Looks like one of our 15,000+ hits yesterday struck a nerve in the belly of some sort of beast.

Is Autism  a direct result of wireless microwave EMF emissions acting upon the brains and intestines of  the anemic unborn, barbaric birthing procedures and vaccines?  Is this the medical establishment with their eyes wide shut, the Autism researchers  and foundations hiding up in first class and the wireless industry literally waiting in the wings staring them in the face together on a flight taking our unborn and newborn children straight into an uncertain future?  Get your tickets in advance for this one folks.   

Not too long ago, I put forth the following article on this very topic on this very blog: https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/



 Maybe so for now but this wheel turns awful fast. In the meantime, let’s hope all of their carbonyl iron levels are where they need to be as they all fly in circles on their flat earth.



  1. #1 by Ray on August 21, 2013 - 7:42 am

    Joe has it right.

    But there is more.

    New studies continue to be published each year that show biological effects at lower levels that were previously thought to be harmful.

    Today the research shows biological and health effects at about 3 microwatts per square meter.
    Next year it could be 1 microwatts, or even less, getting down into the nanowatts.

    We know that children are more sensitive and vulnerable to microwave radiation, as they are to many environmental toxins. Given this, we should err on the side of caution, and reduce the levels as much as prudently possible. WiFi should not be utilized in schools at all.

    In my experience, it’s really the teachers and staff whose addiction to the convenience of WiFi that is the biggest obstacle. The answer to this is the strong presence of many educated and responsible parents.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on August 21, 2013 - 10:01 am

      When the normal background level of microwave radiation increases trillion-fold in less than just one generation, the consequences are inevitable. Quantifying these consequences truly becomes the challenge.

      What we face is a complete lack of objectivity in the scientific community in terms of the direction of research and its funding in a sea full of red herrings being broadcast on literally every channel.

      Although it will be difficult, it will not be impossible for this story to break. Think in terms of what we face. The whole sexy wireless push is back dropped against what I believe to be an insidious clandestine eugenics agenda, with the blessing of the RF industry’s bought and paid for scientists, toss into the mix the bioethicists creation of its medical economics monster, and chase it down with the enforcement arm of this new medical tyranny and irradiation compliance system: the public schools run by agents of the state with their eyes wide shut,who are real placation, double speak experts that can’t stand being called lazy and stupid.

      With thousands of peer reviewed studies available warning against what they are doing, they continue to make the decisions for the children, that are in my opinion, not even remotely in the best interests of the children.

      Why do we have wireless LAN networks in operation all day in all of the FSD’s elementary rooms including kindergarten rooms full of 5 year olds that are not even using tablets or laptops? Some are seated as close to 9 feet from the access points exposing the pupil to trillions of times the normal background levels of microwave radiation that their own parents were exposed to as children? Why, just so the teacher can use their wireless tablet or laptop? Right now yes that is the reason.

      I believe at the same time, they are warming up the children and the public for the day that is coming soon. (FSD board of trustees has now put the district in the business of loan guarantees to FSD school foundations to purchase the high frequency microwave pulsed radiation emitting transmitter devices). They intend to place one of these microwave transmitters in the lap of every last one of your children in direct proximity to their sensitive developing reproductive areas.

      Call me what you want. I call it as I see it. Call me terse, rude, or even disrespectful? Perhaps, but considering what is at stake, what choice do we have when we are dealing with what I believe to be obstinence, deaf ears and authoritative arrogance. We are talking about children ladies and gentleman, your children.

    • #3 by Anonymous on August 22, 2013 - 11:38 am

      In regards to your point about these levels being so high, we have bright lights at night, toasters that heat coils, radiation from nuclear power. Why don’t you blame those as well?

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on August 24, 2013 - 1:08 pm

      The natural background levels and sources of various types of emissions in the environment such as lightning, static electricity, visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, and radio nuclide decay, are nowhere near the trillions of times the naturally occurring background levels of microwave radiation compared to that which WiFi and wireless technologies expose us to.

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