Phony politicians make the strangest of bedfellows

Rocye’s endorsing Larry Bennett in Fullerton is totally unforgiveable and beyond inexcusable considering Mr. Bennett’s involvement in running the anti-recall program protecting the three bald tires that turned Fullerton into a pot hole pit awash in liquor and cheeseburgers.


Royce’s endorsing Jennifer Fitzgerald in Fullerton smacks of Cronyism on steroids given the fact that she became The VP of Curt Pringle and Associates right after Royce, Nelson and Bushala walked her right into office poised to turn Fullerton into a gestapo run gridlocked version of Manhattan blended with the Bronx.


Jennifer-Fitzgerald (1)

Biola’s tasmanian devil

The final hook is the proverbial political swinger Bruce Whitaker


Looks like Royce or Nelson played Bruce by making him fire Barry Levinson and give Fitzgerald the mayor title for the ballot and then by personally recruiting and endorsing Sue Gapinski who is endorsed by Royce. Royce is the same person who endorsed Fitzpringle and Larry Bennett. How do you do that?



Why do you back a candidate that is being backed by Royce who is backing Jennifer Establishment Fitzgerald?



Why do you back a candidate that is being backed by Royce who is backing Larry Establishment Bennett?

Bennett in his better days steeped in the Fullerton establishment


Bruce has for years, to the detriment of the residents, sacrificed his core principles in exchange for selfish political ambitions namely getting into higher office. How many years of Bruce Whitaker have we had and what has he given Fullerton?


Folks, they all got their orders and you know what? So do I.

To anyone with a pulse and in possession of a Pineal gland that has not been crystalized by the fluoride, honestly ask yourself this question?

How can you solve Fullerton’s problems when you are working connected at the hips to those who are Fullerton’s problems?


I rest my case folks




  1. #1 by Barry Levinson on November 9, 2017 - 8:34 am

    Fullerton City Government and politics is as dirty as it gets folks. Bennett pushed for the DCCSP and DCCSP light, which would have put into place a nondemocratic process wherein at the time now disgraced City Manager Joe Felz would have had complete authority to approve massive high rise buildings throughout most of the city without any oversight. A system ripe for corruption and bribery and Bennett and Fitzgerald were all for it while Whitaker was strongly fairly quiet on the issue. Bruce you are such a total waste. You have the two C’s covered….Corrupt and Cowardly. Your voting for Ma”Ayn Johnson, SCAG planner for the City of Fullerton Planning Committee was a betrayal of every principle you have espoused for twenty years. What a poor excuse you are as our Mayor!

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