Unlike ionizing radiation, microwaves cause molecules with electric dipoles (like water) to rotate in response to the field oscillation. The friction that this generates with the other molecules creates heat.  DNA is an electrically charged molecule, so microwaving it will shake it up. If it gets damaged by the shaking, then you’ve mutated it.  Structural isomerism is another result of microwave exposure and has deleterious effects in living systems.

There is also evidence that acentric fragmentation takes place via a non thermal mechanism which is known to produce deleterious effects in living systems as well.

Will the district look into the evidence supporting that the risks of RF technology are real? Will they allow themselves to become cognizant of the fact that there is a complete absence of research and long term studies on the safety of this technology’s proposed applications in the classroom setting? There is a total vacuum of empirical evidence in the scientific literature regarding the SAFETY of wireless classrooms and a virtual non-existence of studies replicating the proposed classroom setting’s duration of exposure to the developing young children and the intensity of the non-ionizing microwave emissions coming from these wireless devices that the children are being exposed to. There is, however, a plethora of studies that suggest exposure well below the FCC guidelines has deleterious affects.

Will the administration and trustees weigh in on whether or not the potential dangers to human health eclipse the convenience or will the expansion of the district’s wireless classrooms simply continue unabated? We will keep you posted as soon as we hear from them.

We at The Fullerton Informer will now move to agendize this topic at a subsequent board meeting so as to to enter the debate into the public record.

We welcome any comment from the district’s personnel or it’s Board of Trustees in the comments section of this blog to have a public discourse on this topic. May I respectfully remind everyone that the Fullerton School District and its employees have a duty and a responsibility to provide a SAFE learning environment, a SAFE working environment and, at the end of the day, they ultimately all work for US which includes the children, their parents and all the taxpayers. We all have a stake in this and we owe it to the children and the future generations for all of us to do our due diligence. None of us can afford to walk around with eyes wide shut on something that is simply glaring us in the face.

  1. #1 by Anonymous on December 4, 2013 - 11:58 am

    What the heck is wrong with these people?

    • #2 by Jamie on December 5, 2013 - 8:41 am

      They care about things other than their responsibilities to the children, parents, and community.

      There is not enough civic involvement to ride herd over the school administrators and publicly elected officials. They know that they are not being held accountable and can get away without doing their job and that is what is happening.

      It’s pretty ugly. If we, as citizens, are not engaged things begin to fall apart.

    • #3 by amateur night on December 6, 2013 - 6:19 am

      So that’s how that cast of characters on the board gets to keep their seats. Kinda like the city clowncil. Recall ’em.

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