Last year in BEAUMONT: 7 men were charged with 94 felonies over the missing $43 million and today 4 Beaumont officials plead guilty in a $43M embezzlement case.
Is Fullerton next? If it is, then this time, if it becomes a BIG STORY, with HUGE CROOKS, then they are gonna have to bring in some huge cots at the jail.
Where did all OF FULLERTON’S road repair money go?
Joe Imbriano questions why Fullerton has totally abandoned almost all street repair for decades. All other surrounding cities have the same issues with out of control pensions, payroll, and benefits costs and yet these surrounding cities have managed to repave all of their streets year after year and keep their streets in workable order.
We want answers and we aim to get them. Use your head folks, do the math. We are not talking about advanced math, just basic elementary simple math. 90 percent of our roads are total shit folks and the result of city officials, city employees and elected representatives completely and totally ignoring the problem, and not just for years but for decades! This means that there has been 30 plus years of elected and appointed officials who have failed to do their jobs in the most rudimentary way and it is past time that all of them collectively be held to account. Some of these leaders act less like the gods that they think they are and really act more like the godfather.
Meanwhile, Fullerton, with its huge property tax and sales tax base has its streets, water mains, and sewer pipes, almost all 200 miles of them crumbling in ruin while these stool pigeons on the council look the other way and push for massive highrise development and dirty favors for their crony pals. No longer will this and other issues be ignored.
Open your eyes. Something is seriously wrong in Fullerton that in my opinion, is going to make the Bell and Beamont scandals look like a lemonade stand heist.
You decide for yourself.
#1 by Barry Levinson on December 21, 2017 - 9:51 am
I say that all Fullertonians must wake up to the reality that our Fullerton government over decades has failed us miserably!
Where did all that tax money that all other cities spent on properly maintaining their roads go in Fullerton?
City Council members give us detailed substantive answers if you can or step down.
We the good people of Fullerton have been patient for decades. City Council has used up all of our collective patience.
Meaningless slogans like “I Love Fullerton” ring hollow and disingenuous to us.
Will a similar fate that has befallen Beaumont happen to our city leaders?
We ask that the FBI, Ca state law enforcement and our seemingly nonexistent OCDA Office investigate the apparent disappearance of the vast majority of our road repair dollars.