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#1 by Paul Vonharnish on July 26, 2014 - 8:18 am
Many character assassinations and total cognitive disconnects perpetuated by “welcome from science blog”. I’ve been attempting to inform the public regarding EM emissions damage for over thirty years, so can spot a hired troll within a few sentences. Mr/Ms ? “welcome from science blog” is one such empty specter. When a person is of such intellectual caliber that they won’t even supply their true identity, it’s usually a liar or shill. Kindly ignore his/her attempts to exorcise reality…
Mr. Imbriano is attempting to disseminate FACTS as established by thousands of completed scientific studies and peer reviewed investigations into electromagnetic emissions effects, so let’s character assassinate him for it, right? Nah.
Let’s cut to the chase: When you allow corporations and mafia families to dictate the terms of your lives, you will eventually pay with the death of your entire populace. Cellular phone systems, wi-fi mesh networks, “smart meters”, DECK portable phones, Bluetooth devices, are an intentional death trap. There is nothing “tin foil hat” or vague about what’s taking place. The United Nations has openly discussed the culling of humanity over and over since 1948. This is famously detailed within the UN Agenda 21 documents. Read the actual documents.
This is hardly something to celebrate with your portfolio holdings. ALL pulsed digital technology is genotoxic, period. All high frequency pulsed RF emissions are documented to negatively affect autoimmune functions, period. Pulsed microwave energy causes calcium ion leakage across cell membranes, heat-shock protein activations, behavioral abnormalities, cognitive decline, permanent neurological damage, reduction of sperm count in males, single and double strand breaks in DNA, and the list goes on and on. None of this has been a secret for over 60 years. Read the early studies done by the Russian Academy of Sciences, NASA, the Department of the Navy. Your corporations are running extermination programs for profit.