Jack Hibbs’ mystery illness and the presentation at the church that the church doesn’t want you to hear.

There is a well known politically involved pastor named Jack Hibbs who is suffering from what I believe to be microwave sickness and it is probably intentional. I believe he is being targeted.

Calvary Chapel’s Jack Hibbs-Chino Hills

I believe all school children are being microwave targeted as well.

There are millions of children who are being sterilized at school by the the technology programs and it is intentional. What will the handlers of this mega church pastor who have ties to local Fullerton establishment operatives like Robyn Nordell and others who have ignored this information for years do with it now?

This presentation in the video below was given at a sister church just up the road from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and word travels fast. It is time for the wheat to be separated from the chaff as Jack Hibbs’ handlers have been put on notice. The man they love is being slow killed by microwave bombardment just like your daughters ovarian reserves are in the classroom in the schools. Yes this has been ignored by the so called christian conservatives in town that proactively block this message and the messengers attempts to convey it through the corrupted political circles.  Yes people like Robyn Nordell have had a special place in blocking this information and ensuring the continued demise of Fullerton’s children’s reproductive rights. Let’s see if Hibbs handlers will circle the wagons around a needlessly suffering man that they worhsip or if they can get past their foolish pride and do the right thing to save him and the children. It is never too late to do the right thing. That is the focal point of Jesus Christ’s message.



  1. #1 by Anonymous on April 30, 2018 - 11:03 am

    Sterilizing all or damaging the DNA or the #TranscriptionRNA being so damaged that any children born are damaged. Children have already been made into a commodity or used as a product. We will be bathing in radiation, deadly and damaging. Currently they are using our #SweatGlandsAsComponents or our #SkinCellsAsTransistors. Heating everyone up, opacifying the lens of our eyes, blinding everyone. Once we are at 5G the ability of Hemoglobin to carry Oxygen will BE IMPAIRED!!! Look where they are putting the towers, by hospitals, nursing homes, schools, High Schools, elementary schools, psych facilities, prisons…orphanages…getting the program? #Agenda21 Death to our bodies, our minds and any health left!!!!! 40 yrs in radium physics gives me insight…take it or leave it..Turning all into zombies. RFID and research Dr Jose Delgado, #MKUltra #MindControl

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