For Immediate Release July 1, 2013 FULLERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT RELEASES REPORT ON RESPONSIBLE USE OF WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Robert Pletka, Ed.D. Superintendent, Fullerton School District (Fullerton, CA)





  1. #1 by Irate Parent on July 4, 2013 - 10:27 am

    Dr. Pletka,

    It appears that from what I perceive to be multiple factual errors in your press release that you have spent little to no time researching this issue. You state to the public that the safety of the students is of your highest priority, however it appears that your inability to grasp even the most basic facts shows otherwise.

    You stated that the LAUSD District Precautionary Threshold Level is the same as FCC guidelines. Actually the FCC allows for public exposure levels of 1,000 uW/cm2 which is designed to protect against ACUTE BURNING and AND TOTALLY DISREGARDS NON THERMAL EFFECTS, when the LAUSD Precautionary Threshold Level is set at: 0.1 uW/cm2. This is a ridiculous assertion that I believe to be designed to confuse the unsuspecting parents of The FSD. Shame on you.

    The FCC and LAUSD Threshold Levels are 10,000 times apart.

    FCC: 1,000 uW/cm2
    LAUSD: 0.1 uW/cm2

    Given that this health and safety issue was placed before you months ago, it is unbelievable and unconscionable that you don’t even have a grasp of these basic facts.

    According to the Fullerton Executive Cabinet Salary Schedule, you are paid $200,000 (plus benefits, pension, etc) for only 224 days of public service per year.

    That is a substantial salary and with it comes substantial responsibility, the most basic of which is to ensure the health and safety of our children while they are at school.

    Given the depth of evidence placed before, including piles of peer reviewed studies and expert testimonies from many top scientific and medical authorities, you have had a personal responsibility to conduct a thorough investigation of this health and safety issue. In my opinion it appears to be clear that you have done no such thing.

    Dr. Pletka, what you fail to understand, on a most basic level, is that there is an enormous and compelling body of scientific literature reporting biological and health effects from RF microwave radiation at levels found in a WiFi classroom environment. Rather than to ignore this science, it is your responsibility to understand what levels are and are not safe.

    The scientific record currently reports biological effects at 0.003 uW/cm2, which is much lower than radiation levels present in a WiFi classroom. I believe that due to what I perceive is your authoritative arrogance, you issued in your public statement a false assurance that exposure levels within the school are safe, when in fact the science shows otherwise.

    Dr. Pletka, it appears that in my opinion you have mislead parents about the safety of their children, you have refused to properly investigate this issue, you have hired an unqualified firm that took slipshod measurements, and then you issued what appears to be a false assurance of safety to the community. In my opinion, you do not deserve the chair that you sit on.

    I can guarantee that your salary, no matter how cushy of a lifestyle that it affords you, is in no way worth the consequences that you face when parents realize what you have done.

    • #2 by amateur night on July 4, 2013 - 11:19 am

      Man alive, you go girl or boy or whatever you are and by the way stop calling him docktah.

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