmares with busted up roads awash in liquor. Of course we can thank the muzzled Nelson Royce plants on the dais for protecting Fitzpringle for 4 years while maintaining the 3 against 2 majority that comes up lose lose for the taxpayers every time.

Next time you talk to Bruce and Greg ask them why they appear to have no interest whatsoever in changing that dynamic much to the detriment of our community. It may just come as a surprise to all of  you. Look what they have continued to ignore about the deciding vote on every deal on the dais. Listen up.






  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on April 7, 2016 - 11:02 am

    First I would like to comment on the new “decorum” rules for City Council Meetings. First point I like to make is that you do not “fix” something that is not broke or even slightly damaged.
    However, once again, we see the arrogant, self-serving Ms. Fitzgerald, Ms. Flory and Joe Felz (always lurking off to the side) show their utmost contempt for the 1st Amendment rights to free speech for members of the public (who do not routinely kiss their rings). Of course, the council members can speak till the cows come home no matter how repetitive, irrelevant or even how misleading or disingenuous their comments may be.

    However Ms. Flory believes it should be left up to the sole discretion of Mayor Fitzgerald to determine if a public comment speaker has the right to speak or continue speaking before them based on her sole determination that the public speaker’s comments are either irrelevant or repetitive. WOW, as a speaker said you are something else Ms. Flory and it is not a good something else.

    As regards the status of record retention, the cost to store records electronically has never been cheaper. Furthermore, the cost continues to get cheaper each and every year.

    Let me be very clear that the decision of how long to keep records has absolutely, positively nothing whatsoever to do with the associated cost.

    If you want to be transparent you keep records for longer periods not shorter periods. But of course by their actions it is clear to me that their goal is to reduce the existing level of record transparency. Any auditor like myself knows in order to do a thorough audit you have to follow the trail of documents. But what happens when those documents no longer exist because the city government took proactive steps to rid themselves of those documents? The audit can not be completed and those in government who may be worried about something coming to light can collectively heave a sigh of relief.

    In my opinion these are actions purposely enacted to thwart future audits or reviews. The very antithesis of transparency.

    I strongly believe that with public activists investigating certain city activities, that the city manager’s and Mayor’s response was to make it easier for records to be destroyed sooner. Way to go Uncle Joe Felz and Mayor Fitzgerald! (For those of you under 40, Communist dictator Joe Stalin of the Soviet Union liked to be referred to as Uncle Joe. He was anything but warm and fuzzy!) Once again only looking out to protect yourselves and working against the best interests of the public. Remember the first draft that came before the council had many documents with no specific timeframe to be kept by the city but rather leave it to the sole discretion of the city as to when they can be destroyed. You got to be kidding me. This is not a firm schedule but a potential get out of jail free card. Question: What are you so afraid of that you had to do a major overhaul of a document that only legally required a very few updates?

    Ms. Flory’s defense of the amending of the record keeping requirements was less than convincing. I seriously doubt that Ms. Flory even read the over 400 pages of record retention schedules that made up this amendment. But that is what phony politicians do…they make definitive statements about topics they do not even have 1st hand knowledge of. It is all bluster with little or no substance. At least Ms. Flory controlled her dirty mouth at the last council meeting. Thank the Lord for small favors.

    P.S. Has there ever been any Fullerton council member, man or woman who has the propensity to speak like a drunken sailor than are very own Council member Jan Flory? Well I must admit that former Council member Dick Jones would give Ms. Flory a run for her money.

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