A radidly growing company wants to BUY a piece of land that the taxpayers of Fullerton own. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD BE SOLD FOR THE HIGHEST PRICE AND BE CONSISTENT WITH WHAT IS ITS BEST USE TO BENEFIT THE COMMUNITY. Jobs and a tax base should be the priority. Sounds like a no brainer right? Wrong because Fullerton is run by crooks who work deals with their crony pals.
This company wants to come to town and expand their business and hire and employ people. Sounds like a great idea. Well the Fullerton city council wants to rezone this parcel from residential to housing for the homeless and give it away for FREE to a non profit that has no money. 10 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF LAND FOR FREE!!!
The non profit Pathways of Hope wants to RIP OFF THE TAXPAYERS AND RESIDENTS BY TAKING THIS TEN MILLION DOLLAR PARCEL FOR FREE FROM THE CITY AND use this 10 million dollar parcel to build their new corporate headquarters and to build a wharehouse to put up homeless people.This large parcel of land that belongs to the taxpayers is set to be given away to a non profit that has no money to build homeless housing for drug addicts and ex cons in a residential area. The title of the article is self descrptive. THIS IS A HEIST. This is a land grab by a greedy non profit to set up a permananet base in Fullerton ON OUR DIME to get their fangs into the jugulars of the tax payers and suck the grant money out of the coffers.
If we don’t stop this, they will build it, and apply for grants from the feds state and county to EXPAND with our tax money and these things will start popping up everywhere including single family homes.
Under state law Pathways can start running recovery homes too and the city or you and I will not be able to stop them and that will be a breeze because they will be awash in cash from all the grants to fill the streets with these people. This is insanity. You need to email our city council ——council@cityoffullerton.com
A non profit THAT HAS NO MONEY OF THEIR OWN , pathways of hope, wants to steal our land that belongs to the taxpayers by conning the crooks on the Fullerton city council to give them the land AT 1600 W COMMONWEALTH for free that is worth TEN MILLION dollars so the non profit can USE TAX MONEY TO BUILD THEIR CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS AND set up a revolving door flop house full of mentally ill people, junkies, and ex cons, right in a residential neighborhood? Why would a non profit be so inclined to rip off the taxpayers and ruin our neighborhood by building their corporate headquarters and homeless housing ripping us off again by using tax money to build it right after they rip us off and get the multi million dollar parcel of land for nothing?
Well it is because when they build it they will come and get millions in grants to run this mill and expand it to other locations in Fullerton. Meet the man who stands to make the most money at the helm of this taxpayer heist.
Watch where you walk
“Today at Costco. In the parking lot behind the old Toys R Us. I didn’t notice when I exited the car, but it was literally at the back of my car while I was loading up”. Marci Padgett on nextdoor neighbor 8-24-18
Yes drug addicts, criminals, mentally ill, rapists, criminals, burglars, and peeping toms and whatever has evacuated the Orange County Version of slab city at the riverbed. And of course ah the MONEY, YES THE GRANT MONEY, THE RIVER OF CASH that is our tax money THAT WILL FLOW INTO THE NON PROFIT ONCE THEY PULL OF THE SCAM OF THE CENTURY IN FULLERTON.
MILLIONS IN GRANT MONEY which is our tax money WILL COME POURING IN TO THE NON PROFIT to expand homelessness all over Fullerton!
#1 by Anonymous on August 23, 2018 - 11:21 am
You have any idea what this company sells, Joe?
It ain’t stawberries. Really surprised a member of the tin foil hat brigade is out shilling for synthetic beverage additives.
Good job.
#2 by Anonymous buster on August 27, 2018 - 2:20 pm
Might be a good idea to inform yourself as to what the company does sell before making accusations, dumbass.