Posted by Joe Imbriano in Hidden in plain view, The twighlight's last gleaming on July 17, 2014
I report you decide- BY BARRY LEVINSON
On Tuesday evening, Council Member Bruce Whitaker explained with great specificity why he would be voting against the Fullerton Counterfeit C.O.I.N. ordinance.
Council Member Jennifer Fitzgerald,who appears to have taken up the role of an attack dog for the City of Fullerton’s power structure, immediately responded as follows: “You are absolutely wrong.” However, she did not address one of the many specific points that Mr. Whitaker spoke to about the deficiencies in our version of C.O.I.N. Ms. Fitzgerald it is so, so easy for you to say you are absolutely wrong. If you were a member of a debate team you would receive a failing grade of F. Let me proceed with Ms. Fitzgerald’s remarks. “It follows in the path of C.O.I.N.” Mr. Whitaker explained exactly why it does not follow in the path of C.O.I.N. as represented by the Costa Mesa law. Let me provide you with one last quote from Ms. Fitzgerald. “We are not far enough along in this reform to quibble about these small, little differences.”
Again, Ms. Fitzgerald offers no words of substance, no factual support for her conclusions whatsoever.
Once again, she casts her vote with the two status quo council members, Chaffee and Flory and turns her back on her supposed natural allies, Whitaker and Sebourn as well as the people of Fullerton. In fact, except for some 5 to 0 votes, I do not believe that Ms. Fitzgerald has ever cast her vote in agreement with Mr. Whitaker on any substantive issue. What does that tell you folks about Ms. Fitzgerald?
In my opinion, her comments at the July 15, 2014 council meeting were a purely political ploy, which should not be surprising based on her chosen profession as political consultant. Only now when she speaks she has the backing of her new employer, the consulting firm of Curt Pringle and Associates. I wonder how many Fullerton voters who cast their ballot for Ms. Fitzgerald in 2012, are lamenting their decisions.
Ms. Fitzgerald did plenty of damage to her already eroding credibility by her unsubstantiated statements above. However, she further damaged her reputation by the following comment.
According Ms. Fitzgerald, Council member Bruce Whitaker is against the Fullerton version of C.O.I.N. because it was not his idea. Ms. Fitzgerald did you not hear Mr. Whitaker’s eloquently provided specific reasons not to be in favor of the Fullerton Counterfeit version of C.O.I.N. just a few minutes before your personal attack? It seems to me that you have a real problem responding to facts presented by opposing positions.
I guess your love for Fullerton Ms. Fitzgerald does not extend to all your fellow council members. You had absolutely no excuse for your behavior toward Council member Whitaker. An apology from you at the next council meeting would be most appropriate. After all, your comments fell way below any basic standards of decency and respect that you should always demonstrate to all your fellow council members.
Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children, Microwave Radiation in Classrooms on July 15, 2014
Park and Recreation Committee met last night and voted to approve the installation of an AT&T cell tower in Richman Park, a few feet away from the St Jude Medical Clinic and adjacent to the Richman Elementary School.
The final vote was 4 for approval, 1 abstention and 1 rejection. The vote broke down as follows:
Wayne Carvalho, Vice-Chair (appointed by Greg Sebourn) Yes
Erin Haselton (appointed by Jennifer Fitzgerald) Yes
Jesus Silva (appointed by Jan Flory) Yes
Scott Stanford (appointed at-large) Yes
Karen Lang-McNabb (appointed by Doug Chaffee) Abstained
Barry Levinson, Chair (appointed by Bruce Whitaker) No
Ladies and gentleman, it was approved despite the collection of 365 neighborhood citizen signatures telling the city that it does not want the cell tower to be installed. The committee was told that this neighborhood group only learned about this cell tower a week ago and that they were still actively collecting signatures and that more would be forthcoming. All public comments from the citizens, five in all were against the construction of the cell tower. No one from the public was for the cell tower.
It was also approved despite the fact that AT&T has not provided a contract document to the city. At my urging a similar document was provided as an example. We learned that the specifics of the cell tower equipment is not included in any contractual document but handled off line by the Park and Recreation Department.
The standard language in these cell tower contracts was somewhat troubling in a few key areas. For instance, it states under the Section entitled Use, the following: ”The Premises may be used by the Lessee” (that would be cell tower provider), “for any lawful activity in connection with the provision of wireless communications services by the Lessee.” According to the engineering study conducted for AT&T, the cell tower in question is “one percent of the applicable public exposure limit”. So under this standard language contract they could presumably increase the exposure almost 100 times and still be within the “legal” FCC limits according to the study. All this can be done without every being reviewed again by the Parks and Recreation Committee or the Fullerton City Council. I noted last night that this contractual language was not acceptable to me. Apparently, it was acceptable to everyone else as I was the only no vote.
