If you have access to an EMF detector which we at the Fullerton Informer do, if you take measurements of the microwave emissions of an in use cell phone and compare them to the emissions of a WiFi enabled tablet or laptop, how do you think they will compare?  The reality is that they actually in some cases exceed a cell phone’s microwave radiation emissions.

No one would conceivably allow 35 children to sit next to each other in an small room while talking on their cell phones for 6 hours a day, would they?  This is precisely why this is our specific area of concern.  Students using their WiFi enabled tablets or laptops for upwards of 6 hours a day at school and several more hours at home on or in direct proximity to their laps could possibly actually receive equal or more microwave radiation exposure than if they were talking on a cell phone for that duration of time.  High powered routers that are potentially hundreds of times more powerful than the home use versions coupled with 35+ WiFi enabled devices up and running easily compound the measured emissions.  That is effectively the scenario being played out with our children in our chic, nouveau, wireless classrooms.   Do you think this won’t affect your children? Think again.  The pilot programs are being expanded and soon enough all the children will have one in their laps.  Ask the school administrators as that is their plan.   Maybe you embrace this technology?  Please read on and PLEASE READ THE PRECEDING POSTS AND VIEW THE LINKS ASSOCIATED. FOR THE RECORD, I AM BY NO MEANS OPPOSED TO TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOMS.  I SIMPLY SUPPORT HARD WIRING THE DEVICES AS THE ONLY SAFE ALTERNATIVE. HARDWIRED CONNECTIONS ARE CLEARLY SAFER, MORE SECURE AND FAR MORE RELIABLE THAN WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY.

As adults, we would never contemplate keeping an in use cell phone glued to our head all day and for a few hours at night. The children are being forced to do the equivalent with their school issued tablets. Something deep down tells all of us that this would be plain stupid and outright dangerous.   One wouldn’t tolerate this behavior in developing young children.  This begs the question.  Where are the safety studies on young children being forcibly exposed 6 hours a day, 180 days a year for upwards of 13
K-12 years, packed 35 to a room with the wireless tablets or laptops radiating in direct proximity to their sensitive developing reproductive areas?  

The current ICNIRP’s safety guidelines for radio frequency exposures were only developed to protect healthy adult males from acute burning exposures lasting 6 minutes. All the scientific research to date have no studies on young children in this setting with this level of exposure.  Don’t buy into the “radio waves have been going through us for decades” line.  That is by no means a relevant analogy.  The intensity, frequency and distance to the source are by no means remotely analagous and no, the sun’s rays are not the same as a cell phone’s  emissions.   All of  this amounts to, in my opinion, a massive forced irradiation of our school children taking them into truly UNCHARTED TERRITORY.  The debate has been ongoing but it is now time for it to take center stage in The Fullerton School District. 

Ask your school administrators for the studies which comprise the basis for their determinations that this technology is safe.  You will be surprised at what you will be given .  Expect slickly packaged apples and oranges comparisons so read them carefully.  I believe this is an egregious error being committed on the part of what could be very well meaning and well intentioned but misinformed school administrators.

Of course you can pretend that I am crazy or perhaps even convince yourself that I am.   Fair enough.   In 10-15 years from now you will know with absolute certainty whether the risk was real.  If I was wrong, so be it. If  I was not wrong, however, then it will have been too late.  Just keep in mind that failing to err on the side of caution in this regard could have life changing,  multi-generational consequences which you can simply choose to avoid by demanding hardwired devices as the only safe option at  SCHOOL AND AT HOME.  Will your children have a  healthy future or have healthy children of their own?  Will they be able to even have children?  ONLY TIME WILL TELL.  Is this technology in the proposed classroom setting  applications  safe?  Is the convenience really worth the risk to the children’s general health and developing reproductive capabilities? We believe that the risks are real and we are not alone.  It is your call and it is your choice.  Make your voice heard now while it is still early in the game or forever hold your peace.

In the meantime, THE PLACATING FSD SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS AND THE INDUSTRY HAVE FORMULATED AN OPINION AND THINK THAT IT IS SAFE.  If you agree with them, in spite of the mounting evidence to the contrary, then may the road rise with you and may the wind be at your back and good luck.

If you agree with me, then you need to know that the road will be rough and the wind will be in your face.  In the meantime,  ask the administrators  and your colleagues to think again and please respectfully let them know that your children don’t eat Timothy hay!

  1. #1 by R.D. on July 23, 2013 - 4:34 pm

    Just like Doc Heehaw, Bankhead, McKinley the current school board sits quiet. They know they have a problem, but refuse to address it. No balls! Recall, recall, recall!

    • #2 by amateur night on July 23, 2013 - 5:02 pm

      R.D., these school board cats just snap their fingers and turn themselves into paper mache dolls while Pletka rolls out the RF report with readings that seemed like they were taken from the friendly skies above the old ostrich farm.

      Business as usual for the old guard in this town. I think that this wireless crap is a whole lot bigger than all these bobble headed claptraps in the joint.

      Recall? You buyin’ buddy? I like mine straight up.

    • #3 by Joe Imbriano on July 23, 2013 - 7:11 pm

      This whole issue is still under lock and key for the most part RD. It is just a matter of time for the school district officials and their loyal fans to keep the lid from blowing off of this story. It will ultimately get to and be up to the parents to decide. We won’t stop until every last one of them gets this side of the story and every year there will be thousands of new ones. Read between the lines.

      Upwards of 15,000 children in the Fullerton School District will be held captive in classrooms that most parents cannot afford to get their children out of. As Dr. Pletka stated and I quote :we cannot guarantee that your child will be free from contact with WiFi energy” you mean radiation Dr. Pletka. This is a direct result of the economic situation and the tax burdens imposed largely to support the very infrastructure that in my opinion, is potentially harming their children. Sure they started with free enrollment, free tuition, and free books for all. Next for some they rolled out access to free health and dental care, then the free lunch, and free after school care. It has come full circle and is now time to pay the piper and hand the children over to become part of the the largest forced irradiation of school children that the world has ever seen.

      You call this fear mongering, and alarmist? There are literally thousands of studies on this very issue out there that will make those of you out there that are in denial out to be absolutely delusional. 1 in 5 children have a mental disorder:

      Tablets anyone?
      It is all downhill from here folks or is it?

    • #4 by JBeck on July 23, 2013 - 9:00 pm

      “recall, recall, recall” agreed!

      And, they have no conscience or sense of decency.

    • #5 by Joe Imbriano on July 23, 2013 - 10:09 pm

      Oh, they have a conscience and a sense of decency. Their conscience is a collective one merely melded and shaped by an amalgamation of popular opinion and government mandates. As far as their sense of decency, I believe their silence on this issue as elected representatives lends tremendous insight into what I perceive to be a very relative term in this case. In my opinion, they have nothing to be proud of thus far.

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