For Immediate Release July 1, 2013 FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT RELEASES REPORT ON RESPONSIBLE USE OF WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Robert Pletka, Ed.D. Superintendent, Fullerton School District (Fullerton, CA)





  1. #1 by Ray on July 1, 2013 - 5:03 pm

    This industrial hygienist firm made serious and gross errors in their report.

    Anyone with experience measuring RF radiation will immediately recognize that the peak data values provided are not even in the right universe.

    It is plainly obvious that this crew had no idea what they were doing.

    The report details that “Executive Environmental” consultants came in the first time with a rented RF meter that wasn’t able to detect WiFi. How telling. This was not a firm with experience measuring RF radio frequency microwave radiation.

    “After further research and discussion with the District, it was decided to rent a much more sophisticated instrument, which could detect lower levels of RF”. What this indicates is that they were learning as they went. This is unacceptable given that they were investigating a health and safety issue in a school environment.

    The school district went with firm who they knew would give them the kind of treatment and results that they were seeking. They didn’t want a firm with expertise, experience, or know how. It’s obvious that this was not a priority for the school district.

    • #2 by oh yeah on July 2, 2013 - 9:19 pm

      tax dollars hard at work?
      sounds like “Executive Environmental” was doing on-the-job training

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