I also asked if the council would be given a copy of the AT&T contract prior to their vote to approve the cell tower. The answer was that it is not provided in their agenda package because it is a standard contract approved many years ago by a former council.
I found all of the above unacceptable as I believe we were voting on an agenda item based on only verbal assurances by AT&T and very little else.
Now ladies and gentleman, I have not even yet raised the part that is most concerning to many others and me. It is the potential health risks that most of the public comment speakers addressed. Joe Imbriano, administrator of even gave the council copies of several recent studies that detail the health risks of cell towers to the surrounding community.
Yet despite all of this, I was the only commissioner who voted against this agenda item. So now it goes before the city council for final approval. Unless all of us go to that meeting (it has not been put on the agenda as of yesterday) I suspect this cell tower will be approved.
Before the vote, I offered an alternative motion that the vote be delayed one month until our next meeting. At that time I recommended that AT&T could provide us with the proposed contract, the neighborhood group could provide the city with its final tally of all those against the project and members of the public could address the committee with a formal presentation of their concerns about the placement of this cell tower. The committee voted down that alternative motion.
I asked the members of the Park and Recreation Department present along with the other five committee members, what is the purpose of reviewing this cell tower proposal, if we do not have a contract and by law (the FCC) we are not to consider the health risks of our children and their parents that have been claimed by dozens if not 100’s of scientific studies throughout the world. Not surprisingly, no one provided me with an answer.
One last but vital point. Director Hugo Curiel reminded us that as a body we couldn’t consider the health effects of cell towers in making our decision to approve or reject the cell tower for Richman Park.
The FCC stands for the Federal Communications Commission. It has federal jurisdiction over interstate communications. Please tell me where such a group has the authority and the expertise to make it illegal to consider the potential negative and serious health effects of cell tower transmissions.
I for one stand tall and stand proud to state unequivocally that the FCC has no right to demand our silence on the issue of cell tower heath risks.
It was just another sad performance by people representing the city of Fullerton. It was sad because every concern, i.e. the lack of a contract, the health concerns and the wishes of many of the neighborhood residents, all ignored by our Parks and Recreation Department and its committee.
Fullerton’s newest cell tower proposed in Richman park. Insert school kids for firemen, insert classrooms, school campuses and parks for fire stations. Stand with us to protect our children.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Are they turning their backs on the children?, Forced irradiation of school children on July 15, 2014
This one’s a doozy. It is going to be right next to Richman Elementary School, next to homes, in a park, towering right on top of The St. Jude Heritage Medical Group’s community health center. Get this- The ATT rep told the parks and rec commission that it is ILLEGAL to consider health effects in their decision. What? Is she parroting possible disinformation based on a contorted preemption case out of San Diego? Maybe or maybe not. The San Diego Court ruling on preemption is very dicey. At any rate, the ATT rep agreed to come back in 30 days with a so called “independent expert” to answer any questions regarding health effects and dangers to the public at the request of Parks and Recreation Commission.
So far, it appears that the commission has been bypassed, and it is set to be voted on by the council in July. WHERE IS THE DUE PROCESS AND THE ATT EXPERT COMING OUT AND ANSWERING THE HEALTH CONCERN QUESTIONS?
Well it sure ain’t illegal to simply read and understand the health effects and say NO based on a proprietary business decision. We have enough wireless exposure gang. We don’t need another tower, especially where they want to place this one. Are school kids and neighbors worth three grand a month? They are worth a hell of a lot more than that to me folks. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism on July 13, 2014
I REPORT, YOU DECIDE. by Barry Levinson.
It is now three years since the senseless, brutal death of Kelly
Thomas at the hands, arms, feet, knees, bodies and Taser gun
handle of 6 Fullerton police officers.
Three of those officers are still
gainfully employed under our new Chief of Police, Dan Hughes.
Sergeant Kevin Craig, the highest-ranking officer on the scene
received the 2013 Fullerton Police Department Supervisor of the Year
Award from the Fullerton Police Association.
Those in power at city hall claim correctly that we have new council
members and a new police chief. However, it is not the names
of those in charge that is important but rather the openness and
transparency in which they govern us that does matter.
Unfortunately, in that regard, little has changed substantively since
the brutal death of Kelly Thomas.
Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Hidden in plain view on June 27, 2014
Welcome to 1984 ladies and gentlemen. We really have been there for 30 years.The web of lies is in fact, so intricate that it requires almost 2 brains to navigate it. The screens are lying to us all and that is just the beginning. And you thought the smart TV replaced the idiot box. Would they sterilize all of you by DEPLOYING wireless infrastructure everywhere? Never.
Would they sterilize children by forcing them to be vaccinated with nano tech laden injections to enter school, force them to use wireless devices once they get inside the classroom and then get them addicted to them at home? Never.
Would they lie to us about anything? Never. Governments never turn on their own people. Keep letting the flicker rate manipulated screens turn your brains to mush as they get ready to hand the planet back over to the wolves. By the way, they forgot to tell you that you are not invited. And the band played on…..
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on June 23, 2014
I REPORT, YOU DECIDE. By Barry Levinson
C.O.I.N (Civic Openness in Negotiations) – Well a few of us tried valiantly to persuade two other Fullerton council members in addition to our consistent friend and advocate for the people, Council member Whitaker to reject the City of Fullerton’s sham version of labor negotiation reform. Diane Hickey and I presented a comparison between the two tales of “good” government. The real version known as the Costa Mesa version and than the cynical, phony, corrupt version hoisted upon us at council last night by Human Resources Director Gretchen Beatty with the blessings I suspect from her boss, City Manager, Joe Felz. Read the rest of this entry »
That is a great question that will be asked someday soon unless we wake up to what is being done to our children. I IMPLORE all of you to please read this article in its entirety. This is vital information. This may be the most important article that you have ever read in your entire life. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on June 16, 2014
- I REPORT, YOU DECIDE. By Barry Levinson
This is my first opportunity to compare an excellent law, the CostaMesa Ordinance on Civic Openness in Negotiations (C.O.I.N.) vs. theFullerton Draft C.O.I.N Ordinance, which can be passed into law by a
vote of our city council on Tuesday, June 17th 2014.
Costa Mesa’s Civic Openness in Negotiations ordinance was
designed to make public employee salary and benefit negotiations
open and transparent to the public and to all members of the city
council as well.
First, the Costa Mesa ordinance makes it clear that “the city shall
have prepared on its behalf, by an independent auditor, …. a
study and supplemental data upon which the study is based,
determining the fiscal impacts attributed to each term and condition of
More importantly “the above report and findings of the independent
auditor shall be completed and made available for review by the city
council and the public at least thirty days before consideration by the
city council of an initial meet and confer proposal to be presented
to any recognized employee organization regarding negotiation
of an amended, extended, successor, or original memorandum of
Finally, “the above report shall be regularly updated by the
independent auditor to itemize the costs and the funded and
unfunded actuarial liability which would or may result form adoption or
acceptance of each meet and confer proposal.”
The draft Fullerton C.O.I.N. ordinance includes none of the above
specific steps to ensure the public is being kept informed with
accurate and timely data and information.
What does our draft ordinance include? It includes the following:
“Staff shall prepare an annual analysis of cost and liabilities related to
each Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between a recognized
employee association and the city of Fullerton …”. “The annual fiscal
analysis shall be submitted to the City’s independent auditor during
the course of the annual City financial audit.”
Please notice ladies and gentlemen that this audit takes place
annually, probably after the conclusion and the signing of the labor
agreements. Learning of an error after a 3 or 5-year agreement has
been signed, sealed and delivered is meaningless. How convenient
for all city employees that City Manager Joe Felz and staff would
rewrite this ordinance in this fashion. The auditing required under
the Fullerton Draft Ordinance is a waste of money because it is not
completed on a timely basis.
Second, the Fullerton draft excludes the Report Format, which
provides the framework and necessary detail to understand the
impacts of various items in the proposals.
Third, if the two items above do not derail the true purpose of
C.O.I.N. then a simple majority of the council can do away with the
requirement to have an independent negotiator. This part of the draft
ordinance is ridiculous on its face. You take a cornerstone of the
concept of C.O.I.N. and you make it optional with the vote of 3 out of
5 members of the council. Section B.1 entitled Principal Negotiator,
states “The requirement for an outside negotiator may be waived by a
majority vote of City Council.”
Fullerton city leaders have taken an open, fair and effective law for all
parties and made it into a paper tiger.
This is my first review of the Fullerton C.O.I.N. draft ordinance and
you can see by the length of this critique that the two ordinances
have far more differences than key points in common. In fact, I would
be hard pressed to see any of the Costa Mesa key points being
brought forward to our Fullerton ordinance. Based on all the above
facts, it would not be far from the truth to state that our Fullerton
ordinance literally guts the effectiveness of the Costa Mesa law.
