Barry Levinson

We know our roads are a disaster. Every person who lives, works or goes to college in this city should sue the Fullerton Government for all the damage they have done to all of our vehicles. How many alignments must be done over and over again do to the very poor conditions of our road? How many tires wear unevenly directly caused again by the condition of our roads?

We should file a class action lawsuit against the city for all these damages and more. When last year the police and fire unions asked for a raise, the city council said how high granting them raises in the 4 to 6 percent annual ranges when inflation has been under 2% for most of the decade.
Look at the 2016 salaries and benefits here:

Not only that, the city ignored the almost double digit raises Fullerton police and fire have received via increased employer/taxpayer pension contributions for the last decade.

In 2010, the employer/taxpayer pension contribution was approximately 33% of their base pay. Now 7 years later it is at or above 60% and going higher. That means that over the last 7 years taxpayer pension costs has increased approximately 9% a year on average. No private sector employee (excluding some CEO’s, COO’s or CFO’s) gets anywhere close to those type of raises. Add in 4 to 6% salary raises given last year to our fire and police and you have 15% overall salary package raises last year alone.

As Mel Brooks kept on stating while playing French Kiing Louis XIV….it is good to be the king….but it apparently it is even better to be a police or fireman in the City of Fullerton. I say this since Louis XIV grandson and his wife did face the chopping block at the end of the French Revolution yet pensions still are sacrosanct in California.

I report, you decide…. Barry Levinson

  1. #1 by A Fullerton Observer on December 16, 2017 - 8:31 am

    See Below how much Danny Hughes (who is still currently under investigation for his role in possibly obstructing justice in the former City Manager Joe Felz case) is costing the good taxpayers of Fullerton. Some “gifts” keep on giving.

    I calculated that over the course of Danny Hughes employment with and retirement from the City of Fullerton (if he lives to 83 years of age) will have received approximately 13 Million Dollars from the good taxpayers of Fullerton). 13 Million Dollars for someone who in my opinion deserves to be in jail for his actions as the Former Police Chief of Fullerton. That means over the course of approximately 63 years both working and retired he will have received in salary and benefits approximately 210,000 Dollars a Year or about 400,000 Dollars a Year for the years he actually worked as a Police Officer for the City of Fullerton. (31 years as a Fullerton Police Officer). Please note that based on current longevity statistics for Americans, a male at 50 years of age is on average going to live to 83 years of age. The last year of service for Danny Hughes was 2016, when he retired on November 11, 2016, which meant that he worked only 10 months, 11 days, and he still pulled in over 367,000 Dollars in Salary and Benefits. Not bad for a guy who acknowledged he spent considerable time serving in the role as a Police Detective not Police Chief while taking over the total investigation of one Barry Levinson in 2014. That investigation ended with Hughes filing a report to the DA asking they charge Levinson with a misdemeanor but unfortunately to Hughes’ chagrin, they were not filed due to lack of evidence. The man can’t even do a credible, honest job investigating a totally bogus misdemeanor case but was paid very handsomely as a Police Chief. Peeling the police skin of one FPD and its former Police Chief and you the public should arrive at a very different opinion of one Danny Hughes than the PR CRAP put out with taxpayer monies concerning our former police chief.

    We have learned that supposedly the investigation of Danny Hughes for his role in the Joe Felz fiasco is still open. 13 months later and the OC DA Tony Rackauckas is still investigating Hughes official role in obstructing a simple drunk driving and fleeing the scene investigation debacle. This police investigation was completely overseen by none other than our then Police Chief Danny Hughes. I think the OC DA office is waiting for the Joe Felz trial to go away, i.e. be closed by the courts and then will quietly close Danny Hughes so-called investigation with no charges filed against Danny Hughes. If that happens I for one along with many others will work tirelessly to insure T. R’s defeat for another term as our DA. For it is my belief that no DA should assist voluntarily in barring justice to be delivered even when police personnel are involved.

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