PLANDEMIC-The controlled opposition pushing the Virus hoax

The Virus hoax is the basis for medical martial law and medical tyranny. Pure subterfuge from one of the key players

Is CV-19 is a HOAX flier Color revised 


  1. #1 by Melissa G on May 22, 2020 - 1:11 pm

    Joe, Bless you for your incredible courage. I’ve read about so many of these things for years and I knew it was coming, but the speed with which events seem to be happening and the totalitarian power grab we now see unfolding has been breathtaking.
    I know that you do a ton of research into more material and scientific subjects, but I was wondering if you were aware of the Bible changes from the Mandela Effect? I recently became aware of them and it is yet another horrible execution of high technology by the evildoers in order to enslave us on a spiritual level, morph the bible into the New World Religion text they need to deceive the elect, and make the collective memory of humanity be nullified, and to portray Christians as crazy.

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