My recommendation is that we throw out this draft in its entirety. We
start again with the Costa Mesa Ordinance as our draft ordinance as
originally brought before this council some 7 months ago by Council
member Whitaker. If any council members want to change any of
the Costa Mesa requirements they should have documented valid
reasons why their change would be for the better and each change
should be voted on separately by our council.
In my humble opinion, the Costa Mesa Civic Openness in
Negotiations Ordinance is an excellent law. The only fault that some
may find with it (certainly not me) is that it will actually accomplish its
proclaimed purpose.—BARRY LEVINSON
Dr. Leif Salford on WiFi and wireless: how microwave emissions affect the blood brain barrier.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on June 12, 2014
Are your children the canaries in the coal mine, or rats in a cage with 35 kids in a classroom being forcibly exposed to pulse modulated microwave radiation levels that are trillions of times the normal background levels from multiple industrial strength wireless access points with wireless devices in their laps all day 5 days a week 180 days a year for decades? You can shut the wireless off at home but not at school. Robert Pletka refuses to turn off the wireless systems.
I would listen to this neurosurgeon who has been in practice since 1967 long before any education doctor like the Fullerton School District superintendent Dr. Robert Pletka.
Robert Pletka has gone on record and states that the wireless classrooms are “… totally safe for the children..”
How about Greg Dhuyvetter who while runs all the Catholic Schools in The OC? ALL of his schools are rolling ahead with wireless in spite of the warnings to him.
Does it not appear that he could very well be in love with the technology if not obsessed with it? Or how about this where he uses Jesus’ name in vain to gain bragging rights to the common core? Are you kidding me? . Is this his fantasy?
How about Petaluma school superintendent Steve Bolman who was refused to turn off the wireless systems in his district?
Why does it appear that he is ignoring the Petaluma based website run by a local parent group?
It is a no brainer folks. The stuff needs to be turned OFF and taken out of the laps and hands of our children before it is too late.
Obama’s Connect Ed program, and Wheeler’s FCC are directly involved in what amounts to forcibly irradiating your children at school. This is a non-optional situation for your kids.
“John Krull, the information technology officer for the Oakland public school system, said the need for Wi-Fi upgrades cannot wait another year. “We pretty much need an access point in every classroom,” Mr. Krull said. “Just having a few access points spread around the school doesn’t cut it.”
I guess he hasn’t read this:
I would add that once these access points end up being deployed on the ceilings, their pulse modulated microwave emission equivalents-the wireless tablets and laptops-end up being deployed in their laps with, in this case, the antenna resting right on his zipper.
They will also be deployed near their heads,
or even at home deployed right next to their siblings developing brains.
May God help us ladies and gentlemen, may God help us.
Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes — another look
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on June 9, 2014
I REPORT, YOU DECIDE.-by Barry Levinson
I attended the Fullerton Republican Women’s Federated meeting on May 28, 2014. The guest speaker was our Police Chief Dan Hughes. He gave an interesting if somewhat disjointed speech. He indicated that it was good for his department to acknowledge when they do not live up to the highest standards. Yet, he then referred to activists and complained that whatever the FPD actually does, these activists are going to complain about his department.
Dan, either you want legitimate criticism or you want to bitterly complain whenever a member of the public has a legitimate beef with the FPD. Your speech certainly sent out mixed messages much like that famous pair, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
He also handed out the 2013 FPD Annual Report, which he indicated was the first one published since way back in 1967.
In it I noted that for 2013, the FPD Supervisor of the Year was none other than Sergeant Kevin Craig, the highest-ranking officer present during the beating death of Kelly Thomas. Craig, you may recall, testified in late 2013 or January 2014 for the defense of Ramos and Cicinelli, claiming that none of the actions taken by any of his fellow officers, including himself that night were indeed against FPD policy. It seemed rather odd that even before the criminal trial had begun, Dan Hughes chose this man to be his star performer.
Why, Dan, did you fire Ramos, Cicinelli and Wolfe, when your Supervisor of the Year testified that they did nothing wrong? Your training officer, Corporal Rubio also testified that they did absolutely nothing wrong.
I guess those officers were just walking by and Kelly Thomas just happened to repeatedly strike himself in the head, face, body, etc. and died. I guess Kelly Thomas asked Fullerton Police Officer, Jay Cincinelli if he could borrow his taser, so Kelly could inflict maximum damage to his own face. I guess it was just those 6 officers’ misfortune that they happened to be on their normal rounds when that terrible incident occurred.
