Looks like one of our 15,000+ hits yesterday struck a nerve in the belly of some sort of beast.

Is Autism  a direct result of wireless microwave EMF emissions acting upon the brains and intestines of  the anemic unborn, barbaric birthing procedures and vaccines?  Is this the medical establishment with their eyes wide shut, the Autism researchers  and foundations hiding up in first class and the wireless industry literally waiting in the wings staring them in the face together on a flight taking our unborn and newborn children straight into an uncertain future?  Get your tickets in advance for this one folks.   

Not too long ago, I put forth the following article on this very topic on this very blog: https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/



 Maybe so for now but this wheel turns awful fast. In the meantime, let’s hope all of their carbonyl iron levels are where they need to be as they all fly in circles on their flat earth.



  1. #1 by Anonymous on August 16, 2013 - 10:31 am

    Apparently, a post was made on the facebook page which took issue with the CHART that is used on Joe Imbriano’s autism article: https://thefullertoninformer.com/carbonyl-iron-and-orange-county-the-autism-capital-of-the-state/

    Perhaps the poster should take this matter up with the Center For Disease Control (CDC), as they are the source of the data on the chart. Preoccupation with and attempts to shift focus onto sidebar issues and Joe Imbriano will not get the needed discussion going. All distractions are just that, distractions.

    The issue is getting a fair and honest evaluation of this autism hypothesis based on its’ merit.

    Aren’t you concerned about the rapidly increasing rate of autism, Michelle? Isn’t that the issue? Why resort to distractions? If you take issue with the autism hypothesis, go after it with concrete science.

    Michelle I thought you were a “scientist”.

    • #2 by Anonymous on August 16, 2013 - 1:21 pm

      Another poster bashed away and later admitted after reading Imbriano’s article several times he couldn’t even understand it? Huh?

    • #3 by eric on August 16, 2013 - 2:18 pm

      Can you post the comments here?

    • #4 by disgusted on August 16, 2013 - 5:36 pm

      I have sat back and listened long enough to the little clique and you know who you are. I have known several of you for many years. This issue seems to be bringing out the worst in some of you that I never would have expected.

      The most startling of my observations has to do with how you want Mr. Imbriano to be run out of town instead of coming to the stark realization that he may be correct. What if he truly is right and that we are irreparably harming our children? What if he has indeed found a way to stop hurting unborn children. Your vitriol and motivations are truly deplorable. I am still shocked.

      I never imagined that from some of you. Will you open your eyes to the possibility that we as moms, who truly know very little about the science or this issue for that matter, have become in our own ignorance, the real fools who should be ridiculed. Looking inwardly, one has to wonder what have we become? What will become of our children?

      The children should come first, not the empty promises of some public official whose interests in this topic are merely administrative, the industry whose interests are purely financial and school officials whose interests are questionable at best. Considering what they have provided us as parents as proof that this is safe, compared to what this site is linked up to on this topic is very concerning.

      It all just makes too much sense to ignore and the stakes are too high too leave it to chance. Call it maternal instinct, but something just isn’t right here.

    • #5 by Anonymous on August 16, 2013 - 8:17 pm

      These people make me sick.

    • #6 by amateur night on August 16, 2013 - 9:41 pm

      I have one of those barf bags from an airplane. I wonder if it came from one of the cats over at Executive environmental who slipped it my way. Did they bring it home from their jet set gig over Acacia on Jet Blue coming into LGB from Mccaren while they conducted their RF survey at 25,000 feet? I think I have the oxygen mask too. Did they think it was an extra part from their rented RF detector and were afraid to return it to the equipment rental counter? Maybe they thought they busted the thing. Next time they should use it while they are up there in that thin air. Yeah maybe that’s it.


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