Looks like one of our 15,000+ hits yesterday struck a nerve in the belly of some sort of beast.

Is Autism  a direct result of wireless microwave EMF emissions acting upon the brains and intestines of  the anemic unborn, barbaric birthing procedures and vaccines?  Is this the medical establishment with their eyes wide shut, the Autism researchers  and foundations hiding up in first class and the wireless industry literally waiting in the wings staring them in the face together on a flight taking our unborn and newborn children straight into an uncertain future?  Get your tickets in advance for this one folks.   

Not too long ago, I put forth the following article on this very topic on this very blog: https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/



 Maybe so for now but this wheel turns awful fast. In the meantime, let’s hope all of their carbonyl iron levels are where they need to be as they all fly in circles on their flat earth.



  1. #1 by Ray on August 18, 2013 - 5:53 am

    There is a much easier way to determine how much radiation children are being exposed to in the classroom, and it involves using an RF measuring instrument. Not only is this easier than doing all kinds of theoretical calculations, it is more accurate.

    Spend a week with a quality RF meter and you will know what I’m talking about when I say that the levels of RF radiation in the classrooms are millions of times higher than in low radiation natural environments.

    I personally recommend the Gigahertz Solutions HFE59B, as it has the ability to show the full range of RF emissions that are present in our environment. Go out into nature, where there isn’t a cell signal and you will get a measurement of 0.001 uW/m2.

    Then take the meter into a room with a WiFi router, and watch the numbers climb into the 1,000’s of uW/m2. Recognize that these are already 1,000 x 1,000 of the levels that are out in nature. This means levels of radiation simply in the room, roughly ten feet from the router are one million times higher than out in nature.

    Next test the wireless devices themselves. The Gigaherz Solutions meters are not designed to give accurate near field readings, but even at 3 feet away you will find levels of over 5,000 uW/m2. Those are at least 5 million times higher than natural areas.

    In order to get accurate readings of the levels that students will be exposed to if they are sitting one foot away, with certain parts of their bodies in direct contact with the device, you will have to look at studies conducted in laboratories. The IMTS 2005 study found that the radiation levels to the thighs can be as high as 120,000 uW/m2. The NRW Ministry of Environment brochure on wireless devices states that it can be as high as 50,000,000 uW/m2.

    If you really want to know the true absorption levels, as in SAR, well that’s another issue altogether, and much more complex. Something that we need to keep in mind is that the research clearly shows that children absorb more radiation than adults. So to me, it is common sense that we should err on the side of caution.

    If you look at the scientific literature, you will see that there are a large number of peer reviewed studies reporting adverse biological and health effects at the levels which are emitted within a WiFi enabled classroom. This is more than sufficient evidence to select wired internet solutions in schools. We are talking about our most sensitive population, and it makes no sense to risk their health, day in and day out to those high of emissions. It is unnecessary, inhumane, if not criminal.

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