One must accept the above scenario as the truth to be able to understand why not one of those 6 officers ever spent a night in jail. But those pesky activists — you know, the protestors — Dan Hughes will make darn sure that they spend some time behind bars. Because that is the fair-minded, not-politically-motivated police chief we are so lucky to have represent us in the most ethically run city in the state of California. Count your blessings, Fullertonians. The city of Bell has nothing over us. After all, they just stole money, not a life!
I forgot to tell all of you, that our police chief kept on repeating one point over and over again during his presentation. That point was that Dan Hughes just does not pay any attention to the politics within Fullerton. No, he just sends 6 police officers, including 2 supervisors as well as several police vehicles to Pasadena for half a day to arrest AJ for a misdemeanor failure to disperse.
I now have learned from Jean Thaxton’s public comments at last council meeting that Dan Hughes put together a police committee to review the tape of the Ramos, Cicinelli not guilty protest that took place on January 18, 2014. Based on that review, FPD filed that non-violent misdemeanor charge against peaceful protester and live streamer, AJ Redkey for failure to disperse (failure I guess to not disperse quickly enough for Dan Hughes because others have alleged that the same tape shows Mr. Redkey running from the protest area at the time the police asked the protestors to disperse). We all know that had to be the highest priority for our FPD that day. Clearly, if AJ Redkey was the most dangerous “suspect” that needed to be arrested that day 40 miles away in Pasadena, and you could afford to send 6 officers to make that arrest, then I would humbly point out that the FPD is greatly overstaffed!
By the way, it is my understanding that the most common way, the easiest way and probably the cheapest way to make that arrest was to call the Pasadena Police Department and ask them to make that arrest. I guess that easy solution never crossed your mind, Chief Hughes. I guess the next question is why did that simple and easy solution never cross your mind? Or maybe it was personal to you Dan Hughes, like the game of political payback! Just like the reports that the FPD riot police who taunted those protestors who were arrested on January 18th, 2014 with saying the words Not Guilty over and over again! If true, it shows a great lack of maturity and professionalism by those officers.
But unfortunately for the good people of Fullerton, the alleged bad acts of one or more Fullerton police officers do not end there. In fact, it was reported that those 10 arrested protestors complained that their very lives were threatened by at least one Fullerton police officer who was transporting them to jail. These protestors complained that they were threatened that when they arrived at the Orange County jail all their faces (including both men and women) will be smashed in by 12 waiting OC Sheriff Deputies. Yet when Dan Hughes was asked whether he had reviewed the DAR’s (Digital Audio Recorder’s) of those officers to investigate those extremely serious charges, our open and honest police chief remained totally silent.
PS: It is now over a month and counting when I first asked Dan Hughes to tell me the name of the Officer who replaced Reserve Officer Bill Wallis performing the very important role of monitoring and enforcing Fullerton’s Sex Offender population. I am becoming suspicious that Dan has not and maybe does not want to hire a replacement for Bill Wallis. That would certainly have the same or greater chilling effect as repealing our Ordinance No. 3149. No manpower, no enforcement, no protection for both our children and our women from dangerous sexual predators.
Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Government sponsored terrorism on June 5, 2014
I REPORT, YOU DECIDE-by Barry Levinson.
I want to thank all the good people from all over California who graced our city with their presence last night at our Fullerton city council meeting. They really showed everyone there that the truth will win out over the public relations machine known as our current FPD.
One of the speakers asked Dan Hughes to produce the DAR’s (Digital Audio Recordings) of those officers who arrested the protesters the day of January 18th, 2014 which will allegedly verify that one or more officers taunted the arrestees, with the chant, Not Guilty, Not Guilty with a broad smile. One or more of the officers then allegedly stated that when the protesters are handed over to the sheriff deputies, that they will have their faces beaten in.
Well I now demand that Dan Hughes hand over these DAR’s to prove whether or not those accounts made by I believe all those that were arrested are indeed the truth.
The clock is ticking Dan Hughes and we expect that information to be presented immediately. After all you always tell us that the new FPD is open and transparent and therefore, should have absolutely nothing to hide from the public.
One more thing Dan Hughes. What is the more serious crime? A non-violent failure to disperse or a specific threat to 10 people in Fullerton Police custody that their faces will be beaten in by OC sheriffs. Sounds a lot like the threat that Ramos made
against Kelly Thomas on July 5, 2011.
Since these terrible allegations against the police were reported extensively right after the arrests on January 18, 2014, why did you not have the answer to that question last night?
Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on June 3, 2014
There are many people who are upset about the FPD sending 6 police officers and several vehicles all the way up to Pasadena for a half day just to arrest AJ Redkey on a misdemeanor warrant, for failure to disperse during the January 18th protest over the not guilty verdicts of Ramos and Cincinelli. On June 3rd you will have the opportunity to speak before our city council. This issue is on the agenda as Item No. 9 under Regular Business. It will be very interesting if our Police Chief responds to questions from our council members if not from the public.
FPD chief Dan Hughes
Every time I think of that arrest the only two words that make any sense are; political payback! Unless, AJ is a violent felon (and based on all newspaper reports this is not the case), the FPD’s actions are indefensible. Please note that all 5 people streaming (broadcasting) over the internet during the Kelly Thomas not guilty verdict protest on January 18th, 2014 were arrested by the FPD. Coincidence or payback! Remember it was reported that those that were arrested that day while in the police van were heckled by the FPD’s finest with the chant….Not Guilty, Not Guilty! If true just another example of the total lack of professionalism of some of our men and women in blue. I believe that story because I personally know a woman who was not allowed to use a bathroom that day within FPD headquarters after 2 police officers asked her if she was a protester. She said she was peacefully protesting and they told her to take a hike. This woman had major surgery a few days prior and any fool could see that medically she was not doing well. I happened to talk with her right after this alleged innocent and I believe her story 100%. But I guess it was not those 2 officers day to serve and protect the public.
Dan you must be so proud of those 2 officers for refusing a sick woman the “privilege” to use our taxpayer funded FPD bathroom as well as those officers in full riot gear taunting those arrested protesters. A reasonable person would begin to notice a pattern of harassment, by taunting some of the citizens they come into contact with. We all witnessed for ourselves the taunting of Kelly Thomas by Officer Ramos on July 5th, 2011. Instead of police training Dan, how about sending those officers to a class with “Miss Manners”? How about a civics class that teaches your officers the meaning of the words, public servants?
Dan I know a half days pay for 6 highly paid FPD officers for a misdemeanor arrest warrant for an activity that occurred 4 months prior, may not seem like a lot of money to you since you make almost $200K a year plus another over $100K in benefits. However, it makes us taxpayers feel like we had our pockets picked by the FPD.
The other words that I cannot get out of my head are these; 2013 FPD Supervisor of the Year, Sergeant Kevin Craig! You know him as the highest-ranking officer participating in the KT beating death. He testified for the defense that he saw no violations of any FPD policy or procedures the night of July 5th, 2011. He came on the scene and witnessed 4 officers literally beating the life out of a 135 pound unarmed shirtless man with enough of Kelly’s blood all around to make an ER doctor sick. Yet he apparently did nothing to stop this totally unnecessary and senseless beating.
Question to Dan Hughes. Since your award winning Sergeant Craig and your FPD training officer testified under oath, that all officers conducted themselves within prescribed FPD policies and procedures, why sir did you fire Ramos, Cincinelli and Wolfe? Either they did something terribly wrong that night or they did not. You cannot continue to have it both ways. You cannot continue to state that you took care of the problem while you never have admitted any bad acts by those 6 men!
We also know based on the testimony of a Fullerton fireman that Sergeant Craig nor any of the other 5 involved officers directed paramedics to help Kelly Thomas to give him the much needed immediate medical attention he desperately needed that night.
I ask everyone who reads this message to go out and tell at least 10 or your friends to watch the video of our meeting last night. Watch the video of the May 20th meeting concerning the Assessment of the Sex Offender Ordinance and see how rude and disrespectful our Mayor can be. We have work to do and we must start right now!
The FCC allows for 100 MILLION more times the microwave exposure than The Austrian Medical Association recommends.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on June 1, 2014
It is truly a tale of two cities. Yes indeed folks, yes indeed and oceans apart. The Fullerton School District’s Board of Trustees, administrators, principals, teachers, staff and even most of the PTA groups and Foundations are all aware of what we are attempting to stop which is what we believe to be the extremely dangerous forced irradiation of our school children with pulse modulated high frequency microwave emissions to run these totally unnecessary wireless classrooms. My son, who is not using a microwave transmitter at this time as participation is OPTIONAL if you were not aware, tells me it seems like game day every day. All this just so the kids can play games on their Ipads? He finishes with pencil and paper far ahead of his classmates on problems and assignments. He said the other kids get to play games on their Ipads often and everyday. That is certainly what is going on at the Morningside afterschool day care since WiFi was installed recently as well at the behest of the parents ostensibly so the children can do their homework on the Ipads. Ask the staff. It is game day everyday over there now thanks to Mr. Pletka. His agenda has spilled over into the infant care centers now.
