This statement comes from ED CARRASCO. You can’t make this stuff up.
Well in his spare time, he has made a point of taking on the US Constitution and insulting tens of thousands of those that lay their lives on the line to defend it. Yes when citizens brought up the lawless sancutary city that Fullerton has become because of our lawless city council,
Open borders sanctuary city Ed Carrasco bit back. Ed Carrasco wasted no time in trashing the thousands of good men, women and children of Los Alamitos. Los Alamitos is a very nice, safe, clean, wholesome and tight knit community made up of 15,000 people who proudly serve their Country, raise their families, run sucessful businesses, pay their fair share of taxes, fundraise for charities, attend services on Sunday and believe that the law of the land means what it says.
Ed Carrasco stated that “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
This racist response was sent to me from a reader. It was Ed Carrasco’s response an article posted in a Fullerton Facebook group related to what we did Tuesday night at the city council meeting. Yes we opposed the Sanctuary state policy and want Fullerton to uphold the US Constitution.
Introducing Ed Carrasco ladies and gentlemen.
His Facebook page has the following intro
“I’m not driven by avenging my dead family, Morty. I’m driven by finding that McNugget sauce.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”

Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”

the flightline as the body of Sgt. Thomas MacPherson was brought home during a Hero Mission ceremony at the Joint Forces Training Base in Los Alamitos.
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”

Soldiers of the California National Guard’s 640th Aviation Support Battalion make their way to family
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”

1 Los Alamitos, CA – U.S. Army National Guard Pvt. 1st Class Kane Coronado of the 756th Transportation Company in Lancaster, California, secures pallets of food onto a palletized loading system Dec. 7, 2017, at Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos, California. The base is being used as a multiagency staging area in support of wildfire response efforts in Southern California as fires continue to burn in the region.
Ed Carrasco “Los Alamitos is mostly white and irrelevant. It’s where decency goes to die.”
Ed, Los Alamitos is mostly white, but what does that have to do with anything? Are you a racist? Los Alamitos is certainly not irrelevant, and it is not where decency goes to die.
Pick up a copy of this and read it. Racism and lawlessness appear nowhere in this document, only in the minds of the racist and the lawless.
#1 by Michelle Foy on August 5, 2020 - 5:47 pm
I am a veteran with PTSD. I had PTSD way before I joined the military due to extreme crisis/dysfunctionality/abuse in my youth. Yesterday I was watching my alternative news sources and one of them addressed the problem of White oppression. THey had some footage of white women being beaten mercilessly by blacks. I flashed back to 8th grade. I was an Air Force brat and we had just moved to Torrejon AFB, Madrid, Spain. My first day of school I was in a kind of shock. The school there was for military kids and the children of diplomats and other Americans/English speaking students in the area. Over 3000 children in this immense campus, which resembled a college campus more than any High School I had ever seen. Little did I know I was being stalked.
Within a week the hazing and horror began. For the whole school year, a gang of black girls used me as a punching bag. They hit me, they humiliated me, they targeted me. They were all MUCH bigger: i am a petite woman and was a very slight pre-teen. I was very pretty. They beat me daily. I was pushed down a flight of concrete stairs. They ran my underclothes up the flagpole. Soon everyone caught on and I was completely on my own. Even the teachers and principals turned the other way and allowed this to happen day after day, week after week, month after month. A few weeks before summer break, the Principal took me to a fancy lunch in Madrid. He had made an announcement that I had won some (bogus) award and was getting lunch with him. Nobody seemed to hear it. I was called in, went to lunch with him. We didnt talk about anything relevant or real. I chatted small talk until he let me go home. I realized that was more about his conscience than anything else. Anyway, until TODAY (I am now 50 years old) I never let myself be angry. I never acknowledged what I lived through. I never acknowledged the hurt the rage the lonliness, the betrayal I felt toward the teachers, ppl who said they were friends, the principal, my own parents, who shrugged and told me to fight my own battles. Little did I know that the gang was following their Rockefeller White Hate Indoctrination protocol. They didnt know either, it just started with that spark of victim mentality that had collided with jealousy and created for them a sense of righteous indignation. LIttle did I know we had all been played. Them to hate me and me to accept it so deeply I was INCAPABLE of standing up and fighting their appalling crimes against my being for reasons I did not understand for 34 years!