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#1 by Ray on March 24, 2014 - 1:56 pm
Here we go again.
There are thousands and thousands of peer reviewed studies showing adverse effects to humans and other organism. When thousands of peer-reviewed studies report that wireless radiation damages genetic material and increases the risk of cancer, this provides more than sufficient evidence that wireless devices are a hazard to human health.
Given the risks at hand, and the depth of evidence, you can go debate yourself in the mirror about whether or not thousands of peer reviewed studies constitute proof.
I will say that there is a reason that the Italian Supreme Court ruled that cell phones cause cancer. It is because research that has not been funded by the wireless industry consistently reports that RF radiation causes cancer and other serious health effects.
iPads emit higher levels of radiation than cell phones, and are used for much longer periods of time.
As far as radio and TV transmitters, research consistently shows that those populations living nearby suffer from a higher incidence of cancer.
Although that is an issue, it is a flea compared to the elephant in the room.
WiFi is a serious threat to children’s health because the radiation levels are off the chart.
What are the radiation levels one mile from a radio tower? Less than 5 uW/m2.
What are the radiation levels in the lap of a child using an iPad? Over 90,000 uW/m2.
These levels are much higher than those found to cause DNA damage, cancer, neurological damage, infertility, leakage of the blood brain barrier, and a myriad of other problems within hours to days of exposure.