Keep Our Children’s School Technology Safe: Apply the Precautionary Principle

Keep Our Children’s School Technology Safe, It’s Time To Apply the Precautionary Principle-by a loving, concerned Fullerton mother.

There are two sides of the argument of whether or not WiFi belongs in our children’s classrooms.  Let’s remember that it is not a question of whether or not technology will be part of the student’s education, but whether it is wired or wireless (WiFi).  Wired technology is a more secure and reliable connection with virtually no safety issues.  WiFi communication is achieved with microwave electromagnetic frequency emissions that result in our children being exposed to wireless radiation in the classroom.

Those who are pushing for wireless technology stand with studies funded by the tech industry, and tech industry’s literature that attest to its safety.  This side says there are no long-term studies that say wireless radiation is harmful. They also point to FCC guidelines as the reason to claim that it is safe.

Let’s look at the FCC guidelines.  These criteria were last updated 17 years ago, in 1996.  If we think back to that time, technology was very different from today.  The use and amount of devices has grown and proliferated.  Equally significant, the guidelines ignore non-thermal biological effects, which is the safety concern with wireless radiation. Given this, it could easily be said that the FCC guidelines are antiquated and, consequently, potentially dangerous.

Those who do not want wireless radiation in their children’s classroom can point to:

More than 5000 studies:

Letters from MDs, researchers and scientists imploring the Los Angeles Unified School District school board to opt for wired technologies:

Numerous websites (I’m still coming upon more):

WiFi In Schools  US

WiFi In Schools UK

WiFi In Schools  Austrailia

Citizens 4 Safe Technology

Center For Safer Wireless

Safe School

Prove It

Countless videos (this is not all):

Dr.  Magda Havas:  WiFi In Schools is Safe.  True or False?

WiFi In Schools:  Testing for Microwave Radiation Dangers In the Classroom:

There is not much we can do about antiquated FCC guidelines, and there is not much we can do about the lack of funding, which has prevented the needed long-term studies.  We can recognize there are two sides to the issue, and that we must, above all else, provide for the safety of our children.  The safety of our school technology must come first, over its method of delivery:  wired or wireless.

Recognizing the disparity of  these two viewpoints, it is imperative that we act in the best interests of the children.  To do so, we acknowledge the two sides and use the precautionary principle.  As Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Director, Center for Family and Community Health, University of California, Berkeley, in a letter dated February 8, 2013, to Los Angeles USD:

“The precautionary principle should be applied to this critical policy decision.  This principle, developed at a U.N. environmental conference in 1992 states that in the absence of scientific consensus if an action has a suspected risk of causing harm, the burden of proof it is not harmful falls on those taking the action, and all reasonable measures to reduce the risk must be taken.”

There is an “absence of scientific consensus”; there is “a suspected risk of causing harm”; the “burden of proof” rests with the side pushing wireless radiation into the classroom.  That side has not met the burden of proof that it cannot harm our children.  The “reasonable” measure is right in front of us and it will not harm our children, it is wired technology.

Let’s not risk the health of our children, let’s do the right and precautionary thing and keep safety first with our school technology.  Let’s apply the precautionary principle and use only wired technology in our schools.  The F.S.D. has a world class opportunity to do what we believe is the right thing.

  1. #1 by Veritas on July 28, 2013 - 3:12 pm

    What do you say, Dr. Pletka? For our children’s health and safety, let’s apply this precautionary principle.

    • #2 by amateur night on July 28, 2013 - 7:02 pm

      Pletka and Craven get their orders from Torlakson, Obama and the Feds, the grease from the FCC, and the dough from the foundation over at Acacia.

      You think that they are going to listen to some 2 bit padres and this story that just so happens to be wrapping itself around the globe with these cats as the main attraction. No way man, power never concedes. But holy cow man, when this thing all pans out and the genie gets out of the bottle, what are they gonna tell their kids?

      Really Bob, it is totally for safe for the kids huh? What is this romper room? Oh it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood, as long as you aren’t locked in the lab. Listen, this thing is a no brainer. It ain’t worth the risk.

    • #3 by amateur night on July 28, 2013 - 7:23 pm

      The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    • #4 by Joe Imbriano on July 28, 2013 - 9:21 pm

      Great point.

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