I pledge allegiance to the wall………………………

You cannot make this stuff up folks. We vistited a city in Mexifornia and we call out the illegal alien on a city commission but not until the city commission PLEDGES ALLEGIANCE TO THE WALL!

I ask some very basic yet important questions and of course, well nobody decided to answer them. It is where we are ladies and gentlemen. Stand up for your country and the rule of law our founding fathers established and our veterans fought and died for. This is a must watch and a must share.



  1. #1 by Wesley Archer on June 16, 2018 - 2:17 am

    I have to say, I have spent several years researching what Joe has been talking about.
    We have all been lied to, talked down to and treated as we are all thick. Are we thick?? Some out there are scared to more of the truth than the lies, so will follow the lies and ignore the truth… Until it is too late.
    I am a pro lifer, life means more to me than material things. The lord said “Have no fear for I am with you.” Ok, it may be part of a verse, but when we accept the truth and go through that breaking point, the fear goes. The moment we become comfortable with our surroundings is the moment our security becomes less.
    How best to control a large population of people? That is very easy. Put them in places that are registered, give them devices that can be tracked, ensure all those portable devices have at least one camera.
    Then we use legal law, we use it to squeeze the very little money out of those who really dont have any, or threaten them with imprisonment. If you do not conform, we will use violence. Fear of pain is great tool when manipulated correctly.
    The money you have in you pockets, it is not yours, it belongs to our institution, it belongs to my bank. Services go offline often for “Maintenance” but in reality it takes very small amounts, 1 or 2 cents or pennies from all accounts. With the amount of accounts there are, how much do you think that is in total?
    But, there is so much more than you really realise.
    Time is running out, fast and if you want to protect those you love, understand how the planet works, how the human body works, how to live from the earth and get the heck out before your slave to the system becomes more aggressive and more of hell than your heaven.
    You are frogs, put into a cold saucepan of water, then the heat has been turned on. All you have to do is realise the heat has been switched on and this comfortable heat you are feeling is getting hotter. JUMP OUT NOW, before the salt and pepper are put in.
    The truth shall set you free.

    Peace of Yahweh be with you. Let him tare the claws of the enemy from your heart.

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