For Immediate Release July 1, 2013 FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT RELEASES REPORT ON RESPONSIBLE USE OF WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Robert Pletka, Ed.D. Superintendent, Fullerton School District (Fullerton, CA)





  1. #1 by EMR Safety Consulting on July 2, 2013 - 4:16 am

    I have over 20 years experience measuring EMR radiaiton. I can say without a doubt that the readings presented in this report are absolutely false and misleading.

    In this day and age, I recommend that everyone have access to a basic RF meter. Decent ones can be purchased for as little as $100. Currently I recommend the Cornet ED78S.

    There are a large number of doctors and scientists who have recognized the relationship between the exponential rise in the levels of EMR radiation that we are now exposed to, and the unprecedented increases in health issues.

    See: Freiburg Appeal

    What the public most needs to understand is that the industry plays a numbers game on the unaware and uneducated public, leading them to believe that the emissions from wireless devices are “low”.

    They may be low as compared to placing your child in a microwave oven, but that is not what you want to be comparing to. We should instead compare to natural background levels. If you do, you will see that the microwave radiation levels emitted by iPads are over 50 million times higher than what your father, mother, grandfather and grandmother, great grand parents, and all ancestors before you ever experienced.

    Think about that. The microwave radiation levels in the classroom are over 50 million times higher than natural levels.

    These are levels that are millions of times higher than those at which biological effects are reported in today’s science.

    If you don’t have access to an RF meter, a good place to begin to understand RF emissoins is with the many videos online of health advocates meauring RF emissions from iPads and other wireless devices.

    Although these are amateur videos, they are valuable for many reasons, one of which is that they utilize a wide variety of different measuring instruments.

    The end result is that they all show much higher levels than what the Fullerton School District Claims are being emitted from their equipment.

    Video 1: Microwave Dangers in Your Home:

    Pause the video on 3:34 and see a Gigahertz Solutions HF59B measuring an iPad up close. The RF emissions from this iPad are so high that they are maxing out this professional grade instrument.

    Video #2 iPad WiFi Radiation with Wireless Router on

    Again, peak readings in direct contact with this iPad are so high that they max out this Accoustimeter RF meter.
    (6 V/m = 9.5 uW/cm2), which is 950 times higher than Fullerton readings.

    Video #3 Dangers of WiFi Radiation

    At around 2:26 the person is standing in another room, 25 feet away from the RF source, and the readings are still higher than Fullerton iPads at a 1 foot distance.

    Video #4 WiFi Laptop Emits More Microwave Radiation Than Cell Phone

    At around 1:30 there are measurements being taken of a small laptop at a one foot distance. Peak readings are in excess of 3 V/m = 2.4 uW/cm2 (300 times higher than Fullerton iPads)

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on July 2, 2013 - 11:46 am

      Thank you for weighing in and shedding light on this very issue that appears to be baffling those who hold themselves out to be the experts.

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