I REPORT, YOU DECIDE-by Barry Levinson.



I want to thank all the good people from all over California who graced our city with their presence last night at our Fullerton city council meeting. They really showed everyone there that the truth will win out over the public relations machine known as our current FPD.

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One of the speakers asked Dan Hughes to produce the DAR’s (Digital Audio Recordings) of those officers who arrested the protesters the day of January 18th, 2014 which will allegedly verify that one or more officers taunted the arrestees, with the chant, Not Guilty, Not Guilty with a broad smile. One or more of the officers then allegedly stated that when the protesters are handed over to the sheriff deputies, that they will have their faces beaten in.

Well I now demand that Dan Hughes hand over these DAR’s to prove whether or not those accounts made by I believe all those that were arrested are indeed the truth.

The clock is ticking Dan Hughes and we expect that information to be presented immediately. After all you always tell us that the new FPD is open and transparent and therefore, should have absolutely nothing to hide from the public.

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One more thing Dan Hughes. What is the more serious crime? A non-violent failure to disperse or a specific threat to 10 people in Fullerton Police custody that their faces will be beaten in by OC sheriffs. Sounds a lot like the threat that Ramos made

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against Kelly Thomas on July 5, 2011. images (20)

Since these terrible allegations against the police were reported extensively right after the arrests on January 18, 2014, why did you not have the answer to that question last night?

Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by slime balls on June 6, 2014 - 3:01 pm

    Ha Ha Ha-yeah The Register and Lou Ponsi. That’s a good one. The hooker pot head paper in town does a better job than that jackass and his rag of a paper. Hope he is on the furlough list. They can sub his slant out for 1/2 the price. Bull shit is cheap on the open market. It is even cheaper once the market closes.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on June 6, 2014 - 9:23 pm

      There are many good hard working people at the Register that for far too long that have allowed themselves to remain at the mercy of the editorial board. Now they are simply at the mercy of their apathy. They should have never allowed themselves to be gagged all these years. Now I believe the problem is that the Register has been hijacked by powerful interests which are now in the process of gutting it, and it will soon be completely transformed into a total propaganda machine. Big money bleeding red ink has no problem printing lies on yellow paper. These things are being gobbled up all over the country. When they don’t want to sell out, a plane crash solves the problem and covers the tracks.

      In my opinion, what is being done to the last vestiges of Orange County’s “Freedom” in the name of Freedom communications is obscene. There is far more money to be made in protecting agendas, suppressing truth and quelling dissent than there is in circulation and advertising revenues. Most people simply do not understand what is happening to the press and just scratch their heads. Others just bury their heads in the sand.

      The truth is marching on ladies and gentlemen. The sand offers no protection for you, your parents or your children.

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