Well there was a time when my wife and I would walk in to the day care facility and see all the kids at the tables with their pencils in hand and their noses in their books doing their homework. Well at least the director has partially followed my advice by shutting off the WiFi until the kids get there in the afternoon sparing the infants, preschoolers and the kindergarten late birds the needless and dangerous RF exposure. Oh I forgot, it is all about the common core. You know even as of today, 6 months into this thing, still not one single solitary servile FSD employee has had the courage or decency to break rank and stand up for these kids. It is amazing what a paltry paycheck and a few bucks will do to peoples’ consciences. Ignoring thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies that show harmful effects and sicking an unqualified attack dog on us to obfuscate the issue is not what the children deserve.
So what gives with the folks across the Atlantic deeming 100 MILLION times less microwave radiation exposure as being the upper limit on safe exposure? What do they know that we don’t? Why are their Autism rates one third of the US? How could there be a 100,000,000 variation? THAT IS TOTALLY INSANE.
It can only amount to one of several possibilities. The first is that they know something that we don’t. It is also possible that our government knows something that they know but don’t want us to know, or lastly no one knows anything and they pulled the 10 to 8th power odds off of the back of a powerball ticket. Somewhere in the middle is the Bio Initiative report that the wireless industry and the academia bobble heads pick apart with their RF industry sharpened Pinocchio schnozes. Those folks are a bit more liberal than those from that far land across the sea at the center of culture and wealth at a recommendation of 30,000 times less exposure. Who are these folks? They are scientists. Who are folks at the Austrian Medical Association? They are doctors who happen to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Who are the folks at the FCC? Well it is simply a regulatory agency. It is not a public health agency. They don’t have one single medical doctor on its entire payroll. So what do they give us? They give us EXPOSURE GUIDELINES 100 million times higher than the Austrians and to add insult to injury, they get themselves off the hook because the guidelines are NOT SAFETY STANDARDS.
How can something so important, be given to chance? How do we have people with Ed.D’s who demand to be called docktahs, people with MBA’s, and risk managers looking the other way while these disparities are glaring them in the face with me at the microphone every two weeks and me passing out fliers in the parking lots every chance they provide me a captive audience making crucial health decisions for 15,000 school children. These folks have appeared to demonstrate that they themselves don’t even understand these numbers by allowing the THE FSD’s RF report and press release to stand with what I believe to be preposterous readings and false and misleading statements of total safety. They just follow orders. If it is legal and the order comes down, they simply flip the switch. We are not getting what we pay for but we are certainly getting what we deserve if no one dares to speak up for these kids.
I firmly believe that these wildly varying numbers clearly show that the meaning of the FSD’s very own superintendent Robert Pletka’s claim that this is “totally safe for the children” is merely based on what I believe to be his extremely limited understanding of the issue, and a mere subjective interpretation of the facts. Ladies and gentlemen, that is simply a chance that none of us should be willing to take with our most valuable assets who happen to be our own children.
Barry Levinson on Fullerton’s fuzzy pension math.
Posted by Joe Imbriano in Forced irradiation of school children on May 30, 2014
A Friday blast from the past that has even more relevance today with the taxpayers even further behind the eight ball several years later. The last council meeting offered the potential for the city to get behind openness and transparency in municipal labor negotiations. What happened?
Look gang, all balloons pop. The question on this one is who is gonna be around to see it, hear it, feel it,face it and worst of all, pay for it. Looks like the joke’s on you and your kids and the establishment hacks have the taxpayers roped and this particular one fit to be tied. Buddy boy Blankhead didn’t look to happy as it may have been way past his bedtime. He can sleep all he wants now that he can really stretch it out. So what is so wrong with a concerned citizen taking some of his own valuable time and expending a lot of his effort pointing out that the sky is really falling?
Have things only gotten worse under the Flurry, the Ritzgerald (is she a RHINO?), and the dog and pony show Chaffee controlled council? Has the hole for the taxpayers gotten deeper? What about C.O.I.N? Will the Tommy’s truck be back on Tuesday nights? Great questions. Shall I elaborate on what our gracious leaders have chosen to bequeath us and our children with through the leaded, smoked looking glass?
Stay tuned.
A Memorial Day message from Barry Levinson
Posted by Joe Imbriano in The twighlight's last gleaming on May 30, 2014
On Memorial Day, a solemn day that our nation honors those that fought and sacrificed so much in order to preserve the precious freedoms we have here in America.
Well this report should question how our city can make arbitrary decisions that seem to fly in the face of those very freedoms that our soldiers have fought to protect for the last 238 years!
