Mike Oates-Is it more of the same planned for the FJUHSD?

Mike Oates posing with police union establishment operative goon Doug Chaffee

From: Mike Oates <oatesforschoolboard2018@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 5:03 PM
Subject: Interview
To: <joeimbriano777@gmail.com>

Hi Joe:

Thank you for reaching out to me.  I’ve decided to pass on a personal interview, but if you’d like to forward me a list of questions or concerns you may have regarding the Fullerton Joint Union High School District I’d be happy to respond with my position.


Mike Oates

Mike Oates posing with FJUHSD forced irradiatior and father of the microwave soldier who voted to put children in classrooms with sheet metal walls with 1000 percent overpowered microwave systems-BOB SINGER

———- Forwarded message ———
From: The Fullerton Informer <joeimbriano777@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: Interview
To: <oatesforschoolboard2018@gmail.com>
I am still hoping for an interview. In the meantime, as requested, here are the questions and per your statement you will respond with your position.

1-What will you do to end common core?

2-What will you do to address the public health crisis in the making and get the microwave weaponry (wireless chromebooks and Ruckus access points) out of the classrooms especially at Troy High School that has sheet metal walls and massively overpowed wireless access points designed to run hundreds of devices per access point when there are only 30 devices in each classroom?
3-What will you do about the medically inaccurate, morally bankrupt, mental health damaging and innocence destroying sex education curriculum?
4-What will you to allow me access to the take microwave radiation measurements in the classrooms specifically the ones with the metal walls at Troy and Sonora?
5-What will you do about the well documented out of control illegal drug use at all of the high schools?
6-What will you do about the massive mental health crisis in the FJUHSD that the microwave exposure combined with the screen time addictions and the common core has created by the actions of and the decisions made by employees of the school district and board members?
7-Will you immediately work to hardwire all of the computers being used in the FJUHSD?
8-Will you work towards banning cell phone usage on all campuses during school hours?
Joe Imbriano

Mike Oates posing w FJUHSD forced irradiator Karl Zener who sits back and allows children in classrooms with sheet metal walls with 1000 percent overpowered microwave systems


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Mike Oates <oatesforschoolboard2018@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: Interview
To: The Fullerton Informer <joeimbriano777@gmail.com>


Thank you for your questions. You have brought up some very interesting points. Though I can’t respond to what I would do about them right now, I will definitely do some research, and seek out the opinions of those privy to the statistical information and with a more knowledgeable understanding of the current status of these issues.

Mike Oates posing with police union establishment operative goon Doug Chaffee who has officially ignored the plight of the children in classrooms with sheet metal walls with 1000 percent overpowered microwave systems

  1. #1 by Anonymous on February 4, 2019 - 12:04 pm

    Joe can you please do a follow up piece to the well documented out of control drug problem on the Fullerton high school campuses. Specifically Fullerton HS. Our quaint little high schools will now have drug sniffing dogs on campus . Which is great but this “ new great service “ is a result of lack of transparency by Fullerton HS administration, Fullerton school district and the escalating on/off campus drug problem , on: off campus drug dealers that they kept parents in the dark about for 2 1/2 years now. Administrations lack of allowing things to escalate so bad and NOT ever reaching out to parents to be transparent with the problems is now resulting in drug sniffing dogs at our high schools. When has that become the new norm???? Especially in Fullerton. Somebody needs to start holding our highschool administration, school district accountable because Integrity, Character, honesty, transparency, and responsibility to the community of parents starts with our highschools administration.

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