Looks like one of our 15,000+ hits yesterday struck a nerve in the belly of some sort of beast.

Is Autism  a direct result of wireless microwave EMF emissions acting upon the brains and intestines of  the anemic unborn, barbaric birthing procedures and vaccines?  Is this the medical establishment with their eyes wide shut, the Autism researchers  and foundations hiding up in first class and the wireless industry literally waiting in the wings staring them in the face together on a flight taking our unborn and newborn children straight into an uncertain future?  Get your tickets in advance for this one folks.   

Not too long ago, I put forth the following article on this very topic on this very blog: https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/



 Maybe so for now but this wheel turns awful fast. In the meantime, let’s hope all of their carbonyl iron levels are where they need to be as they all fly in circles on their flat earth.



  1. #1 by welcome from science blog on August 18, 2013 - 9:54 pm

    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    August 19, 2013
    Ray, it’s only been 113 years, so perhaps you’re unfamiliar with the equation E=hν. (That’s a “nu” not a “v”—this font is worthless.)

    That means the energy of a photon of electromagnetic radiation of a given frequency is Planck’s constant times its frequency. For 2.45 GHz photons, I get about 1.01384 x 10^-5 eV.

    The lowest ionization energy I can find is cesium, at 3.8939 eV. For biological significance, carbon=11.2603 eV, hydrogen=13.59844 eV, oxygen=13.61806 eV, nitrogen=14.53414 eV, and since you keep bringing up DNA, phosphorus=10.48669 eV. Even the lowest of these is a little over 1 million times the energy of the microwave photons we’re talking about. (And before you say it just takes a million of them to do the same job, there’s this thing called Quantum Mechanics—perhaps you should look into it.)

    The only harm microwaves could do to anybody is to raise the temperature of some body part to unhealthy levels, and that takes many times the power we’re talking about. If you were being exposed to high-power microwaves, the first symptom would be the vitreous humor in your eyeballs turning opaque, because it’s not cooled by blood circulation, and that would be readily noticeable. Any reports of that happening? Didn’t think so.

    BTW, they pasteurize eggs at 140˚ F, without any denaturing of the egg white, and I really think people would notice their eyeballs heating up to 140˚!

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on August 18, 2013 - 10:31 pm

      We are not talking about knocking an electron out of orbit, we are not talking about ionizing radiation. We are talking about electromagnetic emissions that are in a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum at 2.45 ghz which is where the maximum dielectric loss of water begins, where the FCC says go to town boys, just don’t cook ‘em, where most of the human body absorbs, and vibrations result in structural isomerism to things like insulin receptors via a non thermal mechanism. Insulin receptors don’t dig it especially when the soda has high fructose corn syrup in it.\

      These emissions contain energy. Any one of us can pull out the old equations and punch numbers into the TI scientific calculator. Not everyone is brainwashed into believing that low power to you may not be low power to a certain component of a biological system. They do things like leave extra parts in cells after divisions, make the remote control car go, the cell phone ring, make the human eggs unable to be fertilized, give sperm flat heads and weak tails, give the unborn autism, make the average person walk around in a fog. Studies you bet -peer reviewed, you bet-these effects-heck no. The largest class action law suits in world history would be well underway if the scientists went there. They can’t, they won’t and those that do, won’t be scientists for long.

      Oh yeah you say-prove it- show me the studies-Why don’t you ask your pals in the white coats that huff acetone all day to get their hands out of the glove box for a minute and ask the honchos for a couple hundred g’s to study just one of my Embryaino supposed ridiculous theories . I dare you.

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