This true story starts with the passage of the amended sex offender residency restriction ordinance as follows: Rather than first incorporate the many modifications to the draft amended ordinance that were suggested mainly by me at the May 20 council meeting into a draft ordinance ready to be approved without any further changes at our very next council meeting, the council did this instead. They voted 4-1 to approve the unfinished amended ordinance with the proviso that the city attorney would make all the necessary changes before the 2nd reading of the ordinance in two weeks. Although hopeful that the many changes would be incorporated, I believe that the proper way to get this done correctly, was to first make all the changes to the amended ordinance and then bring it back to the next council for the 1st vote and reading. Rarely, in my experience does the council allow for any changes once an ordinance is passed the first time.
The concern that the city needed to move quickly because of a threatened lawsuit was a very poor excuse to rush this amended ordinance through at the May 20th council meeting.
You see ladies and gentlemen, the city leaders, i.e. Joe Felz, Dick Jones and Dan Hughes were notified that the vagrancy part of Ordinance No. 3149 which deals with keeping child sex offenders out of parks and schools was preempted by state law and that specific part of Fullerton’s law was ruled unconstitutional, according to the case Dermody vs. the people of California filed 4/11/2013. Since the city through our city attorney made no attempt to appeal this decision, the only other thing to do was to go back to council and ask to make the necessary changes to the law to place the entire law back into full compliance with the state. This was totally ignored by our city leaders until May 6th of this year; 13 months after the city knew the law was in violation, due to the Dermody case decision.
They not only squandered 13 months to act, but they unofficially decided at that time to not enforce the entire Ordinance, even though the residency restriction was and still is perfectly good law in full compliance with state statutes. For 13 months they let the council and the good people of Fullerton believe that Sex Offender Ordinance No. 3149 was still being enforced by the city’s police department.
Joe Felz did not have the decency to let my wife and me know the ordinance that we worked day and night on for over 7 months to get written and then passed in 2010 was not being enforced at all for over 13 months and counting. If you think we recently received any kind of apology from Mr. Felz, you would be greatly mistaken.
Why did they knowingly not enforce a hard fought and won ordinance to help protect our children from the worst kind of sexual predators, is a question all of you should ask our city manager, city attorney and our city police chief at the next council meeting?
It is scandalous that they would put our children at risk for their own self-serving reasons.
Finally, I thought Fullerton city laws that were passed had to be enforced unless or until the same council that passed it in the first place officially repealed them. I guess our city has “their own “special” way” to enforce or ignore laws at their own whim. The city IMHO, completely stepped over their legal bounds by arbitrarily and unilaterally deciding not to enforce the major part of Ord. 3149, i.e. the residency restriction as well as the vagrancy part.
Shame on you Joe Felz, Dick Jones, and Dan Hughes.
You do know better and should have done the right thing from the very start. Fullerton, the last time I checked was still a city in the great state of California and California was still part of these United States of America. When did the city decide we became a third rate banana dictatorship where the leaders can pick and choose at their discretion the laws they choose to enforce or not enforce.
If anyone does not believe that the city was not enforcing our Sex Offender Ordinance No. 3149 since last April 2013 through today, all you have to do is go to the May 20th City of Fullerton Regular Meeting Agenda statement. There you would click on the Assessment of City’s Sex Offender Ordinance, Agenda Item No. 7 to get the city attorney’s own write up on this issue, Subject: Assessment of City’s Sex Offender Ordinance, page 10 Item C.1. “The Dermody Decision”. There you will find this quote from Jim Touchstone, our Deputy City Attorney as follows:
“In April 2013, the Superior Court Appellate Division heard the matter and determined that the city’s park exclusion provision contained in the Ordinance (Section 7.150.050) was preempted by state laws and was unenforceable on that basis. Accordingly, the City currently is prohibited from further enforcement of that section of the Ordinance.* The city Attorney’s Office informed the City of this ruling shortly after it was issued. As such, the City ceased enforcement of the Ordinance at that time.” *
Based on the above quoted language, it is clear that we cannot even count on our city leaders to enforce current laws whose sole objective is to help keep our children safe. Remember the city chose not to enforce the entire ordinance when the court only stated that the vagrancy part of the ordinance not be enforced. This is a huge difference and one that the city has never explained to me or to our council either.
Please note that I, Barry Levinson added the bold face and italics for emphasis.
In conclusion, any concerned Fullerton citizen, student, business owner or employee should be outraged at the conduct I described relating to our City Manager, Joe Felz, our City Attorney, Dick Jones and our Police Chief, Dan Hughes.
All of us should attend the next Fullerton City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 starting at 6:30 PM and demand answers.
Thank you.
Barry Levinson
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