1. #1 by Barry Levinson on October 5, 2016 - 1:12 pm

    If anyone thought I was too harsh with Bruce Whitaker on the video above consider this. He had for the 5th, 10th or 50th time the opportunity to make a motion to change when a deadline specific agenda item comes before the council. What did Bruce Whitaker do after I presented this simple option to him? He did absolutely nothing for the rest of the council meeting. No motion, no discussion, no acknowledgement of this simple and quick fix to a problem that has been going on at city hall for a very long time. This tells me that this issue is not due to a city council or city manager oversight but is indeed done intentionally.

    With regard to Bruce Whitaker, I think it is way past the time that he is held to account for his failures to the people of Fullerton. The truth is what I clearly highlighted during the October 4, 2016 public comments. The facts are that Bruce Whitaker did not even attempt to do the right thing for the people of Fullerton, even ever my comments at city council. I call someone who makes such a big deal over lack of disclosure and then intentionally helps to perpetuate that situation going forward, a complete fraud and phony. He is definitely someone who has earned a one-way ticket off our city council after 6 years performing his political theatre.

    • #2 by Joe Imbriano on October 6, 2016 - 10:56 pm

      The only reason Bruce is being slammed so hard is because he pastes on this veneer of being a conservative statesman. This type of behavior is to be expected from the rest of them but many people have put their trust in Bruce to do the right thing. He has a lot of people fooled but in reality, he is an establishment operative who maintains the status quo by pontificating when it is too late and never acts when it could make a difference.

      This business of approving the mystery grants and blank contracts is a complete and total dereliction of duty. These people are supposed to be looking out for us and instead, are taking orders from Felz and company. Like Barry said, Bruce huffs and puffs but never goes far enough to blow the house of political corruption down.

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