1. #1 by Barry Levinson on October 16, 2016 - 2:37 pm

    If this security guard is receiving any disability benefits for his supposed physical condition, then it raises the question that he may be milking a system to help those in real need.

    It seems to me that too many fellow Americans are so fed up with the depth of our Government corruption and the fraud, waste and abuse that it creates that many do not feel at all guilty to milk the system as well. It remains to be seen whether this security guard is guilty of such conduct.

    • #2 by Danny Boy on October 17, 2016 - 10:44 am

      Entirely possible but hard to say. The California work comp system underwent so many changes over the years, it’s now an almost impossible system to work with. So much frustration for so many people. I know it’s very common for people to medically retire, get retrained in another profession paid for by the system, and then have another productive career. I know many medically retired cops that do all different types of security. The qualifications and requirements are probably very basic to be a security guard, so I’m sure medically retired and working as a security guard is just fine.

    • #3 by Anonymous on October 17, 2016 - 4:06 pm

      Danny Boy admits the following:

      “I know many medically retired cops that do all different types of security.”

      So Danny Boy admits that police officers after getting up to a 90% disability pension for life, which shields half of their pension from taxation, they then choose to rip off the system by doing similar work, i.e. security work. If you can do security work then they did not deserve and therefore should never have qualified for their disability pension.

      The system is totally broken and those that are supposed to enforce our laws abuse them.

      Those police officers are laughing at all the taxpayers as chumps.

    • #4 by Danny Boy on October 17, 2016 - 11:25 pm

      They get nothing close to 90% for medical unless they also have longevity Retirement which is 28-30 years of work.

      Remember Sissy was medically retired and all was found legal and well.

      Yes medically retired cops can work almost any job. Once retired, no restrictions. Once retired, no ties to anything.

    • #5 by Danny Boy on October 22, 2016 - 9:39 am

      Isn’t it great we can all have opinions? It’s what makes the world go round. If you don’t like the system, fix it. If you are the minority in opinion, you lose. Sorry.

    • #6 by Fullerton Lover on October 22, 2016 - 6:54 am

      …although this story of a OC Deputy Sheriff being charged with workers compensation insurance fraud is a start, I have to wonder if the OCDA would be actually be charging this deputy with a crime if they hadn’t been confronted with a pile of evidence that the worker’s compensation Investigator uncovered ?


    • #7 by Danny Boy on October 22, 2016 - 9:41 am

      Who hired the investigator? Cities and counties hire investigators all the time during claims. Post claims, nothing anyone can do. Remember Sissy? I’ve seen many get better after 5-10 years with tons of work on their bodies. But they can’t be cops anymore, but are fully capable of being contributing members of society, like Sissy. So your belief that someone else found this guy committing fraud is laughable. It was the same people you claim to laugh at.

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