Looks like Jones and Meyer’s Kranker got kranked at the courthouse yesterday.

Jones and Meyer’s Kranker-taxpayer funded eviction attorney

Air Combat USA files a $500 million dollar lawsuit against the Fullerton airport manager and the City of Fullerton by Barry Levinson.

Aircombat USA had filed a 500 million dollar lawsuit against the city of Fullerton alleging everything this guy has been trained for. Yes the city of Fullerton has got their man.

“In his more than 25-year career, Mr. Kranker has tried cases involving personal injuries, premises liability, breach of contract and landlord/tenant issues. Mr. Kranker has represented municipal clients in matters involving, breach of contract, premises liability, eminent domain, inverse condemnation, violations of Government Code…..”

Michael Blackstone, owner of AIRCOMBAT USA has his man too, and in spite of the allegations brought by Mr. Blackstone of lies, dirty tricks and corrupt dealings dealt him by the City of Fullerton, its employees and its agents, Blackstone and his attorney continue to clear the hurdles to bring this $500 million dollar lawsuit closer to a trial that is either going to send Michael Blackstone packing or bankrupt the City of Fullerton, and possibly even get some city employees fired.

Without evening opening the door to Kranker, the Judge posted his findings on the door with no furthur discussion allowed. Yesterday, the judge ruled that the show must go on. The lawsuit that has actually been strengthened thanks to the deception of Jones and Meyer, and with its ammended complaints, was ordered to continue its eventual trajectory into the docket.

Kranker and Ivy and the cast of characters over at Jones and Meyer have one more chance to derail this alleged trainwreck that city employees allegedly engineered from the getgo.  It all depends on whether the judge rules that a demurrer to the complaint will terminate the lawsuit or if the judge overrules it.


If he overrules it and the court allows the claim or case to proceed, that means that all those that have had a hand in the actions that Mr. Blackstone’s alleges will take the stand.

Ivy Tsai- attorney for Jones and Meyer

Don Hoppe Fullerton Public Works Director

Fullerton City Attorney Dick Jones

Former Fullerton City manager Joe Felz 

Fullerton Airport Manager Brandon Oreilly (L) and La Habra narcotics officer Doug Sims (R) owner of Hangar 21 Helicopters

Air Combat USA’s Michael Blackstone


We will keep you posted.


  1. #1 by Anonymous on March 6, 2018 - 9:11 pm

    The city is 100% representing their employee. Because he is named as an invidual in the lawsuit he can’t have the same attorney as the city. The city is paying the bill for the new attorney so it should be clear that they still support him 100%. Trying to make it look like something it’s not. Par for the course when it comes to team Blackstone. Actually is there even enough supporters to call it a team? I don’t think so.

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