We know our roads are a disaster. Every person who lives, works or goes to college in this city should sue the Fullerton Government for all the damage they have done to all of our vehicles. How many alignments must be done over and over again do to the very poor conditions of our road? How many tires wear unevenly directly caused again by the condition of our roads?
Not only that, the city ignored the almost double digit raises Fullerton police and fire have received via increased employer/taxpayer pension contributions for the last decade.
In 2010, the employer/taxpayer pension contribution was approximately 33% of their base pay. Now 7 years later it is at or above 60% and going higher. That means that over the last 7 years taxpayer pension costs has increased approximately 9% a year on average. No private sector employee (excluding some CEO’s, COO’s or CFO’s) gets anywhere close to those type of raises. Add in 4 to 6% salary raises given last year to our fire and police and you have 15% overall salary package raises last year alone.
As Mel Brooks kept on stating while playing French Kiing Louis XIV….it is good to be the king….but it apparently it is even better to be a police or fireman in the City of Fullerton. I say this since Louis XIV grandson and his wife did face the chopping block at the end of the French Revolution yet pensions still are sacrosanct in California.
I report, you decide…. Barry Levinson
#1 by A Very Disapointed Disneyland Fan on December 16, 2017 - 1:03 pm
Yes I am very disappointed that a company such as Disney would hire Danny Hughes to an executive security position at Disneyland. Now I have learned that one of his crooked underlings at the FPD has been hired as well.
I for one will never set foot into another Disney property until they do the right thing and remove Danny Hughes from their payroll.